WEF signs Treaty to Accept Pedophiles as Legally Protected Minority
They chant: "We're Here! We're Queer! We're Coming for your Children!"
https://rumble.com/v55y28s-lgbtq-leaders-sign-wef-treaty-to-accept-pedophiles-as-legally-protected-min.html (10:38 video)
Above, children made to dress up in leather like toys for pedophiles.
“Inclusion” is a term made popular by the satanic left. Same as they use sayings like homophobe, transphobe, mysoginist, skinhead, nazi etc so that they can “label” those that don’t think like they do. They also try to make viral the term “Toxic Masculinity” as if to say Masculinity is Toxic but being a faggot is proper. Like children in a playground making up names for other kids they don’t like. It’s childish and pathetic. They also use “Cultural Diversity” which is another bullshit term made up by the left.
Cultural Diversity and Inclusion means we are supposed to accept Sharia Law? 70 year old Muslim men marrying 12 year old girls!? Means we are supposed to accept pedophilia? Perverts having sex with our CHILDREN FOR FUCK SAKES? Inclusion? WE should accept Jeffery Dalmer and the Pig Farmer, let them do what they want because it’s “their religion!?” It’s “their way of life!?”
DYIN’ Ain’t much of a LIVIN’ ! ~ Clint Eastwood
15 years ago I was told anyone who’s anyone in Hollywood are Satanic Pedophiles. I refused to believe it. My dream was to move to LA and make movies. The lady who told me this was a B and C movie actor. She’d been in many movies but she was now aging, not working, living alone with her 6 cats in her Hollywood apartment. I thought she was crazy.
Now the truth comes out. They keep adding letters to the “alphabet” LGTBQ I think there are more letters than that now but they want to add MAP to it (Minor Attracted Persons) or at least P for Pedophiles however many pedophiles say they are “OFFENDED” by the word pedophile! What the fuck planet are we even living on now!?
There are only TWO recognized actors I know of in Hollywood who spoke out against the satanists and support Trump. The most vocal is Mel Gibson. Second is Pierce Brosnan. Both are now ostracized by Hollywood.
This is not to say they can’t make their own movies but they will never get funded or produced though the regular “Hollywood” channels again.
Trump said of his boarder wall, “We either have a country or we don’t” . This is perfectly said! What the fuck do we have borders for? Under Biden, 100’s of 1000s of illegals have been walking across the border for years now annually, yet he is so stunned, he says “The only reason we have the border problem is Trump” he’s fucking delusional. Should be in an senile facility.
https://old.bitchute.com/video/CHqJ79FHdA8R/ (9 second video)
In Canada, Trudeau PAYS to bring in migrants! Moves them into hotels, gives them money and food while we have veterans who fought for our freedom and sovereignty freezing on the sidewalks of Toronto because “there’s no room in the shelter”!? Canada got 4 million migrants in 2023 alone! AND not surprisingly, the smart people are MOVING OUT! Trudeau’s plan worked!
We have to be “inclusive” remember!?
Muslim boy in Germany says
- We will capture Germany when we in majority
- And we replace every rule with sharia law
https://old.bitchute.com/video/UTNrhCce2a50/ (2:20 video)
In case you missed it, here's another one of them saying they want Sharia law in Canada;
https://old.bitchute.com/video/eQ2m5V09mIZH/ (33 second video)
This will be interesting. Sharia law hates faggots, but they also suppress woman, chop people's heads off and burn them alive in the name of Alah.
buy hey man, we need INCLUSION right? We're all equal. Serial killers need to be protected under law as well because it's their right, right!????
Let’s add SK to the alphabet! LGTBQMAPSK!!!!
Some might call it a Slippery Slope. That ship sailed LONG ago my friends! This is a fucking AVALANCHE!
What are Countries for!?
Really, what the fuck are borders for!? You tell me!? What the fuck are countries for?
You know what they are for? BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE THINKS THE SAME!
Muslims want Sharia law, keep your fucking laws in your own country!
If you like OUR WAY, they come here and WHEN IN ROME, DO LIKE THE ROMANS DO!
If you’re a faggot, of age of consent and both parties are consenting, then be a faggot in your own space on your own time but don’t push this shit on young naive children who put their entires lives in the hands on elders!
First it was the queers, then it was the trannies, then the “bisexuals” everyone jumping on the bandwagon!
You know in PUBLIC schools, they no longer start the day with the LORD’S PRAYER!? BUT the Muslims get special ‘PRAYER ROOMS” where they can just leave class and pray when they feel Alah is calling?
I got news for any teary eyed liberals out there, WE CAN’T CATER TO EVERY POSSIBLE “MINORITY” won’t happen!
