I can't even
How are we to believe the majority of people on this planet voted for things like this that don't know whether they are male or female yet they can run countries? They are SELECTED NOT ELECTED!
President of Ukraine
Yeah! Let’s all support Ukraine. Our own country can’t even pay the INTEREST on the DEBT we owe but let’s support the faggot Nazis. Putin BAD! Faggot Nazis GOOD! 🤮
Can you start to see how main stream media is pushing "Save Ukraine"?
The translation is "PUTIN BAD! FAGGOTS GOOD!"
This is how WEF wants everyone to model after, their "leaders" please click above link to meet the "leader" of Ukraine.
I've said for years now, "these people are groomed, indoctrinated and selected by (then) secret societies. They are marks put in positions so that the behind doors secret societies can "get their agendas done" without opposition.
They use fudge packers like this because they want their people to model after them. They are teaching this to CHILDREN in schools today "how to be a faggot" They even offer them "HORMONE BLOCKERS" when they are too young to even spell!
Biden's head faggot tried to get it pushed though congress that these hormone blockers would be MANDATORY!
17th Assistant Secretary for Health
for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Born Richard Leland Levine, now known as Rachel Levine
These are the "people" that most are taking their "health advise" from!
You’d let something like this inject you with an Experimental Injection that you have absolutely no idea what’s in it based on a story you heard on the Fake Stream News about how a virus was killing everyone on earth unless you take the injections? Can you hear how stupid and daft this sounds!?
Ebola was said to be the deadliest virus. Why didn’t it cross the road? Decided to stay in Africa.
These are the people most are trusting to "lead them" run their country etc. but when someone like ME says these people are satanic and wouldn't take any advice from them, wouldn't believe anything they say and CERTAINLY wouldn't INJECT MSELF with some GENE EDITING EXPERIMENTAL POISONS from them NO MATTER WHAT they used to COERCE me into thinking I should!
you're gonna die from a (fake) virus (why didn't the ebola cross the road?)
if you don't take it, you'll lose you job
if you go against us (doctors) will loose their licence
if you keep your church open during our shit show scare tactic, we will throw you in prison and take your church! Not just any prison, Maximum security, solitary confinement!
allow children, not old enough to vote or buy a beer to have themselves injected with this shit WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT BUT when little Johnny wants to play soccer, he needs a NOTE FROM HIS PARENTS!?
then they tell you if you DON'T inject your children, they can't go to school! Well what about MY BODY MY CHOICE? Apparently that only applies when someone wants an abortion! Abortion is loved by the Satanic Left! Please see “PLANNED PARENTHOOD” of which Bill Gates’ father spearheaded the organization and sat on the board of directors. It’s NOTHING about Planning a Parenthood. Its all about how NOT to have children and should you become pregnant, how to abort! Otherwise your body is under the rules of the faggots.
Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson has come out as gay
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Applauds His 'Brave Words'
article https://ca.news.yahoo.com/canadian-politician-comes-gay-prime-200015215.html
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
and his connections to Pedophilia
article: https://chinawatchcanada.blogspot.com/2018/04/pizzagate-lost-canadian-prime-minister.html
Above, Queen Justin with his Gay Liberal friends, Bill Morneau, Marcon of France, Openly gay Katheleen Winn, convicted Pedophile Benjamin Levin and some other pedophilles and faggots.
He/she flys in his fleet of private jets around the country (and likely the world) to be in the gay pride events world wide. Meanwhile telling you not to use plastic straws. Your taxpayer dollars at work.
Hey, I just realized that the US health minister above is Levin and Justin’s friend who was arrested for pedophilia is also Levin. Wonder if they are related?
Faggotism is closely tied and promoted by communism which is closely tied, promoted and influenced by Satanism. Read the book! Satanism promotes anything and everything that goes against biblical teachings. Now in Canada there is a LAW that toss your ass in JAIL for merely quoting the BIBLE!
John Tory, the last mayor of Toronto, is gay That’s him in the pink at the right of this pic… Gay Katheleen Winn to the left.
John Tory putting your tax dollars in a Tranny’s ass….
alternative incase Youtube takes it down… https://www.bitchute.com/video/JpRDOQh3SDDk/
That’s your taxpayer dollars going in the tranny’s ass.
