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For years we’ve all (all of us old enough) heard about the “elimination of the middle class”.
It’s far more than this folks. It’s not, at least no longer an elimination of a “class”.
In fact I see now that the elimination of middle class was an easier way of saying complete communist slavery of everyone except the ultra rich satanists.
They (the satanists at the top of the pyramid, and yes they are completely satanic incase you have not been following this blog) will stop at nothing! They are relentless and completely obliterate patriotism, Christians and the family.
WEF “predicts” 6 billion people will die in 2025
The only way they can “predict” this is if they plan to do it!
A World Economic Forum report hiding in plain sight confirms that upwards of six billion people will die in 2025 – and according to reports from Davos, Klaus Schwab has confirmed the stated goal is on target to be achieved.
The global elite have been warning us about their plans to radically depopulate the earth by any means necessary, and now the results are playing out before our eyes.
If we have any hope of stopping them from achieving their goal of murdering the vast majority of humanity and turning Earth into a prison planet to enslave the rest, the information in this report must be shared far and wide.
if it's true, what could kill so many in such a short time? I doubt a virus. Nobody could prove the existence of so called COVID 19 *. Nothing more than once again, hiding their agenda in plain sight “Certificate Of Vaccination ID and the number 19 representing the 1st and 9th letters AI, the means of which they plan to control everyone and everything with once the majority of the population has been injected.
* CDC talking to FDA in this PDF noted that there was no COVID SAMPLES to work with, so they used “characterized stocks” AKA anything they had on the shelf that would resemble COVID should COVID exist;“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA” from page 40 of this document between CDC and FDA
Here’s further evidence of the same where someone demanded proof of said COVID though Freedom of Information ACT (LAW) and the answer was “We don’t have any such records of so called COVID” Click here for PDF
Injected Children deaths HIDDEN
Dr William Makis
Media manipulated citizens during the COVID-19 plan-demic
Former CBC reporter Marianna Klowak admits that the media manipulated citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Maybe nuclear war but that would wreck the world for the rest of the elite satanists so what does that leave?
5G and the connection between those vaccinated. Why else would they have so many "5g" towers!? And on every tower there needs to be how many antennas? I think they play to flip the switch in 2025 sending a signal to all the those vaccinated telling the nanobots to clot themselves together, dropping billions like flies. I think they have already tested this as we have seen many just drop dead (not even those on the soccer field) but others. I think those were tests. Why does every apartment need not one but like 30 antennas on the roof? a pair of department store walkie talkies can reach 30-50 miles. CB's can reach cross country with enough power behind them. We have "satellite phones" that supposedly send our voice to satellites 25,000 miles above the earth using just a few AA batteries but apparently the 5G, the "most advanced" communications thus far, need to have 30 antennas on top of each apartment building and towers less than 1/4 mile apart and the power lines going into these things are 3 inches diameter! yet our cell phones still drop calls!? Are you fucking kidding me? those things are there for far more nefarious reasons and they take us all to be dumb fucks believing they are there for "our benefit". They lied about everything else. Why would anyone trust them about this!?
We know the satanists must broadcast their intent before to avoid any karmactic blow back (they believe in karma). It's like "I tried to warn you" thereby exonerating themselves of any wrongdoing.
This is why they announced these predictions on the Deagle website but later deleted them. (as noted in the first video)
This is why they had the Georgia Guidestones up since 1979, then removed them.
This is why they had the big satanic show at the opening of the 2012 Olympic Games in UK which the queen cut the ribbon for. She was accompanied by Daniel Craig, the last James Bond who they killed off in the last movie, end of the era which they now deem "Toxic Masculinity" (to mention a few incidence).
Let’s have a look at what they have done so far toward these “goals”;
Just a few year ago, pot was illegal. People did time in jail for possession of pot. Those selling it were “DRUG DEALERS”. Today, it’s legal across most countries (as long as it’s purchased from the GOVERNMENT) then it’s LEGAL however if you buy it from someone on the street, that’s ILLEGAL.
