Want the Truth? Question EVERYTHING!
Plus added double bonus feature (at no extra cost!) Special observation this week "Be Present" - C19 was made in a lab in China - a bit of nostalgia in this post too. Please read more.....
We cannot make anyone do anything they don’t want to. Even if we hold a gun to their head, their reactions will only last as long as the threat does.
I cannot make you read these posts, watch the videos and even if I could, I can’t make you believe them or perhaps even understand them.
Believing and or understanding them are up to the reader. The fact that you’re here subscribed to these posts means you too seek the truth.
And here’s the irony…. I don’t have all the answers. Nobody has all the answers. Everyone only has their own beliefs. What they believe is the truth. I learn from you as you learn from me.
If we all believe a rock is worth $27.53, guess what? That rock will be worth $27.53.
It’s hard to go against the grain. It’s hard to NOT do what everyone else does. We fear social pressure “what will THEY think if I…” We’re always worried about what others think, hence most cave to peer pressure.
I learned this 25+ yearss ago when I stopped eating meat for ethical reasons. “Thou shalt not kill” (includes Gods animals). Everyone told me I’d surely get sick and die. My gym buddies told me I’d shrivel up, not be able to push the weights around or even go to the gym. These were their truths, their beliefs because thats how we were all brought up. That’s how we all live(d).
I stopped eating meat on a challenge, a 30 day challenge, to see if I could go without for 30 days. How hard could that be? I had already fasted for 24-48hrs on nothing. How hard could it be to only remove meat from the menu? So I did that and never looked back. I wouldn’t let myself “lose” my own challenge.
In doing so, I had to believe in myself, not the opinions of others. I lost friends but gained new ones.
This “training” set me up in a good way to handle the bullshit of the plandemic. Again I had to go against the grain. Again I lost friends, gained some new ones in support of our own bodily freedoms.
Please keep this in mind while perusing the rest of this post. Thank you for being here!
Mayo Clinic study reveals long-term negative effects of puberty blockers, challenging claims of reversibility
Mayo Clinic researchers find atrophied testes and fertility concerns in boys treated with puberty blockers despite the claim that puberty resumes when a child stops taking them.
![Mayo Clinic study reveals long-term negative effects of puberty blockers, challenging claims of reversibility Mayo Clinic study reveals long-term negative effects of puberty blockers, challenging claims of reversibility](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fc062157c-1096-4250-8c88-22df9554011d_1280x720.png)
Jewish Math
Not sayin I don't believe in the holocaust but really, what in history have they told us that was true? We really have to question EVERYTHING!
As we learned within law, nothing in life is black and white, only shades of grey at best. A Lie doesn’t have to be completely wrong. A lie can be a partial truth or the withholding of information. That blank space, in the absence of the Truth, is a lie.
The degree of accuracy can never be 100%. Now, to those that experienced this first hand, their truth is 100% accurate for them but even they couldn’t have seen the whole story. Entire families wiped out, no doubt. Was there 6 million in total? Were they all Jewish? Were they all Germans that were doing the killing? Does anybody really know for certain?
I searched around… of course jewish Google will not give any info other than what they want you to hear. I searched more neutral “Yandex” and found this article;
Obviously some numbers are faulty. We know for fact that the Jews don’t even consider certain people to be Jewish. I don’t know enough about it but I do know that their own people don’t consider some certain sects to be jewish, so that could skew the numbers as well. eg some sects believe there were more Jews while others don’t believe there was that many in the first place.
Thing is, we’ve been lied to over and over and over again by our governments. We MUST question EVERYTHING! Hence why I named this platform, “IWantTheTruth”
Heck, just 10 years ago, I never thought much of Satanists. I mean, we all knew they existed and that there are some pretty fucked up people on this planet but nobody paid it much mind. I certainly did not know the vast reach of these idiots and their history which dates back to to Ancient Egypt (at least!) Today they make it blatantly obvious that they are into everything.
