the Problem and the Solution
First the bad news
so the good news will cheer you up….
Sorelle talks about the “3 pillars” of the New World Order
Surveillance: Right now, it’s your cell phone but they are pushing to have this surveillance embedded in your body so you can be attached to the mainframe computer, aka controlled.
Finance: Trackable, Traceable, Controlled by the government and programable so they dictate where and when you can or can’t spend it or earn it.
Scoring: Like the China Social Credit Score. This “Scoring” system will be tied to your actions which is tied to your “Finance”. Your actions, even who you associate with would affect your score. Of course we know this is already coming. Canada for instance, Trudeau, whether you think its conspiracy or not, is a COMMIE. His biological father was a commie and his Legal father was a Commie Sympathizer. Trudeau Jr loves the Chinese Communist Party. He got his Senate to agree that the genocide going on in China was NOT Genocide! Of course we know Canada as well committed genocide on it’s own indigenous people. Trudeau also said about the Chinese protesters that “everyone should be able to protest and have free speech” however on his own Canadians, he claims anyone who has their own opinion (other than that of the “government” are fringe minorities with unacceptable views” get it? Loves the Commies, Hates conservatives (and white people! Yet he claims to be “all inclusive”) ok then!
Schawb’s Nazi Roots
people are taking their health advise from a Nazi
And now the Solution
Yes, you have to click the link from the image above since “Substack” only permits “THEIRTUBE” videos to play on their platform.
Also see how;
Cyborgs will not save the world
Couple of clips here. You can see the massive COVEY CAMPS being built in China. Obviously not for people’s well being. Meanwhile in California, they already have autonomous, shoot to kill robots in use! What could go wrong!?
Didn't we just say "There's NO JOURNALISM in MSM ANYMORE!" Only actors reading from a centralized NWO approved Script!
BACK IN MY DAY (you know? prior to 2019?) Journalists would actually seek out stories, RESEARCH them, then actually REPORT their findings on the "news". NO MORE! Now they are all just actors who can read a teleprompter and deliver the propaganda.
In Canada, these puppets get GOVERNMENT JOBS! Ben Chin, a Flaming Homosexual Asian teleprompter reader from Ch 57 Toronto, with ZERO prior political experience became Trudeau's right hand handy man, "TOP ADVISOR!"
Shamus O"Regan, a Flaming Homosexual teleprompter reader from Ch 57 Toronto, is now "Minister of Environment of Canada" (these are all Federal positions)
Marci Ian, a black lesbian who used to read the teleprompter at Ch57 Toronto is now "Minister of Black Woman's Rights" aka THEY MADE UP A POSITION FOR HER TO TAKE COUPLE OR 300K HOME A YEAR FOR NOTHING!
You could be the most qualified person for the job but if your not a Liberal, leftist, gay Muslim tranny (extra points if you're a pedophile) you won't even get a job cleaning the floors!
Watch this!
Tulsi Gabbard Destroys Trudeau
Maybe you've seen this before. Certainly worth watching again as a reminder to us. If you haven't seen it, this is a true blessing.