Same as they say 90% are "vaccinated". World population today (depending what site you look at) claims to be 7.9 to 8 billion people(*2). They are claiming that most had 2-4 shots. @90% that's 15 to 31 billion doses. That many doses never existed. Plus Canada is saying they threw out how many millions of doses because people weren't taking them!? These numbers are all over the place, yet they call it "data". how can it be data if we are guessing how may jelly beans are in the jar? There's no science, no math. It's all complete bullshit.
If you read this book, New World Order, you will know that everything in Satanism is backwards and upside down.
As Hugo mentions in the video, communism is Satan's platform. Commies = everything is for the state whereas Christianity (Capitalism) the state works for the people, elected by the people (supposedly). It's completely reversed.
There is no good vs evil in satanism. only steps to enlightenment, so you can lie or even kill people as long as it it to forward the cause.
This is why the Baphomet points up and down. (Up is down, down is up) demons speak backwards. Light is dark, dark is light etc. The baphoment is male and female and non-human. It has the internationally recognized symbol of "Medicine" on it's chest. Pharmacy / Pharmakia = witchcraft. [did the pharmaceutical industry take the sign from the baphomet? or did they invent the baphoment and put their sign on it? Since “pharmacy” was taken from the Ancient greek word Pharmakia, I could only guess that baphomet came first.]
(*2) We know MSM lies. We know top search engines push what they want people to believe, which is “the population is growing” however;
Deagel Military Website
predicted a 75% drop in world population by 2025. These predictions were made back early 2000’s. I dunno where they got these numbers from but once the “Great Genocide” was announced by his assholyiness Bill Gates of Hell in 2020, all these pages were removed. Luckily some of us captured those pages back then (what goes on the internet, stays on the internet, forever)
So what do you prefer to believe? Your government who constantly lies to us about EVERYTHING or the latter?
Look how Trudeau says one thing to Canadians while supporting his Commie Chinese buddies.
It’s a HUMAN right to be able to TRAVEL FREELY, not a “government given right”
Told you, EVERYTHING we’ve been indoctrinated into believing IS A LIE!
I first started questioning everything 30 years ago. I never felt right about “one must die for another to live”. That never sat right with me. Ya but animals eat another animals. It’s the way of the world right? Ya well I dunno about you but last I checked, I’m not an animal and if you’re reading this, neither are you.
As far as we know, first man was discovered around the equator were it was warm. Food grew in abundance. Wasn’t until many generations later that man started to venture out away from the equator toward the colder poles, where less food grew, so out of survival mode, they learned to hunt and scavenge like animals. Clearly this was not how we were designed. This was a hack, a survival skill, certainly not what we were made for. We can’t run like the deer, we can’t live in cold climates without special clothes, houses, heating. We’re not made for the water as we don’t have scales. We don’t have feathers like the birds or hair like bears. We were designed to live in a warm climate where food grew from mother earth. Humans, without all the extras, would not survive a night in the forest. Can we eat meat? Sure we can. In Guinness book of records, people ate glass and nails as well! Is it optimal for us? Of course not. how long do you think you would live IF you were able to catch animals without special weapons, eating them raw with no special tools, like actual carnivores do? Even if you could catch an animal and ate it raw, wouldn’t be long before you were dead from parasites and other diseases.
I questioned “you need your meat from animals and your milk from cows and your eggs from chickens.” Well, no, I’m not a baby cow. I’m not a carnivorous bird that scavenges off other birds and I certainly can’t catch a deer and eat it with my claws and canine teeth while it’s trying to escape.
These, like the rest were all just big lies pushed by factor farms who made money from people’s beliefs like this. no different than the pharmaceutical industry making billions off people’s fears.
Even my own father (God bless him) 30 years ago, would try to fear me into the dogma that if I didn’t eat your meat, I would surely get sick and die. I don’t blame him for saying this because what else did he know? He only went by what he knew and what his father taught him. His father had equivalent to our grd 3 or 4 education here. He was “right off the boat” couldn’t speak English. He was a furrier. All he knew was how to have a “hobby farm” where the animals were “his pets” but once in a while, he’d chop the head off one and roast it on a spit!
In my father’s day, people were lucky if the had a Television Set! Mostly their news came from newspapers and radio! The only ones rich enough to advertise on those mediums were the large farms pushing their “products”. It should be noted that 10 years ago Forbes reported that out of the Top 10 Privately Owned Businesses in United States, 8 were Factory Farms! It’s huge business. OLD money that generations are not willing to walk away from. As long as people think they are carnivoristic animals that need to eat the blood and the flesh of the dead, as long as they believe they need the milk of the cow, the Factory Farms will continue to provide it.
Why cow’s milk? Why not snake’s milk? Why not cat or dog’s milk? The first person to decide to drink the milk of a cow must have bin into some pretty weird stuff! They would have had to be very “progressive and liberal” in their thoughts. These are the people today who believe there are more than two genders. Those that don’t know if they are male or female or other. Those that can’t even decide what bathroom to use!
If it were “necessary” for humans to be eating the dead in order to survive, wouldn’t all the vegans and vegetarians be dead by now then?
Today we know the polar opposite to be true. Today, top world class athletes are winning gold medals and setting world records without eating the dead or their secretions. Bodybuilders, Boxers, MMA fighters, Soccer players, Basketball players, Football players, Power Lifters, Endurance athletes! If its’ good enough for them, it’s good enough for the average person who mostly SITS, surely.
If you put a dead body in the ground, it decays and returns to mother earth. If you put a living acorn in the ground, you get a huge oak tree. This is the difference. One is life, the other is death.
I never did very good in school because frankly, school bored me. Hence, I didn’t do the work, didn’t hand in assignments and got bad grades. School wasn’t anything I was “good at” but one thing I’ve always been good at was smelling bullshit. I can smell it from miles away. 9 x out of 10, I can tell when people are lying and when I heard that bat in China was going to take down the whole world, then I saw a computer salesman telling everything “there will be no normalcy until everyone on earth is “vaccinated” with his experimental drugs, that to me was immediate BULLSHIT. thats when I started IWANTTHETRUTH.CA website (which was pulled due to censorship, which is why I’m writing here.
I quit meat some 30 years ago “cold turkey”. Since then I learned so much. 1) like anything, the more you do it, the better you get at it 2) everything we were told before, “milk builds strong bones and teeth” = bullshit. Quite the opposite! It causes osteoporosis as well as other problems.
I can’t make you do anything with this information. I’m only putting it out there so that people at least question the legitimacy of what we have been told, what we have been taught over the years. Question EVERYTHING today!
Look what they are teaching children in schools today! Can you imagine one or two generations from now, what “society” will believe?
Do you think they were telling you the truth in the past?