As I’ve said over and over, the Satanists believe in karma, so they believe they need to do something to exonerate themselves from any wrongdoing, thus they use hidden and encrypted messages so as to cover “I TOLD YOU SO” thereby absolving themselves from any fault of their own and/or karmatic backlash on the perpetrators. Well recently they’re not even hiding it as we can see. Schwab wrote the book of how he (his assholiness) sees the world, and thats without humans! In his book The 4th Industrial Revolution (which I’m not even linking to. I don’t want to lend any support to that Satanic Nazi or his indoctrinates) he talks about humans and machines becoming one. Next there will be no biological percentage left, leaving only robots with the knowledge of humans as a foundation from which they build on. Until they reach this stage, NWO wants to control every living thing on earth, humans, animals, plants, everything.
There’s a 2nd part to their once secret messages. It’s known as Predictive Programming. They are grooming people (especially the young, for their are the future) moulding them in to the satanic ways.
Above is a 5 minute clip from the 3hr long opening ceremonies of the 2012 Olympic Games in UK. The ribbon was cut by the Queen officially opening the games, accompanied by Daniel Craig (aka 007). Millions spend on this in advance of the upcoming plandemic to get people used to the idea that many would die, children would die, hospital staff would be dancing… Note the use of the pyramids in the “production”. Sick shit.
Try harder to be Present
This weeks challenge is “Try harder to be Present”. I’ve been practicing this myself for the past few weeks. I still keep catching myself not being there.
Where are we when we’re “not there”? Who knows!? Might be something as simple as, “well, I was distracted”… Whatever was distracting you, THAT’s where you were! Not HERE in the present moment!
As in everything, there are varying degrees of this ‘presence’. At the far left of this spectrum we might picture the person you are with, constantly on their cell phone, perhaps with an earbud stuck in their head, smiling at you while they are talking to someone else. They are physically present but not present at all.
Moving to the right of the spectrum, some might be there physically, even put their cell phones away, smile when they are talking to you but are they really there!? Where is their mind? Will they remember what you said 30 seconds later?
The brain is an amazing piece of equipment. We probably wouldn’t do well without one (although many politicians seem to be ok without one). The brain can process many inputs and calculations in a split second. Some are rather good at multitasking too….
Trust me, we can all do better
Many appear to be listening but they don’t “hear” what you are saying. Like Pink Floyd said in the 80s “a distance ship smoke on the horizon, you are only coming through in waves, your lips move but I can’t hear what you’re sayin” In their song “Comfortably numb” they describe someone being high on drugs. Is there any difference to those not present?
We’ve all heard the term, “might as well talk to the wall” that’s because the other party is not present. What’s the point of even being there if they are zoned out zombies to appear to care but they are not there. Like an empty shell. Like they’re all preoccupied or on drugs of some sort.
This is incredibly powerful when you start to think about it and implement it in your daily life! When we start to pay attention to this seemingly small detail, we start to realize how not there we are! I mean, we can physically be somewhere, that’s not too hard but to be there and be present is quite another thing.
This is mostly when interacting with others, be there BUT it’s also WITH YOURSELF! You know!? …We’re trying to do a task but the mind is someplace else. Some people say “just focus” I guess it could just be a matter of semantics but to really be there, seems to me, like something more than “just focus”.
I can’t really explain it but try this, next time you are talking to someone, “Feel them” Be “there”. Slow down. Try to not only understand what they are saying but how they are feeling, their body language, their “vibe” their energy. Talking, conversing, answering questions is only 10%. You’ll notice a huge difference when you are “there”.
Though we know about this, we may have even discussed it, in today’s busy world, inundated with information, humans are truly more disconnected from others, from reality than every before in history.
I’m guilty of it myself to some degree but I’m starting to realize it. At my point in life, maybe too little too late. I hope these words may bring some meaning to others before it’s too late.
