Wow! My head’s spinnin!
In this post: Crazy plans from the Vatican | Eugenics | Climate Change | Predictions from Alexa | Agenda 21 | Freeland resigns | Crazy Canada and some news from around the world. Let's jump in!
You really gotta pay close attention to this post because there’s so much going on and it’s all related, it’s all connecting the dots. Try to stay with me. I know, research is hard.
the Pope
Let’s get this out of the way first;
In some sort of ritualistic ceremony, on Christmas eve, the (satanic) pope plans to open 5 doors in the vatican that have never been open before, ever in history! These doors are cemented in and surround “lucifer’s chamber”. The whole thing will be broadcast using wifi cameras! Here are three video links for you;
Pope to open the Tomb of Lucifer on Christmas Eve
one more…. this one points out that the vatican is the “top of the pyramid” they are in bed with all those that want to create a global world. The vatican is satanic. The guy on this video warns NOT to watch the event where they plan to open these tombs. They plan to LIVE STREAM it on Christmas eve!
I dunno what to expect but I’m not personally gonna watch them open Lucifer’s tomb. I mean, this is not some kids playing a game, This is the fucking vatican and they plant to live stream it TO THE WORLD (anyone that wants to watch it) on Christmas eve!
Christmas is supposed to be about the birth of Jesus. They are, at very least, trying to distract you from the true meaning of Christmas (at least, if not something far more nefarious)
Here’s the vatican’s website where the map is.
Look at “Tomb U” says it’s Lucifer’s tomb. These tombs are under the vatican!
the new cartoon mascot of the vatican is named “Lucy”.
If you don’t believe in the deceit, look at this. There are some “Churches” pushing the injections! She says “Be my apostles” and get jabbed! Well, Jones also talked people into drinking the purple Kooliade too right?
I’m just sayin, you can’t believe everything you hear. Somehow you gotta be able to spot a scam. It could mean your life!
Above video was embedded in this article. The article says Gates Sr funded Margaret Slee, the Founder of Planned parenthood (below). Gates later went on to serve on the board of directors from the 60’s to the 70s.
Still with me? Great! We’re just getting started!
Alexa says America ceases to exist on Feb 20 2031
I thought it was a joke. Someone asked Alexa, “what happens to America on February 20 2031?” Alexa answer, America ceases to exist, unified with several other countries.
So I asked AI and got the same answer.
Keep in mind Alexa also told people to vote for Karmella Harris. Maybe that’s because Alexa is female? Oh wait, I shouldn’t be so presumptuous! lol
Still with me? This shit writes itself.
Climate Change
You gotta understand where this Climate Change bullshit is coming from. You ABSOLUTELY MUST watch this video from start to finish!
I never knew who Dennis Meadows was. He’s the “nice man” pictured above. (Sounds like Denis the Menace) He is a “Club of Rome” member. In this video he talks about depopulation and eugenics. Fuck. You just gotta listen to him because this is how these people think! He says the world could sustain with 2 billion people but 1 billion could live nicely and he says we can’t just kill everyone off quickly because that would cause a revolution. Instead, as I’ve used this analogy throughout this blog, the python doesn’t want to fight with it’s prey. The Python knows the prey might kill or injure the python, so it just wants it to die without a fight. Every breath, the python takes a bit more space from the prey. Eventually it suffocates and the snake eats it’s prey without a fight.
This is how these fuckers think! All of them! Club of Rome is much like World Economic Forum. They come across as being “good for the planet” but in reality, its all about depopulation and controlling what’s left. Both of those entities uses to be secret societies before the internet put the spot light on them. Now they hide in plain sight under the guise of being do-gooders. If you listen to this fucker, you will see what I mean.
You can read more about “Club of Rome” here.
They aways need an antagonist, whether that’s a virus that will surely kill everyone UNLESS they all take the jabs OR it’s CLIMATE CHANGE which will surely kill everyone UNLESS they all do as they say. Club Of Rome coined this phrase, which used to be “Global Warming” but now they change it to Climate Change.
Are you statting to see how all these “ideas” filter down from the top of the pyramid, thoughout our Health Care system, Education System, Monetary system, Agricultural System. Like Klaus brags “Ve Penetrate Ze Kabients”
Know thy enemy! You have to know how they think, just like sports teams study their opponents before games.
In the beginning of the video, they talk about where 8 billion dollars went. Nobody knows.
