Whoa! A post about Flat Earth and you’re still here reading! Welcome to the 1% !
The point of this post is not to prove the earth is flat or spherical. I could care less. Won’t change my life either way.
The purpose is that this platform is “I Want The Truth”. The exercise today is to learn to keep an open mind. Question everything. Don’t take things at face value. This doesn’t mean living in paranoia but it does mean, trust your gut if you feel like something’s up.
You know what the first lesson in martial arts is? A good teacher will first teach you to be aware of your surroundings. All the knowledge, all the training, all the technique you learned (think about everything we learned in school) won’t make a hill of beans of difference if you are focused looking down at your cell phone with things in your ears.
This is how they want you to think. They want you to be immersed in THEIR news, THEIR broadcasts, THIER teachings, all which filter down from the top of the pyramid.
Thomas Edison tried to capture light in a glass container back when the whole world was still lit by oil lamps. People thought he was crazy. It is said that he tried 1000s of experiments that failed to capture light but he finally succeeded. It’s hard to believe he was still alive in 1931. That’s not that long ago when you think of it. Imagine just the generation before him were still using oil lamps. If Edison just took everything at face value, “well, we use oil to light the darkness” that’s where we we would be now. Edison had to have an open mind.
Do you think you can have that attitude while reading this? Great! Lettuce attend…
Court Case
There was a court case in 2019. Zen Garcia offered 10,000.00 US to anyone who could prove the earth was spherically shaped and moving at more than 50mph. So he was sued by the plaintiff below in an effort to collect any “easy 10k” The plaintiff was a software engineer from Microsoft. The engineer thought he could prove the curve using computer programs but he lost. Flat earth won.
The judged ruled for Garcia stating that the plaintiff's evidence was not sufficient.
A few points to consider;
how can water stick to a spinning ball?
any water put in a glass or a bathtub or a swimming pool or an ocean, is always flat. We cannot curve water no matter what volume.
mathematically, we should not be able to see buildings from 30-40 miles away because of the ‘curvature’. The buildings should disappear behind the curve but they don't. They only escape the naked eye but with telescopes we can see buildings and structures 100s of miles away.
The ball shaped crowd argued that the plaintiff was not the right person to challenge in court, why didn't they bring Nasa scientists etc. Well, why don’t Nasa scientists step forward? Nobody has been able to prove curvature, speed or rotation.
So I asked AI. AI said, yes indeed there was court case in 2019 and flat earth won;
In summary, while there was indeed a court case in 2019 regarding flat earth versus global earth concepts through “Thompson vs. Garcia,” it primarily revolved around technical stipulations and did not validate or invalidate either theory scientifically.
so above it says NEITHER can be proved but AI agrees there was a court case.
so I asked a follow up question; "can you link me to the court case?"
As of today, January 30, 2025, there is no publicly available record or documentation of a court case titled “Thompson vs. Garcia” specifically related to flat earth versus global earth theories. The information provided earlier regarding such a case appears to be inaccurate or fictional.
So first AI agreed there was a court case but in follow up it says well there was NO Court case!
So the fucking "robot" or script of programming lies! Don't trust robots! Don't trust the government! You can click here if you want to see the full AI explanation.
King Philip said to his son Alexander the Great;
"Trust no one" and "Learn to be alone"
Furthermore, anyone talking about flat earth on youtube, you tube (owned by google) gets a disclaimer across the bottom saying that it’s scientifically disproven - really? So disprove it then! Or prove you can stick water to the outside of a globe spinning at 1000s of RPMS and moving 1000s of MPH.
Good vs Evil
I never considered myself as a religious type but I have to admit, is seems the more we stray from the bible, the worse things get.
It’s becomes so easy to see the two sides. Above we see it was a Microsoft software engineer that challenged the court to prove Earth was a ball. Microsoft was Bill Gate’s company and we know what school Bill Gates comes from, I don’t have to reiterate that right? I don’t have to remind anyone that Microsoft once used a witch as their spokesperson to launch their virtual reality goggles. After great backlash from the public, that ad campaign was quashed but it goes to show that this, one of the largest companies in the world, their first choice to launch their new brand was a satanic witch. I mean, a multi billion dollar company, with all the “latest technology”, with the millions of talented starving artists out there, that’s the best they could do? A satanic witch? Really!?
Here we can see that the same witch got a job with Zara retailer.
And here we can see Zara closed one of its highest profile stores in Toronto. Not today satan!
Are we seeing a theme here? Google is far left as we know. It answers everything with leftist views. Google owns Youtube, censors and / or put these “disclaimers” under videos pushing their leftist narrative. How many can remember when Youtube was simply a place to share videos? Now they censor, lower views, pull videos and add their own views under people’s videos.
How many can remember when news anchors were actually Journalists who would go out, research a story and report it back to the people? That ship has sailed too. Now they are just teleprompter readers. And who writes the scripts that they are to read from?