Cultivate relationships with your spouses, partners, friends, family, pets, business associates, others even those we don’t know. Remember the Internet is only publicly about 40 years old now. Prior to this we used to meet with friends face to face. There was no Internet to distract us. Maybe we didn’t have as much information readily available o us but maybe we didn’t need it either.
Let us NOT be that person
who is there physically but somewhere else mentally. I think they call them Narcissists. Again this may just be semantics. Maybe the person doesn’t intentionally want to be a Narcissist but maybe they don’t realize what they are doing by not being there. The terms seem interchangeable, Not being present / Narcissistic. Myself, I think Narcissistic really refers to someone that does this intentionally which is mostly bad. My own definition of Narcissist is one driven by ego. But for those that don’t know they are doing it, maybe they can practice being there, being present and the narcissism melts away.
40… (ok I admit) 50 years ago, if we weren’t sitting beside the phone when it rang, we simply missed the call! And the caller would know that you didn’t get the message because neither side connected! There were no answering machines, no “mobile” phones to be attached to 24/7. People didn’t expect things so quickly like they do today. There were no drive though’s in restaurants. You actually had to park your car and walk into the restaurant to eat! (Except in 1950’s A&W where girls on roller-skates (not inline skates, these were skates with 4 wheels!) would bring food out to you.
Animals who have been here for millions of years longer than humans, seem to do ok without cell phones, computers, Internet, television, cars, hospitals, “health care” governments etc. Maybe we could take some lessons from them.
CBDC and CCSCS in Canada
from Iron Will Report on Rumble
[ also see his video on the Canadian Banks implementing the CBDC located here. These two, the CBDC (government issued currency) and CCSCS your “Social Credit Score” will be tied together ]
“There is a section in the Canada Bank Act which would allow the government to dissolve all commercial banks, both domestic and foreign, on June 30th, 2025. Is the government planning to shut down commercial banks to make way for CBDC’s? Who in our government is working with the WEF to make this happen? Why do they need to shut down commercial banks before they can force CBDC’s on Canadians? And what is their plan for a social credit system that will enslave us all?”
Is this the goal of Agenda 2030 that 197 nations signed onto?
Central Bank Digital Currency (aka the dollar bill to be history)
CCSCS = Commie Chinese Social Credit Score - to be tied to your CBDC. This means the government will dictate how much CBDCs you will be permitted per month. The CBDC will be programable;
Don’t get your Experimental Injections at THEIR will!? = Lower CCSCS, which means less (if any) use of your CBDC (government issued currency)
Can’t use CBDC more than 15 minutes from your “zone” because they don’t want the peasants to be moving around freely.
Buy too much gas? You’re cut off from buying gas maybe till next month, maybe forever depending on your CCSCS
Buy too much meat, same thing. You’re CBDC will not work to buy you more
and all this and more will be tied to your CCSCS! Even if you in the proximity of someone with a low CCSCS for extended periods of time, that will also effect your CCSCS! They know where you are at all times, some tracked by cell phones, some tracked by self forming nanobots which have been injected into their bodies.
Speaking about nanobots, maybe they couldn’t get enough of them into the body with one injection, hence why they needed to fear people into getting many injections OR maybe the nanobots, like any other program need updates to newer versions. The only way to get them into the body is via injection. They know that the old fashion microchips were painful to install, therefore less people would be willing to get them and easier to dig out even without medical help if necessary.
Certainly people could do without their cell phones or hack their cell phones or buy Brax phones or phones with other operating systems other than apple and android (which is google) like Linux for instance or anything NOT tied to Google but with the injections, once the nanobots are in there, there’s no getting them out. They could attach to vital organs like cancers with so many arms and legs that weave their way into the organs, anchoring them there for good. As difficult to remove as cancer.
Maybe some malfunctioned. Maybe some where not supposed to clot up like they did killing the host* OR maybe some were directed to clot themselves together from a signal sent from the millions of 5G towers. Maybe the attack was random to see if they worked or maybe directed at a few unwilling participants. Maybe they won a lottery… if they had a certain batch of injections and the signal sent from the towers matched the batch code, the nanoparticles would band together, clotting, killing the host. The Elites would think of this as total control. No more wars. Just send a certain signal to a certain area and masses drop dead with nobody to point the finger at. Even if some are suspicious, how could they prove it? and even if they had proof how could the peasants win in court against those that own the courts?
