Control by Fear
It’s all about control.
In the '80s it was acid rain. Pollution would fall into our lakes and rivers then evaporate out into the clouds then rain down on us as acid rain. There was an energy crisis and oil crisis and gas guzzling cars were clawed back.
Next they use the term Global Warming* saying that all our actions as humans are warming up the planet and later you will see Al Gore talking about the ocean levels Rising and flooding out coastal areas like New York and California.
[ *also presumptuously insinuating that the world is a globe lol - not sayin it is or it isn’t, jus sayin, they didn’t call it Earth warming or planet warming now did they!? ]
Then they realized that the term climate change is better to use than global warming because by saying climate change means they can blame you for whether it gets too hot or too cold! Both are your fault!
According to Trudeau you used too many plastic straws and that's why the weather got warmer. What do you feel to mention were that the lids to the cups were also made out of plastic. He also failed to mention that the chemicals used in the process of making paper straws is worse than plastic and because they break down people using paper straws are taking these chemicals into their bodies and they are what is known as forever chemicals that is they never break down!
Can we do better as far as pollution? Of course we can but the government which is supposed to work for us as we pay them through our tax dollars, instead dictates to us and blames us for everything. They use global warming or climate change as they now call it, to fear monger us into doing what they want! The same as they use the fear of a virus so that everybody would flock to their experimental injections it's just a means of control.
Instil fear into the people then tell them that you will protect them in some way. It's the age old tactic of problem / solution.
People quickly forget that just a few years ago they had online interactive maps fearing the people, showing how the virus would spread across the world and kill everybody unless they took the injections! People forget how the 24/7 barrage of media non-Stop would keep fear in the hearts of people! People forget that just a couple of years ago no matter what number you put into Google followed by the word “cases” would bring up an article with that many cases someplace around the world! They have since changed their algorithms and that no longer applies.
I still wonder how the supposedly worst virus in the world, Ebola, never managed to cross any borders. It stayed in Africa like a good little virus whereas the “Covey” was much more liberal and didn't mind traveling! Bizarre isn't it!?
By using the fear of global warming they can control the people into anything. The can justify the 15-minute cities telling people that by traveling too much or going more than 15 minutes from where you live will cause global warming. They can fear people into electric cars which are easier to control. The new electric cars like Tesla's rely on a central server. Without the central server the car won't run as we have witnessed with “glitches” in the past, cars not running or locking people in or out of “their” cars.
A mechanic I know who specializes in auto electronics told me he had a Tesla in his shop that tapped a curb with the tire. Didn't even touch the car but the car thought it was in an accident and completely shut down. $100,000.00 car had to be flatbedded to a Tesla shop to unlock it at the cost of $2,000 to the owner. With so much Electronics on a car they are easy to manipulate remotely. Cars can be locked, unlocked turned on turned off, tracked, and worse, people spend hours per day sitting on these batteries!
When the electric cars go wrong the electronics fry and nothing works meaning you can't unlock your doors or roll down your windows and when they burn they burn so well that even submerged under water, they still burn!
The bottom line is that we certainly don't need more third-party involvement into our mode of transportation or our lives! Pre-1980s cars had no electronics except for a radio. Today's cars are completely reliant on electronics and computers which, in my estimation, is not cool.
Fuel injection although experimented with in the 50s was not prevalent in passenger cars until late 80s early 90s taking the place of naturally aspirated carburetors. Fuel injectors use a very rudimentary type of computer telling the car how much gas to inject into each cylinder but that's nothing compared to the computers and electronics used on today's cars.
The more control they have over us or cars, just like the wef website used to say before they pulled it down, “you will own nothing and be happy”. How can you own a Tesla if it requires a third party to allow it to drive or not? It's a fictitious form of ownership that makes the owner think he owns it but in fact it's still controlled by Tesla. You get to use it and pay for it but it still relies on a 3rd party to make it work. This is why we need less interference in our lives from governments and corporations.
They aim to corral people into digital IDs which would be attached to a social credit score similar to what they've been using in China for years. For instance if you drive too far your social credit score will go down. If you eat too much meat, they claim that is against the climate and therefore again affects your social credit score negatively. By tracking and tracing they can tell how far you travel which again is tied to your credit score. In fact even if you hang around somebody who has a lower credit score that will also affect you.
This would all be tied to the cbdcs (central bank digital currency) which Trump says will not happen in the US let's hope he keeps his word. The US has been good and standing their ground. The rest of the world went to Celsius and metric system while us stayed Imperial, fahrenheit and miles per hour gallons instead of litres. So let's hope if the rest of the world goes that way, at least the US will hold the door so to speak.
The cbdc supposedly will take the place of money which is why we need to keep using cash! The cbdc won't even work if you are too far from your 15 minute City. By their tracking and tracing they will know if you use too much gas or eat too much meat and therefore once again your cbdc will not be able to purchase those items.
These are their goals. They've been trying to rule the world for many years. It's up to us to resist. Do not comply. Use cash wherever possible. As long as we don't go along with them they have no power over us but it's sad to see people flocking like sheep to the nearest injection site because the news said that there's a new virus that will certainly kill everybody unless everyone takes their injections.
This is why they need a platform, a common enemy such as global warming AKA climate change, to fear everyone into their way of thinking.
But since this is I Want the let us examine the truth and the history behind all this fear mongering.
Lettuce attend...
Climate Change
(formerly known as Global Warming)
The fact is that the earth’s climate has been changing all on its own for millions of years. Fossils found in the icy polar regions prove that those areas were once lush green rainforests. They froze over all on their own with no help from man.
