I was looking for a picture of people praying. I searched “People praying in awe” on Google, then clicked on “images” this is what I got….
It’s all Jews and Israel and Palestine etc no Christians. Ya there’s a pic of the Pope but clearly, he’s on their side, siding with the satanic left, photoed with Democrats and Hollywood Actors.
If you click on that search above, you will also see Muslims on their hands and knees and more Jews at the “whaling wall” in Jerusalem.
Then I searched the same terms on Yandex, then clicked on images, this is what I got….
These are Christians praying!
See? Search Engines were supposed to just give you non-bias answers to your queries. Clearly Google is far left bias. It will only return answers it wants you to hear or see.
We know the Satanic left hates Christianity.
The Trudeau regime is quietly making moves to make being a Christian a criminal offence in Canada, under harsh new hate speech laws. Bill C-367 will ban Canadians from expressing “an opinion based on a belief in a religious text.”
It’s imperative today that we question everything! Yet if you go ask 10 people on the street if they know what Yandex is, 9/10 won’t know. The general public are so “I don’t care” and “conspiracy this and conspiracy that” they’re not even willing to look at any other possibilities. You know what? I never thought I’d say this but they deserve what they get! After all this time, all the protests, if people can’t see past their tv’s, if they still trust the government and are will willing to stand in line for the next round of injections, then fuckem! Can’t save people who are not willing to be saved or those who are so narcissistic that they cannot admit “maybe I was wrong”. Those who allow the Ego to overpower rational thinking, are doomed. Ego causes clouded judgment closes doors, doesn’t allow any other possibilities.
Imagine if all scientists were like this? Narcissistic. We’d have no progress. We’d still be writing on cave walls!
… You’ve heard the joke about the flood and the guy that wouldn’t leave right? No? ok here it is;
Ol’ Abe was sitting on his porch playing his fiddle when the emergency vehicles passed announcing on the PA system, “FLOOD WATERS ARE RISING! LEAVE THE AREA AT ONCE!”
But ol’ Abe just waved and said, “it’s ok. God will save me”
The waters began to rise. Soon Abe’s basement was underwater and the first floors was half submerged with things floating around in the living room.
A police inflatable boat came by. The police yelled at Abe though the loud speaker, “Come with us! The flood is getting worse!”
But ol’ Abe was just wading around up to his waist in water and said, “Don’t worry about me. God will save me.” and the boat rode on.
By the next day the flood waters had reached the roof of Abe’s house. Ol’ Abe was sitting on his roof just above the water playing his fiddle when a helicopter came by, dropped a line, said; “get into the harness! We’ll take to to high ground!”
but Abe said, “I’m fine. God will save me”
Well over the night the flood waters consumed the whole house. Ol’ Abe had nothing to hang on to and the rushing waters pulled him under. Abe drowned.
but then Abe found himself at the Pearly gates with God himself there to greet him. Abe asked God, “I thought you were gonna save me!? Now I’m dead!”
God said, “You idiot! I sent you you emergency vehicles, then an inflatable boat, then a helicopter but you chose to ignore all of them! What do you need? A written invitation from me carved in stone!??”
Trust your judgement, your instincts. Never look a gift horse in the mouth (don’t question or criticize a gift. It’s a gift man! — But don’t be naive either. You know about “Greeks bearing gifts” and the “Trojan Horse” right? That’s another story.
I’m out!