This is a really Powerful Post! You won't want to miss it! It was an eye opener for me making it!
"It takes Strength to be Good"
No kidding! You have to buck the trends. You have to be yourself and FUCK what others tell you. You have to go against the grain. Swim upstream. You lose friends, even family members because of your convictions.
I stopped eating meat some 25 years ago. All my gym buddies (and my own father) told me I'd surely shrivel up, get sick and die. Nothing could be further from the truth but we are brought up with this BULLSHIT! Like milk gives you strong bones and teeth!? In fact is causes osteoporosis!
Years ago, they told us to eat your meat and milk. Today they are telling us to eat crickets! Are you still gonna listen to them?
How about listen to God?
"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." - Genesis 1:29 (King James Bible)
If God wanted us to eat animals, he would have given us the tools of the carnivore, like short intestines, big powerful jaws with sharp teeth. Claws. The ability to run down prey. The ability to digest things like bones and blood. Abilty to see better at night, hear better than humans and have a far better sense of smell. We’re just not designed like this.
Humans can't eat animals naturally. We can't catch them and if we could, we couldn't eat them alive like real carnivores do. We can only eat certain parts of animals AND they have to be well cooked AND seasoned with ...... (wait for it........) PLANTS! If you tried to eat raw meat, it wouldn't taste good and you'd get sick, if not die.
Animals get cancer same as humans. Large factory farms kill 4-500 cattle PER HOUR, up to 2500 pigs PER HOUR! (God knows how many chickens!) Do you think for one second the meat industry has doctors and scientists sitting there inspecting every bit of meat for cancerous tumours? Good luck with that! You are literally eating cancer! Not to mention taking in al the drugs the animals have been shot up with.
Instead he gave us plants that don't run away when they are eaten. In the beginning, man was said to first discovered near the equator where it was warm and food grew naturally in abundance. It wasn't until many generations later that man ventured out north and south from the equator and as they did, the climate became colder. Less vegetation grew in the colder climates. This is when they started to act like animals. They saw other animals eating animals, so in a monkey see, monkey do fashion they did the same.
At first, many likely died from from parasites etc. Later they learned to burn off parasites with fire.
This was all done as a method of survival. A hack. It was not our natural default state. Not what humans were designed for.
We have hands for picking fruits, grains, vegetables. Long intestines for extracting the most nutrients out of them.
It is as hard to talk to people about this as it is for the unvaccinated to talk to others about the evils of taking Bill Gates Experimental Injections. Some, you can't talk to. Some will take the shots anyway regardless what evidence is put before them. Can you see the similarities?
Then there’s the moral issues as well. Why do we love out pets but allow other animals to be disassembled ALIVE? (YES they are ALL ALIVE while this is happening!)
More here....
Another good one to follow is Dr Morse;
please watch Earthlings 2005 documentary
Surely this is “Normal” right?
45 year old Huston Rapped “Big Pokey” drops dead on stage during live performance.
Be Aware of the Invisible Enemy
well said….
Covid-19 Scam John O’looney Current Update on Genocide
British funeral director John O’Looney says 4 of his friends died aged 40-50 all vaccinated
He reads an email from a nurse talking about cancer rates she’s never seen before.
End Human Trafficking
A Powerful, well made video about human trafficking Trump vows to stop.
also see “Panda Eyes”
Male Fish Turning Female in Southern Ontario Canada!
find out why!
#TRANSFISH - funny but not funny
Reason # 609486 to be vegan. "Hey, want a Trannyfish Sandwich?"
Heinz Ketchup Warning
Shocking report! Spoiler alert… IT’S HALF SUGAR! Not to mention the rest of the crap! But its not just ketchup! It’s mustard and relish as well and so many other products! (6:24 video)
Compassion lacking in our society today
"That's gonna be ME one day" That made me cry. After the loss of my wife of 37 years, it really hits home what's important in life.