the CBDC LIE - Watch closely
After all the so called “Government” has done to you and I, if anyone believes the “CBDC is supposed to be good for you” these people are VERY naive.
Watch closely.
CBDC is being sold to Canadians as “it will be much simpler. You won’t need a wallet, you won’t need cash, they will scan your face or your retina and your “credits” will automatically be dedicated from your account!
They area saying “will not take the place of cash” this is an out and out LIE! WATCH the VIDEO. This is how they lead imbeciles down the garden path and most will just follow it. Watch the video!
Right now they are “asking Canadians” how they feel about it. Well most are against it but this makes no difference. Their minds are already made up. This is the Satanic plan, to control everyone on earth, staring with the most feeble
Canadians are already the most sedate
they have no guns (according to the government who has gone to great lengths to remove ALL types of firearms from Canadians
Bill C11 censors Free Speech so we can’t notify anyone about this.
Like China, soon the only thing citizens will see on tv, radio and newspapers will be from government licences “broadcasters”. If such broadcasters do not publish what the government wants, their licenses will be revoked. Be wary of ANYTHING that requires a “licence”. A License is a control method cojurned up by someone else. Free people have no licences. There is no licence to be born and to walk this earth UNLESS YOU ACCEPT IT.
Cash will be considered terrorist funding.
In Ukraine they are already gloating about how anything over 300.00 cash will be an act of terrorism.
In collaboration with this CBDC will be the “Digital ID” and “Commie Social Credit Score” this will complete their totalitarian control over every human left on earth.
This will come down to Universal Income “Credits” digitally given to all the good boys and girls of the earth but these credits will come with strings attached
first, the credits will be programable - eg you can’t use your credits more than 15 minutes from your “living sector” - your “money” won’t work.
next if will be tied to how co-operative you are. Say something against teh government, you will reduce you credits.
buy too much groceries, you eat too much, so no more credits for groceries
buy too much gas, you get cut off
planning a trip? you travel more than 15 minutes, your credits wont allow you to buy gas. Leave your car. Now it’s worthless to you. Remember what Klaus Schwab says in his book “the 4th industrial revolution”? “you will own nothing and be happy”
Sorry but after seeing the writing on the wall in 2019, Ive been saying this doesn’t end well. What happens is eventually even passive Canadians will get mad enough to start a revolution. Since they have no guns or money the government will have a hay day annihilating everyone, getting that population down to a controllable 500 million like the Guidstones said for so many years. They just need a “reason”.
Sun Tsu Quotes
Believe me, the NWO already studies this and this is how they think;
But they also know;
"The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”
They want to win without a fight. They want everyone to lay down their swords, roll over and succumb to them. best if they can get their victims to turn to them as in Stockholm Syndrome. This way they not only take from “our side” but increase “their side”
"Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across.”
“Sell” your opponent (us) on reasons for giving up or joining them, going their way, accepting the CBDC, taking their experimental drugs and or whatever else they want you and I to do. This is done though psy-ops, propaganda and shutting down any extraordinary conversations to their contrary with words and phrases such as “conspiracy, mis-information, dis-information, antivaxxer, homophobe, transaphobe, skin head, nazi, racist etc” who wants to be labeled anything of the sort? See how effective these words and phrases are?
"The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.”
And haven’t they done a great job of confusing the enemy (us)? They are teaching children from a young age that boys are girls and girls are boys and in fact they aren’t even any “gender” now labeled as “non-binary” (like a worm that has no sex or like the Baphomet that they worship which is neither male nor female or even human.
They divide and conquer, driving a wedge between parents and their children, having 9 year olds decide for themselves to take their experimental drugs with out the consent or even knowledge of the parents. At just 9, they are deemed mature enough to make the decisions to take the unknown, unproven experimental injections yet they are not mature enough to refuse them!
They continue to confuse people by telling them there’s a killer virus on the lose that would certainly kill everyone on earth UNLESS they took the Bill Gates / Microsoft / Planned Parenthood / Satanic COVID (Certificate of Vaccination ID) experimental drugs and MOST fell for it because MOST BELIEVE the Government! Most BELIEVE anything they see on Main Stream Media News which is just the government’s propaganda machine. But they are not stupid. Once in a while they throw us a bone. They put a guy on CH 57 who appears to be conservative and who posts his own views. They allow him some leeway so they don’t lose conservative viewers, like the pitcher plant lures flies with it’s sweet smells. Give them something to come for, then swallow them alive digesting any nutrients they can extract from them.
For those who don’t believe this or those still sitting on the fence let’s look at the
"Begin by seizing something which your opponent holds dear; then he will be amenable to your will.”
They are (attempting to) taking away our rights, medical rights, legal rights, right to bodily autonomy, they want to take away private property ownership, they want to take away your cars, they want to take away your right to make a living and tell you how to spend your own money (or not)
“If his forces are united, separate them.”
they separate children from their parents, indoctrinating them into the commie way of life. They separate people politically and by words and verses calling people racist, homophobes, transa phobes and on and on. They attack religion keeping people from congregating. They even used the covid to stop people from getting together.