Pot was the easiest liaison into legalization of hard drugs. Today, the worst possible drugs, like Fentanyl which was noted as an “opioid epidemic”. People dying in the streets over this shit which is now LEGAL in BC Canada and soon to be across Canada as terrorists like Jagmeet Singh (leader of the NDP party in Canada, that’s not even his real name. His real name was Jimmy Dhaliwa. He had to change his name because he was a lawyer who defended the mastermind behind the Air india bombing, the worst aviation disaster in Canadian history, killing over 300 Canadians.
The mastermind behind it all was acquitted in court thanks to lawyers like Dhaliwa but was later shot dead on the street. Dhaliwa vowed revenge against the shooter! and he has NEVER condemned the bombing even after being grilled by interviewers! Yet this is the head of the NDP party in Canada!
Worse, Dhaliwa grilled Trudeau in Parliament yelling “When are we going to have free drugs across Canada!?”
Jagmeet (Jimmy) Dhaliwa “DECRIMINALIZE ALL DRUGS across Canada!”
The official story is that by the government legalizing it, they can have “SAFE INJECTION CENTERS” (safe to inject drug addicts with lethal drugs nothing about how to get them off the drugs!
THEN when they become drug addicts, the nice Kanadian Government allows them to use FREE MAID SERVICE (MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IN DEATH) because they are depressed or hooked on drugs!
The naive liberal left, people who vote for Trudeau and Kamala Harris in US, or Barak Obama believe the official story.
These are the type of people who vote for the liberal left…
They hand out FREE Drug Paraphernalia in VENDING MACHINES in front of HOSPITALS in BC Canada! AND they have videos showing “newbies” HOW TO USE them! Like how to snort cocaine and inject heroin!
Let’s have a look at what happens when you LEGALIZE DRUGS
Here’s another from Philadelphia
Hollywood Walk of FAME
Canadian Streets
Incase you didn’t know, the word Pharmacy comes from the Greek word Pharmakia which means sorcery, witchcraft.
Personally, I hate drugs of all kinds. Even some that people claim are “natural” like pot and they can’t harm you. I can’t see how anyone could enjoy the feeling that you can’t control your own body. Drugs are for losers.
Rob Schneider: Vaccines are drugs
without a choice you have tyranny.
Child Indoctrination
The future of the world belongs to the children. NWO Satanists know this so they go after the children first. Parents are too busy to teach their children so they hand them over to the “education system”. They “outsource it”. Even if the parents can’t home school their kids, they need to stay close and in touch with them. They need to at least “home coach” the kids into normalcy like this young man. He gets it..
This is as important as teaching your kids about “Stranger Danger”. Not to accept rides from strangers, not to take candy from them and so forth. Today we need to warn our kids about demented satanic leftist teachers they may encounter.
The indocmeration by the satanic left is all designed to confuse the child. How can the child focus and be effective in anything if they don’t even know if they are boys or girls? This indocmeration creates a weak next society.
And 2ndly, sets the kids up to feel pedophilia is ok.
The satanic agenda loves queers because they can’t produce offspring. They love this because it goes against biblical teachings “go forth and procreate”. Hence why they push abortion, sterilization and other forms of population control.
Today children in schools are pushed pedophila and satanism in books
Children across the United States will soon have Barbie and Ken doll expecting a baby, except the Barbie is not going to be the one who's carrying the baby, it's Ken.
CEO Andrew Shave said that pregnant men have been in the shadows for too long and that it is time to change that.
This is a spiritual warfare, and they are targeting us from every single angle.
Rubber penis for little girls
the Satanic Left will stop at nothing to fuck over children, get them to believe boys are girls and girls are boys. This makes for confused, demented children that can't stand up for themselves. Next generation will be weak pussies. Easy for the satanists to conquer.
Keep in mind Trump can only hold the door (Hodor) for 2 terms maximum. Then what? The satanists will still be here. This is what they are banking on so they want that generation to be totally fucked and easy to manipulate.