Agenda 21, 30 and 50
There are 195 “recognized” countries in the world today. (259 Including non-recognized)
According to Satanic Leftist George Soros funded “Wikipedia” says the “right” believes Agenda 21 to be plot to overthrow the world, disguised as “climate change” turning it into a totalitarian one world government and they call this Conspiracy Theory. Well is this not what they are doing? Looks pretty real to me!
Please see “Opposition” and “Conspiracy Theory” sections here…
However searching it on Yandex we get lots of other opinions. None of which are positive. They all point to world totalitarianism
178 of the 195 countries have signed and adopted Agenda 21. Agenda 21 has been revamped into Agenda 30 and 50. These agendas effectively hand over sovereignty of the participating countries to the “Alphabet Organizations” such as UN, WEF, WHO, CCP etc. United Nations wrote the agendas under the direction of Klaus Schwab’s WEF with input from Gates’ WHO and I’m sure the 13 families attend the WEF meetings in Davos each year.
Are you starting to see the top of the pyramid? Now do you see why the pyramid appears on the US dollar bill all these years?
We are clearly living in a parallel society. One they want to project to “we the people” vs their underlying agenda to form a one world government with a few rulers at the top of the pyramid. The rest (who ever is left) would be slaves, possibly used for experiments, growing body parts for the Satanists at the top of the pyramid, maybe used for sacrifice and their enjoyment.
Did you know that there are generations of Chinese that live under communist rule today? They know nothing else. They were more easily blindfolded before internet but now they are starting to see that there are only a few winners at the top of the communist model whereas 99% live in poverty. That’s how communism works but if you were brought up like that and your parents were brought up like that, how would you know any different?
Have any of you seen the Time Machine movie? In it the Eloy were humans, all young and healthy. Nobody over 30 years old. They all lived on the surface of the earth. They were conditioned that when they heard the sirens, they would go into a trance and walk into the caves where they were used as food for the Morlocks who lived underground. They were not accustomed to the sun. They had to live underground. They Eloy knew no different. Maybe they knew their fate but could do nothing about it.
The Gay Agenda
The Gay Agenda lines up perfectly with the Satanic left plan for world domination. As we keep reiterating, Satanists do everything backwards, upside-down, inverted, opposite of Biblical teachings. The Bible says “Go forth and procreate” so in turn, the Satanic comeback to that is “be queer” because queers can’t have children.
Queers are also weak and will not fight back. They will do as they are told as long as they get to live with their cats and Barbara Streisand records, they are fine.
Now they are teaching this to children in our schools. Imagine what the next generations will look like? They will all be liberals with blue hair that don’t even know what bathroom to use. They will not know if they are male or female or maybe they are unicorns. Maybe they can fly off the top of high buildings because they think they are birds! This is the “Progressive Left” (for this reason, I even hate when conservatives call themselves “Progressive Conservative”.
To be clear, if gay is what turns your crank and you are of age, both consenting and of sound mind and you don’t bother anyone else, there’s no problem in that. The problems start when that’s ok but now we want special rights, then we want gay day, then gay week then gay month and now we have year round teachings in schools and fucking flags and rainbows like everybody should be gay! And since the gay agenda has taken root, all the other minorities are jumping on the bandwagon saying they too want to be recognized and normalized and adults having sex with children is just “Love and Any Age”.
Suckernan of Faggotbook actually had to put out a POLL years ago asking FAGGOTBOOK users how they felt about PEDOPHILIA! Like you have to ASK!? Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME!?
These articles are from 2018 people!!!
Why was this not all over the Main Stream Media (News)!!!???
Why can you not find this on GOOGLE!????
WHY AREN’T THESE PEOPLE IN JAIL!? In Afghanistan, they’d have their heads chopped off or be burned alive!
Of the 1000’s of Satanic Leftist “elites” Hollywood actors, rich people, politicians who visited Epstein’s Island, a convicted pedophile, why has NOT ONE been arrested or even charged!?
Why was Clinton not charged or jailed? He paid Paula Jones over 1m (back then) to keep quiet. He had sex with Monica Lewinsky IN the OVAL ORAFICE! WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT! NOT ONE CHARGE!
TRUMP on the other hand, they framed him with a stripper. He NOT EVEN PRESIDENT at the time yet he gets NOT ONE but 35 FELONY CONVICTIONS!?