Conversly, below we can see Zen’s video on youtube. (He who won the court case) If you watch the video on youtube, you can see the disclaimer Google/Youtube puts under his video saying “we’ll let this guy talk on our platform but we will also say he’s wrong.” So you can see Google/ youtube is opinionated toward their own side; I’ve added the disclaimer here below;
Zen tells the story of earth from a Biblical perspective. The firmament of the earth is mentioned in the bible and you can see other references Zen explains in his video.
All the original maps related earth to a flat surface. Then all of a sudden, they change the concept to a ball. There were no ancient ball maps. They were all flat. So why the lies? What are they trying to hide?
Here’s a very compelling explanation. This is really in-depth and takes a lot of concentration (at least for me).
At 18 minutes, a traveler visits the “South Pole”. He explains how he was not permitted to see many areas.
You will see in the video that the south pole is not a single spot as noted on a globe map but rather an enclosing wall of ice that encircles the whole planet. Any travel from the north pole outward would show to be south. It’s quite an interesting video. Have a look.
Whatever the true reason why there would even be a discrepancy on something of this large a scale, something that we’ve all been taught through school, I have personally realized that we have the left vs right. Let’s not even consider politically. Good vs Evil is always challenged 180 degrees, backwards to biblical teachings;
In fact I’ve written lots about 180 here. If you go to the search magnifying glass at the top of the main page and type in “180 degree” you will see lots.
Satan hates God. Satanist claim they are atheists, not believing in God yet they believe the Devil to be their God. IKR!? It’s the definition of insanity! Satan is the Great Deceiver. There is no logic or morals when it comes to that side of the spectrum.
Satan wants to undo everything Godly. Satan hates humanity because we are God’s creation. Once we get our heads wrapped around this concept, it’s easy to see why all the conflict in the world today.
It’s easy to see why;
teachers are teaching children that boys can be girls and girls can be boys and there are unlimited number of “genders”.
terrorists are supported and paid millions while Christian priests are tossed in maximum security prisons
criminals get pardons and rapists and murders walk free
government can sell drugs and its “legal” while anyone else selling them is considered a criminal drug dealer
government can get away with murder while anyone else would be sentenced to life in prison or worse
migrants can walk across boarders and be treated like royalty while white veterans can’t even warm shelter off the streets
statues of our country’s founding fathers are pulled down while statures of criminals are erected
we can’t say the lord’s prayer in schools but migrants from other countries get special prayer rooms and we even have after hours satan classes but no lord’s prayer (note that it’s fine for Youtube to promote after hour satan classes but if you have a different opinion from that of youtube or google, then you get a disclaimer notice on your videos or you the video gets pulled or you get banned)
over 100 Christian churches can burn to the ground in Canada and nobody bats and eye but if a synagog or mosque is even scratched, it’s newsworthy for months
if it’s abortion, then it’s “My body my choice” BUT if you take your mask off or refuse the experimental injections, then you are an antivaxer/antimasker and there’s no “my body my choice” anymore.
forest fires start in the middle of winter and the left tells pilots “if you try to help, we will fine you or throw you in jail” private pilots and military were being ordered to stand down while Carolinas were flooding.
In California, the water reservoirs were empty. It took Trump to order the military to turn them back on.
We’ve been told for years that drugs are bad for you but now the government gives them our or sells them to you, even the worst hard drugs.
we were told that you’d be jailed for even possessing pot, now the government sells it to you
if a man went into a woman washroom, they would be jailed. Today they are FORCED to use the same washrooms! Toronto This is going on all over now. Schools in BC purposely closed male and female washrooms for everyone to use “gender neutral” washrooms. Its also in India, Im hearing of this all over now.
I could go on all day about this. The point is that Satan wants everything 180 degrees backward, completely reversed to God’s way. Backwards to Biblical teachings. This is why we see movies about demons speaking backwards, music with hidden messages played in reverse, inverted crosses, the baphomet creature pointing up and down as if up is actually down and down is up. They believe the darkness is light and the light is dark and so forth. Of course for the devil, Truth is actually a lie. Deception is his MO.
So you can see why flat earth / globe earth follows suit. It would make sense for another satanic deception of the world we live in. Satan doesn’t want God’s children to know if they are boys or girls or where they live. He wants to keep everyone dumbed down with “legal” drugs and propaganda on TV.
and the …
Censorship conceals the truth and prevents open, free thinking.
This was sent to me by a friend who only posted a link to a video on Facebook. It was not a news article as the response suggests. However the link was not Youtube which is already censored and vetted. If the link was from any other platform, apparently this is what you get. The video was not even “news”.
Sure it’s Facebook but now they blame it on the Canadian government. They’re all in it together. So what else are they hiding?
You know where else they only allow government regulated “news”? Places like communist CHINA or North Korea. Nothing else is permitted except things LICENSED by the so called GOVERNMENT. Licensees, have to conform, or they get their “licences” pulled and face fines or jail.
The purpose of this article was to have the reader consider that, hey, maybe I’m not seeing the whole story or maybe they are flat out lying.
Did it spur any thoughts for you? Would you reconsider things you thought were the truth in past to maybe to contain a shadow of doubt now?
You know in serious law cases like those of murder, when a person’s life is at stake, there can be no “shadow of doubt”.
“The mind is like a parachute. It works best when it’s open” ~ unknown