This is child abuse at the worst possible degree.
The mother in the video is not one of them. She's just bringing it to our attention.
Rampant Immigration
Trump said simply about his boarder wall; “We either have a country or we don’t” absolutely 100%! WTF do we have countries and boarders for that millions defended with their lives, that tax payers paid billions to defend?
Each country has their own laws and culturally accepted practices. When country invades another, they do so to take control and insert their own ideology. This is called WAR! This is what we have boarders for! This is what we defend with our lives!
Yet US under Biden / Harris look the other way while 10’s of 1000s of illegals just walk over the boarder, then claim political refugee status and become protected by the new country. In Canada Trudeau PAID immigrants to come giving them housing and first crack at jobs and money and food while our own “white people” starve on the streets.
Many of these paid immigrants had no families. They were in their 20s and 30s, perfect for Globalist Soldiers because they won’t give a fuck about killing US or Canadian citizens while our local armies will think twice about orders to kill their own families, their own countrymen. This is why the import those that can’t even speak English because they won’t give a fuck and with no families, they have nothing to lose.
They bring these people in under the protection of
saying this is what makes a strong nation.
Now I’m certainly not suggesting that all immigrants are bad or even a certain colour or religion makes them bad but there are certain ideologies that come with the territory.
For example, some old school Indian and Muslim cultures that suppress women. They can’t go in their churches (mosques) they can’t sit with the men. They must sit on the floor. They have to be covered up 99% in public representing garbage bags. The men think it’s ok to have 14 wives and 50 children and what we classify as RAPE, they think it’s their right.
And if they step out of line, the punishments are horrific including (but not limited to) whipping, stoning to death, beheading (WARNING if you click that link, it’s a REALLY graphic video of what a Muslim father did to HIS OWN DAUGHTER!) and other bludgeons things. Basically they think nothing of women or anyone who is not Muslim AND they think their ENTITLED to this way of life when they come to OUR country!
It’s this kind of ideology that is brought into the west and for some reason, our governments think we have to be ok with this!
OUR governments DEFEND them by saying if you are against this, it’s hate speech. Its Racism is muslimaphobia and whatever other queer leftist terms they dream up.
In Canada, Australia and UK (so far, soon to be all countries) they are tossing people in jail for expressing their opinions on social medias yet there are so many heinous crimes taht are not even persecuted!
Per law enforcement sources, the Haitian migrant who was charged with raping a 15-year-old girl at a migrant hotel outside of Boston in March was released from local custody after the Plymouth Superior Court gave him a low $500 bond & ignored ICE’s detainer request to hold him. ICE is currently trying to find and arrest this alleged child rapist right now - and that if he is wearing any GPS monitor as part of release conditions, the local/state jurisdictions don’t provide any information to ICE due to sanctuary policies in Massachusetts.
As we previously reported, Haitian National Cory Alvarez came into the U.S. lawfully via the Biden administration’s controversial CHNV parole program in June 2023. He flew directly into JFK airport - and was supposed to be with a sponsor in New Jersey, but somehow ended up in a migrant hotel in Rockland, MA, where he was arrested for the rape of the teen girl was and indicted by a grand jury in May.
Here are just a few headlines I came across recently
Muslim had sex with a 13 year old, spared jail
Jihadi’s hate the Hindus
Here, an angry group of Muslim girls beat up a Hindu girl before drowning her
Here a Muslim man slaps around a woman before throwing her in a car
You have to understand, they are brought up believing this is ok. This is “the way it is”. Woman and men who are not Muslims are golum (jewish term for anyone not jewish)
In Toronto Canada, Muslims are allowed to stop traffic in Canada’s busiest City so they can pray to Alan. They already have over 1000 mosques in the area but they have to add to congestion of already gridlocked city, adding to smog, congestion with no regard to white people’s time
Yet they pull the LORD’S PRAYER out of CANADIAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS!??? This is OUR COUNTRY (at least it USED to be) not INDIA OR AFGHANISTAN!