"It is only the enlightened ruler and the wise general who will use the highest intelligence of the army for the purposes of spying, and thereby they achieve great results.”
why do you think they want no “NEED” to track, trace and control us so?
"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
"If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected."
"To know your enemy, you must become your enemy.”
Hence why I’ve been writing about this since 2019. Know thy enemy.
Many thought I was crazy for saying we are at war. Some still do. We are 100% at war. So far no shots have been fired. They wish to win by psy-ops alone but this will deteriorate into physical war.
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”
this is why they want a new generation of weak people. Physically weak from the drugging and mentally weak teaching them they know not whether they are male or female and their arguments among each other are based on whether someone did or did not use their proper pronouns. How will people like this ever fight a war? How will they even know they are at war?

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two possible “COVID” scenarios;
it was a sick bat from China that infected the entire world population. Sure. Has their never been a sick animal on earth before? Do animals not cross political boarders every second of every day? Do human boarder patrols check and stop every animal from crossing boarders? Of course not, yet sick animals are crossing the borders every second of every day but “Bill Gates’” sick bat from China would kill off all of humanity UNLESS everyone took his drugs? ok bill.
how many sick animals passed over boarders. Has the ever been a world wide pandemic brought by an animal requiring the entire world be drugged by a rich guy who doesn’t even have a licence to practice medicine?
Why didn’t the ebola cross the boarders? I guess it knew better to stay in Africa right?
have humans not fallen ill from eating diseased animals? Why didn’t they spread that disease across the planet?
Com’on guys!
During their Plan-demic, Bill Gates was widely noted throughout the internet saying “There will be no return to normal until the vast majority of the population gets vaccinated”
Today, I can’t find this video ANYWHERE! I tried a bunch of different search engines. I even tried the “wayback machine” aka “internet archives” - Let me know if you can find a copy anywhere! Gates and co had scrubbed it from the internet but someone somewhere has a copy.
Let us hear from Tedros, Teddy boy, director of the WHO aka PAID BY BILL GATES
Gates math to reduce Co2 by reducing population
Brilliant Bill! Let’s start with you and your family!
Gates fact
As of 2019, Bill Gates is the largest single shareholder of CN stock, owning a 14.2% interest through Cascade Investment and his own Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
In all, 52 percent of rail freight car loads consist of bulk commodities such as agriculture and energy products, automobiles and components, construction materials, chemicals, equipment, food, metals, minerals, paper, and pulp.
Woman holds in her hands a 2011 newspaper
which says in black and white that Bill Gates is going to start "Depopulation through compulsory vaccination", as it will be the most "environmentally friendly solution."
Video from 2021 shows what commies do forcing and coercing people to take their drugs. What happened to my body my choice? or our right to chose what medical care, what doctors, what lawyers etc we want to chose?
Possibility 2
covid was made in a lab as a bio weapon and was unleashed unto the population.
ok let’s say this was true. Why would those who made it unleash it onto the population? Surely they have loved ones and they wouldn’t be able to save all of them. What if it killed those who made it?
if this was the case, then surely we know where it was made and who was involved, follow the money right? So why has nobody been prosecuted for this crime against humanity which is contrary to the Nuremberg code of 1946.
it was made as bio weapon, why would they have a vaccine for it made up? That’s like saying they have an antidote for a bullet. This is not what they want IF they made it right? Goes against the reason it was made (if it was made)
if it was a bioweapon, unleaded, why did it not kill off everyone on earth? They claim the death rate was less the the seasonal flu which would kill off 2 million people world wide every year.
In conclusion, both these stories were made up to scare people into VOLUNTARILY take their experimental injections. How else would they get the majority of the population to roll up their sleeves and take experimental injections? Surely if they just said “Hey Microsoft is selling experimental injections” nobody would show up now would they?
You can see on this page, The FDA was talking to ehe WHO and admitted there was no covid so they guessed in making up a so called vaccine. Normal vaccine would have some of the virus in them. Since there was none, they used “stock viruses”;
“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA” from page 40 of this document between CDC and FDA
Here’s further evidence of the same where someone demanded proof of said COVID though Freedom of Information ACT (LAW) and the answer was “We don’t have any such records of so called COVID” Click here for PDF
Finally The PCR Tests were never designed as a screening test. That is, they cannot tell if someone “has something or not”. All they do it analyze what you put in front of them. So if you wanted to analyze a tree bark for example, you could do so. And as Nobel Prize winner, Dr Kary Mullis (creator of PCR test) said; “Everything is connected, so of you want to find “tree bark cells in human cells, you could likely find that too”
So which false story do you wish to follow? It came from a bat in China? or it was made in a lab and unleashed onto the world? If there a third possibility?
Yes, it was a psy-op designed to scare people into rolling up their arms and taking the “koolaide”.
Alberta NDP
They claim only 28% of Albertans did not drink the koolaide. I find that hard to believe.
here Alberta tries to sell people, even children on taking the koolaide
commies. Trudeau’s gay lovers....