Current Mayor was installed by the Communist Party of China and supports gays
In Canada (and US to a lesser degree) you have to be anything other than WHITE HETEROSEXUAL to get a job in government or any of the larger corporations. Before you apply for a job, before you can even send in your resume, there are forms to fill out which first ask if you are male, female or other. If you answer male or female, they won’t even consider your resume! Or you need to be a migrant because migrants will always vote liberal so if you put your name as Singh or something “not white” you get a better chance of scoring the position.
These next three were all hand picked by Trudeau. (hand job). They were all former Channel 57 TV personalities dong the weather and reading the teleprompter like good little liberal propaganda broadcasters. Zero political experience, like Justin, groomed for these positions.
They never had had such position for Marci Ien, so they invented one for her to get 3-400k a year from to promote all the infinite combinations of possible “genders” that the liberals make up.
Marci Ien
currently “Canada’s Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth” this wa sa position made up for her. She’s friends with Justin because they are all queers.
There’s no denying he/she looks A LOT like Big Mike right?
Funny, if you google “Big Mike” you get none of these pics but if you YANDEX them, you get all sorts! Yandex, the new Google!
Former TV journalist Ben Chin
hired as senior adviser to Justin Trudeau
Not “openly gay” but queer as the ace of spades 100%
Seamus O'Regan minister
On July 9, 2010, O'Regan married his longtime partner, Steve Doussis, in Newfoundland.[19]
from above article;
However, with all those credentials and a same-sex marriage, he certainly fits Mercer's criteria for a Canadian gay role model that youth can draw inspiration from.
see how they want people like this in these positions? because they want to “lead by example”. This shows others (especially children) that it’s ok to be gay.
of course if they don’t even know if they are male or female, they will also have other mental problems…..
Nothing wrong with being gay if the couple is an of age consenting adult nature BUT they are using this and defending that position for evil. They are using it 1) because the Bible says it’s wrong and 2) it goes along with the Satanic agenda of lessening the world’s population as queers cannot reproduce.
So they want to be able to hit children with this, confuse them, groom them, indoctrinated them and any older children (aka adults) that are sitting on the fence, tehy want to show them “its ok” which helps their agenda.
Don’t believe it? Ok let’s use the acid test and put it backwards? Why aren’t all these positions filled with Heterosexual WHITE people?
Why is it ok to quote the Koran but not the bible?
Why were Christian Churches torched and nothing was done about it but if one synagogue was spray painted, the whole world heard about it?
Why don’t we have Heterosexual month and parades and why doesn’t our prime Minster promote them?
Canadians with ties to the World Economic Forum
The article doesn’t only mention Canadians but leaders from around the world who have been indoctrinated by WEF…..
I’ve been posting this for years now (here’s one such example from Jan 2023) but like advertising, it DOESN’T SINK IN unless it’s REPETITIVE! You never see just ONE COKE ad. The advertising agencies never sell ONE commercial. It’s a SERIES of commercials.
The above reiterates what I (and millions of others around the world) have been trying to tell people for years now.
Please read the article and watch the video. THIS MUST BE STOPPED!
The first few minutes of the video on that page might seem repetitive initially but later gets into some things that haven’t been as prevalent. It’s very complete and thorough. Please have a look.
There’s only one thing I disagree with the video. Near the end they talk about animals not having souls. I can’t say I agree with that. Just because we look different, doesn’t mean they don’t have souls.
He does make a point about how we are broken into fractions, we are 1/3rd Spirit, 1/3rd Mind and 1/3rd Body (33.3% each) This is why the Masons use 33 degrees.
(coincidentally he speaks about this at about the 33 minute mark in the video!)
Here’s where I disagree. He says Animals don’t have the 33% of spirit. He thinks animals have no sense of right vs wrong. Thats BS IMO.
He points out that Jesus was 33 years old when killed. He points out that we celebrate his resurrection in April/March which is 1/3 of the way though the year.
The video itself originates here.
Action4Canada article (including this video) is located here….
Why do I (and millions of others) bother posting this?
The first thing for us is to get the masses to realize what’s going on and to have the masses banish phrases like “Conspiracy theory” and terms they have made up like “Toxic Masculinity”. Can’t fight what people don’t understand what we are fighting or won’t believe it. So this is the first step.
And it’s WORLDWIDE! Here’s JAPAN!…
oh ya and,
I’m out!