In the video you will see Trudeau senior, (Pierre Trudeau, Justin’s legal father) talking with this eugenics expert.
This is the Financial Post article that Odessa, the host refers to.
They talk about a company called Baringa, which is a climate modelling company based in London England.
Well did you notice the article above from Alexa who says the countries merge in 2031, also says “according to Barringa”. Well, here we can see that Barringa was recently bought by guess who? Blackrock! They say the partnership will “use the core Aladdin Climate capabilities as part of its growing global consulting work in advising financial services, governments, regulatory bodies, and clients across all sectors on climate risk and developing net zero strategies.”
The only change, is the chump change the feds got from raking us across the coals!
Canada govt. spent BILLIONS! NOT Millions on “Climate Change” and nobody can account for it! There is absolutely ZERO effect from this money they stole from Canadians! ZERO! NOTHING! ZIPPO! NAD’A! The fucking climate has been changing all on it’s own for millions of years! At one point the poles were lush green rainforests. Now they are frozen over. This happened without humans or cars or cows farting.
Did anyone ever tell Bill Gates that EVERY LIVING THING FARTS!? YES, EVEN YOU MISTR GATES!
But Gates points the finger at cows because Gates has money invested in;
funded the Savard Seed Depository, a collection of the world’s original seeds, again a way of controlling the food. If you control the food you control the people and the population.
Nobody in the Canadian government has any tangible proof that the 100BILLION dollars extracted from the Canadian people has done ANYTHING to change the climate!
but hey man, the Federal Govt. is giving everyone TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS!
Ah, I can remember back in the good ol’ days when they used to call it Global Warming but NOW they call it Climate Change so that they can blame YOU and I EITHER way it goes! Whether it’s hot OR cold! It’s still OUR fault!
Henry Lamb discusses Agenda 21, back in 1996
Agenda 21 (and now Agenda 30) are documents cooked up by secret societies and UN and WEF etc. They persuaded 195 nations to sign these documents which effectively hand over control of these countries to those that signed them. They “give them the wheel” and those in charge use “Climate Change” as the villain. In order to fight the (non existent) villain, we need to do all the things they say.
Same as to save us all from the non-existent virus, we must all take Bill Gates’ experimental injections, right?
Getting the picture? There’s always a threat and a solution. Every story always has a protagonist and an antagonist. Gates built his computers, (had others build them for him) then designed viruses for his own computers, then offer the solution, “antivirus software” made by Microsoft.
Here are some more writings from Henry Lamb…
Trudeau banned plastics straws BUT….
TRUDEAU of Canada flies around in his fleet of private jets, paid for by YOU the TAXPAYER while eating steaks with truffle mushroom toppings and really expensive white wines (what normal "man" drinks white wine?) while enroute to the various gay pride parades around the world.
Meanwhile he/she tells YOU and I that its OUR FAULT that the temperature goes up OR down because we use plastic straws.
The lids on the cups are also plastic! Why did he only change the straws and not the lids? Because you put the straws in your mouth and whatever chemicals they have on them, is drawn into your body! They are called "FOREVER CHEMICALS"!!!
The real reason Trudeau of Canada banned plastic straws for "paper straws" - Spoiler alert - THEY'RE WORSE THAN PLASTIC!!
Here's a search for you on the chemicals used in PAPER STRAWS
Remember the class action lawsuit against "Simply Juices"? (Owned by Coca Cola Co.) It's the same shit! "FOREVER CHEMICALS!"
Are you starting to see a pattern here? ANYTHING they say is “good for you” is BAD for you! 100%. That certainly includes the Experimental Injections and even “Hospital Care”. I could write a book on that alone!
Check your plastics too
There are classifications on your plastics like water bottles for example. Some are known carcinogens which leach into whatever was in containers. This list show which ones are deemed ok and which are not. Here are a couple of examples. Click the link for all of them.
It’s not just water bottles, it’s ALL plastic containers! Think about that for a second. What else do you buy that comes in plastic containers!?
While were talking about health…
Also see
Plastics leaking into your food and water
here's a good one about fluoride
Fluoride is a byproduct of the aluminum industry. People use hazmat suits when working with it! But rather than throw it away into waste facilities, they SELL IT and put it in toothpastes, antiperspirants and other things! It causes osteoporosis, calcification of the bones and tendons as well as a slew of other heath problems.
Chrystia Freeland RESIGNS!
