Many can't believe these posts STILL! I can't believe there are people who can't believe them!
You have to understand that all that is happening in the world today is from Satan. I know this is a lot for most to take in. Most won’t even read further. Most use the word conspiracy to avoid the truth.
I’m shocked, even today after 3 years of this bullshit how many people have never heard the term 15 minute Cities. I’m more shocked how many people have NO FUCKING CLUE WHO KLAUS SCHWAB IS!
HERE’S YOUR ASSIGNMENT (Should you chose to accept it)…
Ask 10 people “have you heard of 15 minute cities?” Ask them if they know who Klaus Schwab is. Ask them if they know who Christa Freeland is or her background. Ask them if they have ever heard of the genocide going on currently in China. Ask them if they every heard of CBDC or Agenda 21 or Agenda 30. Ask them if they know what SOGI is! PRO TIP! The more people you ask, the better your data will be.
I bet you you get less than 1% of people on the streets know any of this. OR EVEN CARE about it!
YES you were lied to and coerced about taking the experimental injections. Est 14 million are dead so far because of this.
YES you were lied to about the so called virus itself. There is no such thing. Once again, here is a document requisitioned though Freedom of Information Act (a LAW) stating that there is no such record of said virus. Keep in mind this is only one such example (pg 5 is the response)
In fact, high court of at least 11 countries we know of agreed there is no such thing.
Think about it;
A bat in WOOOH HANN CHINA, half way round the world would kill off the entire human race UNLESS YOU take the Bill Gates Experimental Microsoft Injections!
If this were a movie, nobody would go see it! The plot is so far out there, it’s not believable. Even as a Science Fiction Entertainment movie, it sounds stupid! If I were in charge of funding movies, I wouldn’t give a CENT to fund such a stupid concept! Sounds like the WORM who ATE NEW YORK or RETURN of the BLOB where this guy crawled around with a blanket over him! Yet because of the ADVERTISING they did for this STUPID “SHOW” MOST POEPLE BELIEVED IT! In SUCH CERTAINLY that they were willing to take Experimental Injections into theIr bodies! They were willing to STAND IN LINES for HOURS in SUB ZERO TEMPERATURES to be the FIRST to get the Experimental DRUGS! NEW FLASH! If you can stand outside in sub zero temperatures for hours YOU’RE NOT SICK!
DO YOU NOT THINK THERE ARE ANY OTHER SICK ANIMALS IN THE WORLD? MAYBE RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR DOOR? Do you not think animals been getting sick since the DAWN OF TIME? BUT NOW we need a Psycho Computer Salesman to tell us we all need to be injected before there is any return to “NORMAL” - Ya Bill, YOU will NEVER be NORMAL. Why didn’t the Ebola Cross the boarders? How many millions of animals do you think cross political boarders every hour? Do you not think THEY could be “carrying” something?
YES you were lied to about you need a STICK SHOVED UP YOUR NOSE INTO YOUR BRAIN to take a sample that could have been taken from your tongue. They just wanted to see how far they could push people. What people were willing to do.
YES you were lied to about masks which do nothing except see who’s willing to go along with them. Who will willingly wear their costume, cut their own oxygen while increasing their own Co2 intake. AKA who were willing to suffocate themselves and who were willing to ware the UNIFORM. UNI meaning ONE + FORM. That’s what they want. ONE FORM. Everyone the same, sheep. It was a Simon Sez TEST nothing more.
YES of course you were lied to about all the variations thereof. How could there be variants if there was no such thing in the first place?
YES you were lied to about “Global Warming” so much so that they had to change the psy-ops handle to “Climate Change” that way they could argue that YOU are making the climate go UP OR down! Not just up! Fucking climate has been changing on it’s own well before humans arrived here. Antartica used to be a Lush Green Rainforest. Then “Global Cooling” froze it over. In Canada we go from Winter to Summer every 6 months. Its been doing that for millions of years regardless of humans.
Sure I agree we all could to better as far as pollution is concerned but to use this tag line as a FEAR FACTOR to get humans to do whatever the Satanists want is another story.
YES I could go on and on about the lies!
Model walking in mud carrying a teddy bear dressed in bondage. The name of the company comes from “Bahl” the God that they offer their sacrifices to.
New York “Fashion Week”
Madonna’s daughter Lourdes wearing horns coming out of her breasts. Nothing weird about that right? Even hear name Lourdes, comes from Lord + “es” Like a Stewardess. Steward is the male version add the “es” to make a female version. She she is Lord in a female version. Lord of what? The Underworld?
Here she looks like she’s thinking, “useless humans! I squash you like a bug!”
Ok here she is again in a cute red outfit. Doesn’t look too bad from a distance right? (like 5 miles or so) Right breast might be deflated but besides that, not too bad right?
ok let’s zoom in a bit for a closer look…. “an Whoop der it is!” No wonder she looks so depressed. You’d be too if you were possessed by Satan.
But WAIT KIDS… it gets WORSE!
This isn’t some Halloween party, this is New York “Fashion WEEK!”
this is fashion?
COVID19 - Certificate Of Vaccination ID.
19 = the first and ninth letters AI, Artificial Intelligence, the means of which they plan to run everything by once everyone is tagged.
Funded by Gates and Rockefeller full article here…