Here's a picture from millions of years ago. lol. Of course it's an artist rendering but we get the point.
I typed “Polar regions were once rainforests” into AI. This was the summary;
In summary, polar regions were indeed once covered by rainforests, specifically during the mid-Cretaceous period when conditions were markedly different from today’s frigid environments.
Read the whole description from AI here….
I typed into AI; “Vast areas of ice were melting 15,000 years ago”
In summary, while ice began melting around 19,000 years ago with significant acceleration occurring after approximately 15,000 years ago leading into the Holocene epoch’s warming phase.
Russian and American scientists have learned, by studying the shoreline and taking sea cores of the Bering Sea, that during the Pleistocene Beringia fluctuated at least twice from being a dry landmass as the glaciers spread, which locked up the ocean water, to sea as the glaciers melted. For two long periods: from 75,000 to 45,000 years ago, and again from 25,000 to 14,000 the Bering land bridge was exposed.
Ice melted 15,000 years ago? - AI Answer here.
Link to article about migratory paths of humans and animals
Q) How did the ice melt from 75,000 to 45,000 years ago, and again from 25,000 to 14,000 exposing the Bering land bridge when there were no cars or industry?
A) It did it all on its own.
Fast Forward to today…
Miami Florida
Florida is one of the warmest states.
In January 2025, Iguanas were falling out of trees in Miami Florida because they got too cold to hold onto the branches. This is nothing new. It happens every year but further proof that there’s no global warming. Just ask the Iguanas.
💥☠️ Beware of falling Iguana 💥☠️
[ and falling coconuts! Did you know some 400 people a year are killed by falling coconuts!? It’s true! Look it up! Depends who you ask. Ai says its more like 10 people but we may never know because you could get hit by a coconut and it doesn't kill you instantly but years later you could develop problems from it and die as a result of the initial injury but not be able to track it back to the responsible coconut. The flying Coconuts can reach speeds of up to 80 mph! That’s almost 130klms for my metric friends. Incidentally, Ai claims nobody has been killed by falling iguanas (yet) ] OMG! There’s a video on that page where they are talking about 40 degree weather! For those who don’t know Fahrenheit, water freezes at 32F so 40 is well above freezing and they are talking about “warming centres” and “blood drives”! lmfao!
Jon Snow
New Orleans
Another southern state. They were playing hockey on a frozen street.
Al Gore on Global Warming
well surprise! I just checked in on this post a week after posting and “YOUTUBE” already terminated this user because they were posting the truth. Well FUCK YOUTUBE and ALL THINGS LEFTIST.
Former US Vice President Al Gore has been pushing the global warming fear for many years. He wrote and stared in a documentary movie called An Inconvenient Truth (2006) in which he said in 10 years time New York would be underwater because the ice would melt and raise the sea levels. That was nearly 20 years ago. As far as I know New York is still there. At least it was yesterday. I never checked this morning.
His example in this video of the ice cube at 2:20 doesn't make any sense. In his first example the Ice Cube melts and the water level doesn't change however in the second example the Ice Cube melts and the water level overflows the glass.
I have a few difficulties with his second example;
1) his example is referring to an iceberg on top of an iceberg although he is using ice cubes. How would an iceberg get on top of another Iceberg?
2) if those ice cubes melt the same thing happens because ice cubes contain oxygen so when the ice turns back to water there's absolutely no difference in the level.
When the ice cube or iceberg is whole it displaces the exact same amount of water as if it were melted that's why icebergs float because they have oxygen in them. Once melted the iceberg or Ice Cube no longer displaces water but rather becomes the water so there is no difference in levels.
In the late 17th century Sir Isaac Newton stated that “for any action there is an equal and opposite reaction” this is his third law of motion however it would also apply to displacing water.
If you drop an ice cube in a glass the level will go up however when that ice cube melts there will be no change to the level because the Ice Cube once displaced an area of water. Once melted the oxygen is released from the cube and the water level will remain exactly the same.
Sorry that above video was PULLED because Al Gore’s science was totally WRONG but here are some others from the 80s that said Florida would be underwater by now and some other bullshit.. These videos are on Bitchute, so far UNCENSORED. - this one says “were in a Co2 famine!”
more here if you still need more “evidence”
Co2 is not the enemy
Plant Growers add Co2 to their Greenhouses to increase growth. Plants grow 30% faster with added Co2. However the media, controlled by the governments, which are controlled by "them" would have us believe that CO2 is bad and is causing global warming, or global cooling aKA climate change.
Since everyone seems to be on DRUGS these days, here’s some people growing POT adding Co2
Only a few years ago, if you even possessed POT, you could be thrown in JAIL for Possession and if you possessed more than a little, WELL THEN! YOU are a DRUG DEALER!
Today the '“Government”, you know, those people that are supposed to represent we the people who are funded by our tax dollars? Well now pot and ALL DRUGS in some provinces of Canada are now LEGAL but ONLY if you buy it from GOVERNMENT LICENSED GROWERS! If you buy it from ANYONE ELSE, then it’s ILLEGAL!
Today the government takes over the drug dealer’s businesses thereby making the government the largest of all DRUG CARTELS.
Government are the DRUG DEALERS!
Now do you understand Grasshopper!? (current generation won’t get this but they WILL understand POT!)
Must read books linked throughout this post are;
New World Order by Ralph Epperson and
Bloodlines of Illuminati by: Fritz Springmeier, 1995 (archived on the CIA website)