The left has done everything in their power to make sure Trump doesn’t get elected. Soros himself admired on camera that they underestimated him and Patriotism. Now they pull out all the stops. They bring in illegals, give them the right to vote, they put 1000s of fake votes in the mail, they rigged the electronic machines, then BURN the building where they were housed to get rid of evidence! (Ask Hillary about how to start a fire)
Faggotbook went on to DELETE user groups opposed to Pedophilia, some with over 200,000 members, the whole fucking group GONE! Deleted with the click of a button! There were several like this. Now you wonder why I got off faggotbook over a decade ago!
he’s all about the pedophilia - ya he’s sorry he said it publicly but he’s still a pedophille
WHY DO PEOPLE STILL USE FAGGOTBOOK!? Using it is supporting it! It’s helps with their traffic, which helps attract advertising dollars, which helps with their DATA HARVESTING!
I don’t understand why intelligent people don’t get this!?
There was an episode of South Park called “Cartman joins NAMBLA” NORTH AMERICAN MAN/BOY LOVE ASSOCIATION - YES such an organization actually exist! Since they are not allowed to replay the episodes without consent, what people do is say they are “reaction” videos. So the episode plays while the host critiques the show but you can see the episode here this way for free….
Incase there’s any snowflake liberals out there getting trigged by the truth (and I highly doubt there are because liberals would not be reading this) I would like to remind them that Sharia law;
hates gays
but they seem to be fine with pedophilia with old men marrying young children like 10 years old!
suppresses woman. They cannot sit at the same level as men. They have to sit on the ground in churches (which they call Mosques) IF they are even permitted in the building. They are covered from head to toe in black garb. If they step out of line, it’s the husband’s DUTY to whip her and adultery is punishable by death, usually they bury the woman with only her head left out of the ground, then a crowd of angry Muslim men whip stones at her head until she’s dead. I guess another option is beheading. They seem to like that or burning people alive, all while they are wailing to Alah.
I mentioned in the past post or two about how Muslims were caught on camera in TORONTO CANADA skinning a cow alive in the backyard of their “church”. The animal was hung by the legs, trying to escape while being skinned and dismembered. They think this doesn’t hurt the animal because the Sharia Law says the animals throat much be cut with a sharp blade so that the Gods will be happy. Of course it makes no sound because it’s throat and vocal chords are cut! Cops were called in. The Muslims were told “not to do this”! There were no cruelty charges, no jail no deportation NOTHING! If a WHITE person did this, they would be all over it but the Muslims get a pass because of Cultural Diversity and Inclusion. This way of killing animals, torturing them first, is called HALAL and the JEWS love it too because it makes their God happy. Fucking Demons. It’s not necessary for humans to be eating dead animals in the first place and it’s not what we are designed for but to torture them as well as killing them!? What the fuck planet are we on anyway!?
Like the Shiks get a pass not having to wear helmets on motorcycles because of their “religion”.
Under Sharia law, it is forbidden for Muslims to receive and pay interest, so a halal mortgage essentially takes interest out of the equation.
Do we need to be reminded about how the Canadian government sprung a convicted terrorist from a foreign jail and paid him 10.5 million dollars?
Do we need to be reminded how 3 other Muslims came forward after that and also received a windfall from the Canadian Government. They shared 30 million dollars between the 3 of them.
Do we need to be reminded about the Muslim to ran into my friend’s barracks in Toronto, wearing white towels and sandals, yelling ALU AKBAR! ALU AKBAR (God is Great) stabbed 3 people. NO TERRORIST CHARGES, NO JAIL, NO ATTEMPTED MURDER, NOT EVEN SO MUCH AS A FUCKING FINE! INSTEAD THIS RAGHEAD WAS PERMITTED TO ATTEND MOHAWK COLLEGE IN LONDON ONTARIO! All I know is that if I (a white man) ran into a barracks and stabbed 3 people, id be in jail with ATTEMPTED MURDER charges. That’s pretty certain. They let it slide for the Muslims because, well hey man, “Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity remember!?
Well my religion says I don’t have to pay taxes!
What about WHITE Privilege? What about interest free loans for WHITE HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES!? How about no taxes if you are WHITE and all the immigrants have to pay taxes as they “PROSPECT” to become Canadian. Those who were born here, paid taxes all their lives, should get the perks. What incentive does this give WHITES to work in Canada or USA? (or any country that allows this)
Why in GOD’s name, do we have to submit to ANYTHING about “Sharia Law”!? You see? today it’s Sharia food (Halal food, animals with their throats sliced with a sharp blade to appease Mohumid and Alan) Now it’s special Halal Mortgages. This is Sharia Law coming into our country! Next all women will have to wear garbage bags with only their eyes showing, then it will be stoning people to death, etc. Can you not see how this is the same slope as the LGTB thing? Then they added Q, now they want to add MAPS (Minor attracted person) then that will be normal too!
When do white Heterosexual people get their month or even DAY!? If gay people are happy with their lives, they need to THANK A STRAIGHT COUPLE!
Am I making any sense here or is this all conspiracy? Maybe people need to be more accepting of all cultures like Sharia law?