Note 1) remember these are experimental injections
Note 2) EVERY injection going forward will be M-RNA (Messenger RNA) Messenger is something that breaks into the cell barrier releasing it’s payload, EDITING the RNA which are the building blocks of human existence on earth!
Learn about Gene Editing here CRISPR technology here (it’s been around for a long time)
not to mention cyber attacks on banks and personal accounts. Much easier to steal computer digits from a server than actual physical cash or gold or silver from a secure bank.
not to mention, you won’t be able to buy anything if the power goes out!
How do we combat this?
DON'T ACCEPT THE CBDC! NO MATTER HOW HARD IT IS! USE CASH! If enough of us do this, businesses will have to accept cash. We are at war folks. These are our weapons. Just say NO. Money only has value if we all agree on it. If nobody agrees that a dollar was worth anything, it would hold no value. If we all don't accept the CBDC, there will be no value in it. This goes for business owners too! Just don't accept it, even if it means losing a sale! Don't cave or we're all fucked. Together we stand, divided we fall. THEY know this! This is why they try so hard to divide us.
UBI - Universal Basic Income
The sad part is that most of the younger generation will eat this all up. They will believe the commie new world order government is on THIER side. They will be enticed easily with their feeble minds, lazy bodies and hungry stomachs to take money from the government. The UBI will be not in the form of cash dollars but rather credits on a computer called “CBDC”. That’s when they got everyone by the balls. Future generations won’t even know there was another way. Future generations will never know what capitalism was, how people who created, build things, added value were rewards by hard work. They will be slaves to the elite. History will be erased and their brains wiped so they will be nothing more than slaves and methods of growing organs that the elites may need, food for the Satanists and pleasure for the Pedophiles.
Teach your children well. Tell them to question everything and seek the truth. Don’t take things for granted taught by teachers or certainly not what they see on “the news” aka the propaganda arm of the government.
Read letter from Department of Defence
DARPA - Department of Advanced Research Projects Agency
Few will ever understand the gravity of what Lt. Col. Murphy did by releasing DEFUSE he showed us where to look. From that discovery, subsequent draft DEFUSE documents were discovered years later by @USRightToKnow that proved C-19 to be synthetic, and revealed how it was made.
Since we seek the truth on this platform, I never believed there was such a thing as C19. I know for fact it’s an acronym, “Certificate Of Vaccination ID and 19 representing the 1st and 9th letters, AI, the means of which they plan to run the world with once everyone is injected and controlled but maybe it’s ALSO a virus manipulated in a lab in Woohan China like they say.
However it has never been proven to exist in humans according to these two documents;
CDC talking to FDA in this PDF noted that there was no COVID SAMPLES to work with, so they used “characterized stocks” AKA anything they had on the shelf that would resemble COVID should COVID exist;“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA” from page 40 of this document between CDC and FDA
Here’s further evidence of the same where someone demanded proof of said COVID though Freedom of Information ACT (LAW) and the answer was “We don’t have any such records of so called COVID” Click here for PDF
So what’s the truth? Was the virus made so well that modern medicine could not detect that it was anything other than a cold or flu OR is everyone “in” on it and they are all told to say “there’s no such thing” thereby protecting the Satanists!?
As of today there are 228 posts here on IWANTTHETRUTH. Each one has so much information within them. Hours or research from countless websites, people, groups organizations, I hope that if one day I cannot keep writing these, that these writings will point people in the right direction, maybe open their minds to things other than what MSM propaganda tells them. At very least maybe these writings remain somewhere on the world wide web for future generations to find and question their own truths.
Thank you for your time, your reading of this. Thank you for your open mind.
God bless.
I’m out!