They're all Satanists
The world's "Elite" are all involved. Hollywood, Politicians and just down right sick rich fuckers.
Satanic Grammies Sponsored by Pfizer
Freak Show Complete with the Flames of Hell
Sponsored by Pfizer of course. The top Killer of Humans.
Alex Jones Feb 6 2023
This video has clips from many of the Satanic performances like the UK Olympic Games opening with the Giant Reaper taking Children. This “Performance” was opened by Queen Elizabeth herself.
You MUST watch this one first, it will set the stage. Jones really sums it up.
Note 1) one thing I don’t agree with is Jones selling “Bone Broth” in his commercial, but the rest of it is spot on. Least you can fast forward the commercials on internet.
Note 2) This is only 30 minute of a 3 hr show. If you want to see the whole thing, it’s located here. The long version talks about the Banks Pulling YOUR MONEY OUT because THEY NEED IT! They call it Bank BAIL IN’S! They already did this in Cyprus in 2013! This is why they need you to accept the CBDC. DON’T DO IT!
Wow. In the long version, at 40 min, you gotta see this! Freaks! You got Blacks promoting Blacks, you got special categories for QUEERS! Fucking people actually watch this shit! Even Biden’s caretaker (his WIFE) was there. See how they use the media to prop up the failed “President”? You got illegal immigrants who came into the US, already Grammy Wonders, signing in their own language, promoting that they are “NON BINARY”. You got Sam Smith who no longer says he’s a man (or a woman) but he “Identifies” now as Non-Binary like every good Satanist does. Remember baphomet is part male, part female, part animal. Got the “Medical Logo” on it’s chest and points up and down (up is down, down is up). According to Satanism everything is upside down and backwards. Completely backwards to anything Christian. This is why they all hate Christianity and Jesus. This is why they pulled Jesus out of schools and replaced him with Satan and Drag Queers.
Alex Jones points out that every major performance now is satanic. He points out about Hollywood and how it’s been satanic for years. If you missed my post, it was my dream to move to CA and make movies. I used to be on FB and a friend there was in Hollywood. She had been in many movies and told me stories about how it was all Satanists and Pedophiles. I didn’t want to believe her. She burst my bubble. Now the truth is out. If you missed that post, click here. I had also reported this on my website in 2019, before my last WOKE Leftist web host pulled all my websites!
Rhianna’s Satanic Superbowl “Performance”
Here she is wearing her shirt “Control Minds” in the shape of the Satanic Inverted Cross. Sure she’s a good singer! So is Lady Gaga! They are all good performers but like Jones says, they use this talent as BAIT! The same way a
You can watch Rino’s Satanic-bowl Performance here. You can see that you have to watch on Youtube because Youtube is Google which is the great tracer, tracker, Data Harvesting Program. If you don’t want to watch it, She’s the devil and all the dancers are dressed in white cloaks. I dunno it they are supposed to be the KKK or giant sperms who pay homage to Rino.
Watch as hear breath kills all those standing, and listen to her words (4:35)
US $20 bill
I bet everyone here has heard that when you fold the twenty dollar bill a certain way, you are presented with the images of the Twin Towers on fire.
Note how accurate the representation on the bill is. Not only does it show two equally tall buildings on fire, it is correct down to the point that the destruction happened on each tower.
Why? Because in Satanism, they believe in Karma however, apparently there is a loophole. You see the Devil is the greatest deceiver. The way it was explained to me;
Say the Satanist is selling Poison Apples but doesn't say it. A victim buys the apple, eats it and dies. That karma will come back on the Satanist BUT if the Satanist puts, in some symbolic nature, a warning or fine print so to speak, saying that the apples are poison, then there's no foul! No karma for the Satanist.
Twin Towers was planned years in advance. The Satanists had to represent it somehow to all the possible people would could have been killed or effected by this evil plan. Currency would reach the greatest amount of hands. AKA "they told you so" therefore no blood on their hands.
The fact that the pyramid is on the one dollar bill, shows that they tried to tell you way back when.
I think the biggest joke in Satanism is that those that think this will avoid karma for them, are delusional. They are dealing with the Prince of Evil. The Great Deceiver. When time comes for final judgment, the devil will laugh at them and say "you actually believe that shit!?" To the devil there is no loyalty or love for humans or anything for that matter.