Here are some Muslims shutting down NYC to “pray”
They can play “prayer chants” though PA systems in several countries but here in Canada we can’t even say the LORD’S Prayer in Public schools!?
While Muslims get special rooms taht they can just walk out of class to “pray in” This is (was) Canada!
Muslims shooting AK47s in France
to show they are in control over the police
Eight Sikhs charged with firearms offences in Brampton Canada
Sikhs running Terror Camp in Canada
Moninder Singh says the group he co-founded in Canada the “Sikh Liberation Front” does not promote violence although their logo is an AK47 rifle.
ISIS Toronto Canada
Jul 31, 2024
A Toronto father and son who were arrested at a hotel in Richmond Hill, Ont., are now facing several terror-related charges. As Mercedes Stephenson explains, the pair was allegedly in the "advanced stages" of planning a violent attack in the name of so-called Islamic State (ISIS)
Father was ISIS in “another country” and HACKED a man with a sword but hey man, CULTURURAL DIVERSITY! LET THEM IN CANADA!
Jihady, shoots up a car in Biden’s USA
need more Jihad videos? click here.
Here’s a list
of 77 Terror groups (that we know of) operating in Canada.
Migrant roasts a cat in the streets of Italy back in 2020
Now we are seeing reports about Haitians stealing and eating people’s pet cats in Ohio USA.
Kamala Harris BRAGS about flooding America with Hatiains who are attacking people and eating pets
Foreign invaders paint "kill white people" on the outside of a church
5 minutes of niggers wishing death on white people
See, this is culturally normal in their countries. This is why we have countries and borders and we USED TO be able to CHOOSE where we wanted to live but now our countries of choice are fucked by migrants who bring their ideology into our countries.
Yet when you say something against this, well now, you are a racist homophobe nazi hate speecher, toxic masculinity, misogynist and all the rest of the satanic leftist terms they dream up.
As a vegan of some 30 years, I used to tell people "wait till they bring the Yulin Cat and Dog ‘FESTIVAL’ to the west!” Slippery slope like everything else! Cultural Diversity right? It's ok in their countries to roast cats and dogs alive in front of the customer so why not here?
Vegans tried to get this shut down for years but it STILL GOES ON EVERY FUCKING YEAR!
Then there is the Muslim "ED AL FESTIVAL" where they torture and bludgeon to death 100's of 1000s of animals in a week long "FESTIVAL" to appease the GODS!
Not "gods" fucking demons! There's only ONE TRUE GOD!
Canadians, did you hear about how the muslims hung a cow upside down by the legs and were skinning it alive in the back of their "MOSQUE" until someone called the cops on them!? Fucking ONTARIO CANADA a few years back. I think it was Markham. Not sure. Here are some articles on it. Notice that if you ask the same question on Google, you get NOTHING! Google supports and protects Muslims and other terrorists.
Their excuse? Sorry we didn't know you can't torture animals in Canada.
Muslims do NOT come in peace
Palestinian leader: “The world must prepare for the day America is no more; Islam will enter the White House, and will also conquer Europe through conversions.”
German cop admits Germany is no longer a safe Country due to Islamists
too many muslims with knives hell bent on making Shari law and Muslimism dominant across the world.
Yet in spite of all this, US is giving FREE MONEY to first time home buyers but there’s one catch; YOU CAN’T BE A US CITIZEN! Only applies to MIGRANTS!
Toronto police find burned remains of Chinese community leader in targeted murder
Anita Mui was a high-profile realtor and leader in Chinese-Canadian groups associated to senior Canadian politicians and Chinese Consulate officials…
Eva Vlaardingerbroek talks about how Free Speech is under attack
Freedom of speech is under rampant attack. The UK is locking up its own citizens for “hate speech”, Pavel Durov has been arrested and X has been banned in Brazil.
But did you know there’s already a law in place that would allow the globalists to ban X in the EU as well?
I’ll leave you with something funny…
JP Sears “interviews” Kommunist Harris
half way through, Kommie must be on drugs!