🇨🇦 Exodus from the Country Formerly Known as "Canada" 🇨🇦
Now nothing more than a communist sector of the Satanic New World Order. "Lead my people out of Egypt" sounds familiar.
50 cent dollar 10 years from now? How about now! Some 75% of what we make in Canada goes to TAXES! When you add up taxes on everything, even taxes on taxes like the new “Carboni Tax” which is only in Canada, yet they say its “Global” Warming right? There’s a TAX ON THAT TAX! That’s right! They make up a tax to combat a fictitious situation (as if money will help make it go away if there was such thing right?) Then they TAX THAT TAX!
Make a dollar, they tax you. Spend a dollar, they tax you. Buy a car, taxes, sell the car, more taxes, live somewhere, taxes and on and on.
Need money? Government prints it, lends it to you. It becomes a promissory note taht you will pay it back, with interest or they take what you got. Its the perfect system for keeping people enslaved to the government but they STILL WANT MORE!
And then they give away our tax money to help fund Trudeau flying around to his gay pride parades and give billions to Ukraine which is run by a faggot, and NAZIS and houses biowarfare labs funded by Bidens but hey man, lets send them more money.
They say the Canadian dollar is 70 something cents against the US but who calls this? I bet its no greater than 50c against it. Used to be a time that the Canadian dollar was worth more than the US dollar. Going to the US was a cheep vacation! AND we didn’t even need passports to do that back then!
Some are now permanent residence on Cruise ships because it’s cheaper than living in Kanada!
Peter won’t save you!
Sorry folks but Peter Polyvere (ya, I call him Peter cuz I can’t spell his French name). He’s already been indoctrinated up for the job. He’s already been positioned and selected by WEF to be the new Queen of the Sector of the NEW WORLD ORDER Formerly known as Canada.
It’s already a forgone conclusion. You can vote or you can watch The Bachelor, both are a complete waste of time. Peter will be in. Trudeau can be free to pursue his gay interests but there will be absolutely zero difference to Canada.
Peter is technically a “Conservative” but so was Ford until he was bought out by Gates in a meeting in the summer of 2019. Then he flipped 180.
Peter has already said he will support Ukraine, hates Russia. His wife was pushing the “Stay the fuck at home” slogan during last lockdown.
If your strategy is to rely on Peter, you need a backup plan because SAINT PETER is not gonna help us. Not one bit.
Control the Money, Control the Food, Control the Land
The Globalists’ Disturbing Plan to Take Over the Food Supply
American investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts warns, “Once they have control of your transactions, they can dictate your health policies, and they can dictate what food you can and cannot buy. So, if they don’t want you buying pizza, you can’t buy pizza. If they want you to buy pizza made with insect-based flour, that’s what you’re going to get.”
Canada 2050
US passes H.R. 6090
A Threat to the Christian Faith and an Affront to Free Speech
Really? Now we are to believe Jews didn’t kill Jesus? Funny how US and Canada pass the same laws at the same time right? It’s because WEF is running the show with faggots as their puppets who are easy pickin’s for Satan.
What to do
Exit! Stage Left!
(stage left means the Right side of the stage if you are looking at it from the audience point of view) .. because who would want to go “left”?
Some are seeking refuge in Costa Rica
Fucking off from the country formerly known as Canada
I’m out!