Deputy PM and Finance Minister resigns just before she was to release the fall economic statement, must be bad.
She also works for the WEF. Her page on their website. What they don’t tell you is that
1) she was arrested protesting promoting communism when she was younger.
2) She was given a family business which was profitable but she bankrupt it and became Finance Minister for Canada. You’re in good hands! Just like when they tell you to take the jabs!
3) her grandfather was a nazi. I did NAZI ZAT Komink!
4) she attends the meetings in Davos Switzerland every year where they “indoctrinate” THEIR people into their ways of thinking, then install them in key positions.
Freeland is gone and the people of Canada celebrated!
And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutangs and breakfast cereals and fruit bats and large chu—
MAYNARD: Skip a bit, Brother.
Also Freeland;
this was the note Chrystia Freeland wrote to Canada's director of intelligence during the Freedom Convoy (trucker protest).
It reads:
"We need a new playbook. You need to designate this group as a terrorist group and seize the assets and imprison them."
What a SHIT SHOW! Watch this!
Freeland was supposed to present the numbers how bad shape Canada is in but she QUIT moments before! THEN another minister was supposed to take the job but HE QUIT TOO! Watch this SHIT SHOW!
Trudeau Scolds Americans in Truly Embarrassing Rant on Women's Rights and Elections
He’s upset because Trump got elected. He thinks we should vote based on gender and he can’t bear to lose the opportunity to tell everyone he’s a proud feminist.
Celina was an MP in the town of Whitby Ontario Canada
In 2019, she bailed from the Liberal party. Another woman, another black woman left on the same day and Justin said “I can’t have two woman of colour leave on the same day”
You’ve got to see this interview with Celina. Canadian psychologist Dr Jordan B Peterson, Oct 30 2024. She talks about how Justin was never running the country and more. He’s just a child (a spoiled child) with handlers.
She says she was afraid to be in the room with him. Watch this, you will see how feminist Trudeau is;
Jordon B Peterson left Canada. Story below….
There are over 4,000 Organized Crime Groups in Canada!
That’s only the ones that are known about
that doesn’t include the criminal government organizations!
Link goes to a telegram post. You need telegram to see it.
Trudeau loves the terrorists
Trudeau silent on Canadian terrorist plots
Trudeau says the Terrorists are Canadians
and thus, must be treated as Canadians!
It’s insane!
Too bad he hates the Christians, throwing Christian priests in maximin security prisons and sympathizing with the arsonists who burned more than 100 Christian Churches in Canada.
Watch this at 2 minutes! Trudeau is willing to take on anyone who doesn’t believe terrorists can still be Canadians!
With all this shit going on in the country formerly know as Canada
Dr Jordan B Peterson Flees Canada
Calls it a “Totalitarian Hellhole” Starts new life in Arizona USA.
It’s Racist to be WHITE!???
Anti White Indoctrination in SCHOOLS! Must watch!
This is going in in schools today!
At 14 minutes, a California Public School Teacher invited a group to talk to the students to recruit them into groups like Antifa.
Near the end, young white kids say they are racist because they are white. One says a poem saying how they are SORRY for BEING WHITE!
Robert Kennedy talks about Injections
In 10 years, the pharmaceutical companies have paid out 35 billion in penalties for killing and maiming people. “Cost of doing business”
At 9 minutes, they can’t find a kid with autism in the Amish community. US Govt has been studying the Amish for decades yet there are no reports because they would say “don’t do as the government says, do as the Amish do”
At 10 minutes, they are trying to charge Fauci with criminal charges for lying to congress BUT getting a fine is not enough. They want to get him for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY which is punishable by death!
The video shows that “distancing and masks” make no difference.
BUT they’re afraid Biden will PARDON him! At 13 -14 minutes there are discussion about getting PARDONS for many democrats! They say Biden might even pardon HIMSELF!
The good news at 16 minutes, people are suing their employers because they lost their jobs because they wouldn’t take the experimental injections. Some got MILLIONS in wrongful dismissal!
at 18 minutes, Robert Kennedy, “I wouldn’t take the flu shot in a million years” The flu shot drops your immunity, opening people up to flu and corona virus.
Life expectancy of the elderly has dramatically dropped since the shots were administered.
The video is a must watch!
World Economic Forum
Age of DEATH Laws!
In above video;
Advertisements are put in subway stations encouraging people to kill themselves!
Monetary benefits for killing yourself early!