More here;
"Coincidentally of Course" Pfizer Spelled Backwards Is the God of the Plague of the Underworld
Ellen Degenerate Creep Show
In 32 seconds, you will see what’s in the frontal lobes of the average Satanist;
‘Lady’ Gaga
He/She sold her soul.
gets up at 0300hrs to worship Satan!
he/she calls is a “Transformation”
Lots more Lady Gaga Satan clips here.
Once again, no issue with her voice! He/She is a great singer but as Alex Jones puts it in his video (above) They are like the angler fish that has the light on it’s head. Other fish come close to check it out and they get EATEN. The Head Satanists use these puppets to project their voice, to normalize satanism and everything that goes along with it, same as the Media.
Both the “Entertainers” and the “Media” are nothing more than conduits of the head Satanists designed to suck you in. They need you on THEIR SIDE, so taht anything they say, you will go along with. You will accept it and Satan’s ways. Most of all they don’t want opposition.
In order to do this, they much make sure their sheeple audience is weak of mind and body. This is why they need them to be confused queers who don’t know whether they are male or female. They don’t know right from wrong. The Satanists push Pedophilia as if it’s a good thing. Maybe the kids won’t feel so bad when they get sacrificed.
If you’re just joining us, or Waking Up, you might find all this hard to believe. You ight think its nothing more than a show. thats what they want you to believe. Thats how they lull your senses. That’s how the python makes you feel like you are ok but with each breath, you get less and less oxygen until you give up, die and it EATS you.
The more I’m exposed to this shit, the more real Jesus is. You see whatever the Satanists say, we must do the exact opposite. The opposite of Satan is Jesus.
The Majority KNOW what’s goin on
Warm Welcome to Bill Gates in UK (1:38)
Seems fitting that it rained on Gates, Water puts out Fire (the Gates of Hell).
If you STILL DON’T BELIEVE they are Satanists
here are over 2000 pages of testimony from the Maxwell/Epstein case. Yes they really did kidnap children and do terrible things to them on Epstein’s Island! Yes all the top Satanists are involved. This is why Epstein killed himself (aka “Suicided by Hillary)
This shit is real man. Many might think it’s a stage show but these fuckers really think this way and act this way. They are Satanic!
—> ←-
A secret inquiry on Google “tv television and film” would return these results. They have since changed this access point. Who knows what the new code is to access children like this.
Can’t make this shit up!
Climate Change?
Remember when they used to call it Global Warming? Now they have to call it Climate Change so they can say it’s getting hotter OR Colder to play either way, their way! This is Satanism folks. Satan is the Great Deceiver. There’s no truth, no loyalty among Satanists.
Hillary is now pushing BAN CASH to FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE! Can you believe that? What the FUCK does “Cash” have to do with the WEATHER!? Climate change is BULLSHIT. They will use ANYTHING to scare people into doing what THEY WANT!
Record Breaking Wind Chills Of 110 Degrees Below At Mount Washington
More “Global Warming” … IN TEXAS!
Feb 14 2023 (1:30)
Thank Goodness Schools are pushing Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity!
Gotta git me sumudat "cultural diversity and inclusivity" (0:23)
If you say anything against this, you are a racist, mysogninist, homophobe, transaphobe, white supremacist etc etc.
All are welcome! (Unless you are white) Here’s how to check to see it youa re a Nazi or not…
I did NAZI zat komink! Did you!?
Here’s an extra order of that Cultural Diversity to go
Some Actions to Take
Below are some audio teachings about who we really are. We are children of God. Not of the State. Our birth certificates are something issued by the state. We did not sign them. Babies cannot enter into contracts therefore they are null and void.
Contracts and “Mandates” (like your jib jab mandates) ONLY EXIST BECAUSE YOU ACCEPT THEM!
Go to this page, click the drop down menu. Start from the start. It’s a course of study. You have to pay attention if you want to get anything out of it. Listening to words won’t make any difference if you just play it in the background. You have to pay attention to what he’s sayin.
Since they are audio recordings, you could listen to them on your train ride back and forth from work or before bed or somewhere that you can concentrate on them.
One thing’s for sure, you will be Shocked at what you learn!
it helps to subscribe and share these posts. The more people become aware of what’s goin on, the better we will be to defend. Consider this Self Defence against the Satanists.
This weekend Saturday February 18 2023, there’s gonna be a big rally in Toronto Ontario Canada, Queens Park at High Noon. Lots of speakers, Doctors, Lawyers, lots of Freedom Advocates. If you are in the area, please drop by. They are usually 2-4hrs long. You don’t have to stay for the whole thing but you’ll probably want to.
ok folks, until next time MLLHR, HSMC