Bill Gates; it’s better to kill a person because it cost too much to keep them alive, where that money could be given to “teachers” for example. Gates talks about ‘death panels” Nazi Schwab has recently stepped down but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t go to the meetings and push his ideas and he even thinks he will push his ideas after his death! He wants to upload his conciseness into AI to rule the world even after his body dies!
This is what they are discussing in the WEF meetings! and if you ask 100 people who Klaus Schwab is, or what the WEF is or who Yuvall Harari is (also mentioned in this video). This little faggot (yes, he/she is a faggot married to another man, says everyone else is USELESS and keep them happy with drugs and computer games. You’d be hard pressed to find one person that knows what’s going on!
Schwab wrote “the 4th Industrial Revolution” about how humans are finished and the new race will be androids, all attached to the internet to be controlled (by Klaus after death)
Are you getting the picture? I know most liberals won’t be here. They won’t read this, they won’t watch the videos. All they can say is “Trump bad”.
If you are here and you read this far, congratulations, you are in the 1%, those who seek the truth!
Clothier ZARA
has chosen Satanist Marina Abramovic as the ambassador of its advertising campaign. Nice lady, except she’s a WITCH!
These people are sick sick sick. Microsoft once chose this witch as their face for a marketing campaign but there was such backlash, they had to quash the campaign. Why would one of the largest companies in the world chose a witch to be the face of their products!? Does’t that tell you something? You can read all about the Microsoft witch deal here.
Child Trafficking
Live and well, Running Rampant under Biden administration. In this video, you will see why Biden had all the children locked up in cages at the boarder. Now it will start to make sense….
Obama Accuses Republicans of ‘Suppressing Votes’ in First Post-Election Speech
Diddy Told Victim Who Woke up While Being Raped ‘I’m Almost Done,’ Lawsuit Claims
LeBron James: “Ain’t no party like a Diddy party!”
Here are just a few other “celebrities” listed in the “Diddy” lawsuit;
Let’s help make them famous!
need more?…
Chinese man sentenced for helping pregnant Chinese women travel to give birth in the US
If they have their babies in the US, they automatically get US citizenship. Trump says he will try to stop this. It’s called “birthright citizenship”.
Well, did you read everything? Did you click and watch the videos? The post probably doesn’t make much sense if you don’t watch the videos.
The purpose of this post is to question why would any sane person believe what their government tells them? Why would we trust them with their propaganda newscasts?
Why would anyone allow them to inject their bodies with unknown substances?
Why is My Body My Choice ok when it comes to abortion but not when it comes to putting something we have no clue about into our veins?
Why do people, this late in the game not even know what the WEF is? Who Klaus Schwab is? Who Yuval Hariri is? Who the witch is? Yet they have their opinions like they hate Trump but they have no idea of what’s going on? And they don’t want to know either!
I’m not saying to be obsessed with all that is wrong with the world but I am saying to be aware. The only way we win is by non compliance. That sometimes takes balls. It means for the most part, you have to go against the grain. You have to listen to you common sense, even if it means losing you job or your friends. It could be a matter of life or death. Sometimes you have to stand up if you see something’s not right. You know they say if you are ever attacked, if the attacker is trying to put you in a vehicle, fight for your life ebcuase if they take you to a 2nd location, the odds of you being found or found alive, diminish greatly. Trust your instincts and know when it’s time to fight.
Did this post make any sense to you? Did you learn anything from it or is it all just conspiracy still?
The Last Laugh
If you got this far, thank for taking this information in. I know, it’s a lot.
I’ll leave you with something funny. I had quit watching Saturday night Live when they rebranded to SNL in the late 90s. Since then it had become nothing more than a political platform for the Satanic Left. They hired Alex Baldwin because he was out of work and nobody else would hire him. He could come up with nothing better to do than make fun of Trump. He wasn’t funny. Beautiful Kim Basinger left him. Then he had that rant with his 12 year old daughter calling her a “Rude Thoughtless Little PIG!” And disses his ex wife Kim too! Then he “accidentally” shot a producer on the set of “Rust”. The producer was supposedly working on a documentary about child trafficking and pedophilia in Hollywood. Baldwin was never charged. It was deemed an accident.
Anyway, Saturday Night Live is 50 years old and they had Chris Rock on to host. This was his monologue. He was actually funny which surprised me. I didn’t watch the whole show, just saw his monologue online….