Most don't even know what UNDRIP IS! Just like "conspiracy" right?
UNDRIP (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) is already imposed in Vancouver. In short, it's UNITED NATIONS TAKING YOUR LAND!! By "LAND" it includes YOUR HOUSE!
[hmm? what else could it stand for? UN Devil RIP off!]
This is already ratified in Vancouver City! Let’s break it down; WTF does UNITED NATIONS have to do with Vancouver BC? UN is a component of NEW WORLD ORDER. They want to “practice” (once again) on Indigenous people of BC. Take their land, then expand this to EVERYONE WHO OWNS ANY LAND ON PLANET EARTH!
You MUST WATCH THIS for a start!
Get your bearings on what’s going on….
Odessa and Lord David talks about allodial title. They're looking at ways to BLOCK this action against you. This is (some of the) AMMUNITION WE NEED!
John Horgan (BC) is spearheading this LAND GRAB in BC now. @29min, the video says he has complete support from Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre!
I've been posting information about NATURAL LAW. Nobody listens.
This is just ONE of the 25 goals and objectives of the Illuminati written in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt - He was commissioned by House of Rothschilds to commit these ideas to paper. They are the pillars of a secret society which would later be known as Illuminati (the Illuminated ones).
Most people are just like "conspiracyyyyyy! Get your tin hats out". Well I guess JFK was a conspiracist too telling us about Secret Societies in the 60s. He was killed because of this. I guess taht was a conspiracy too.
I hate that word "conspiracy"
Science is the study of things we don't know. Scientists form ‘hypothesis’, ‘theories’ which they run with until proven otherwise. Tomas Edison tried 1000s of times to create the incandescent light bulb and failed at it 1000s of times. This was in an era where streets were lit with oil lamps. Everyone mocked him for even trying!
He had the idea that if he could “burn” something in a jar without AIR in it, that “something” would not be able to burn but the light would be left. He knew fire required three things, Heat, Fuel and Oxygen but could the light still remain in the absence of one of these elements? By October of 1879, he finally found his answer.
Without open minded thinking we'd still be writing on cave walls. The word “Conspiracy” just shuts everything down, AS IT WAS MEANT TO when it was coined by the CIA after the Kennedy Assassination. Any HYPOTHESIS outside the MAIN STREAM NARRATIVE was "conspiracy". This is what they pushed.
Well now, in 2022, we’ve moved beyond “conspiracy”. The 1960s “conspiracy” psy-ops is no longer working on many people as we can clearly see from the massive protests happening around the world. So now they intend to just censor everything. In Canada, Truedough pushed through his Bill C11, which is the Censorship Bill which will make (the Country Formerly Known As) Canada, JUST LIKE CHINA! Where
ONLY Communist Government (CG) Propaganda is permitted to be broadcast.
Content providers must be LICENSED by the CG. Everything they broadcast must be inline with the CG. If not, the broadcaster will have their licence revoked, fined and the broadcasters imprisoned.
It’s already in effect. Google manipulates their search results in a way that benefits them, yes, the Satanists (*1) and their agendas. They skew results to influence people’s way of thinking. They have swayed millions to vote the way they want them to vote and even take untested experimental drugs for a virus that has never been proven to exist. Facebook only allows their pedophile ways. Anyone riding up against Pedophiles is shut down. Anyone with ANY NORMAL CONSERVATIVE MORALS AND VALUES is SHUT DOWN. They only want feeble minded, easily swayed people without the balls to set themselves straight. They mix kids up so much, they don’t even know what bathroom to use. They’ve got little boys believing they are girls and girls believing they are boys. They got them believing that there’s unlimited number of genders one can be. They’ve pulled Jesus from schools and inserted Koran, Satanic studies and Pedophilia books, magazines and teachings from Tranny Drag Queens - all in line with the Satanic Agendas.
* These people are Satanists. Told you that before but people be like; "Satanists!? C'mon man!"
Yep. Told yu to read this book (*2). It covers everything, how it started from Ancient Egypt. Did anyone read it? Nobody's got time.
Everything in life is a sacrifice. We sacrifice one thing for another every second of every day.
How about the sacrifice our forefathers made for us, for the freedoms we once enjoyed in the Country formerly known as Canada? Many fought, many died for this. We ride the coattails of their service, their deaths and many today “piss on their graves” I quote Arnold Schwarzenegger recently telling people, publicly, “T’HELL with YOUR FREEDOM!” His father was a Nazi supporter anyway, what do you expect?
How about the sacrifice Jesus made to us on the cross? and the sacrifice of his father giving his only begotten son for the remission of our sins. And who crucified him? It was by the order of the Jews. See how it’s all coming together now?
We’ve lost God. Lost site of what holds our fabric together. All the 25 Goals of the Illuminati, you will see, are designed to tear apart everything that is Godly, or Christian. You will learn how everything in Satanism is upside-down and backwards.
I don’t think we left God because we are all bad people. I think we left God because there seemed to be no threat before. We didn’t need him. We lowered our guard, got too cocky, arrogant, self centred, consumed by media propaganda, people glued to their black window scrying devices. The devil has deceived most and filled the gap that was Jesus to begin with.
Its no secret that armies of ages upon ages have always used the basic tactic “Divide and Conquer”. This is why the attack against Christianity. This is why Christian churches were closed and many burned in Canada. If they were synagogs or mosques or temples, it would have been all over the news. There would have been huge uprising. Instead “Queen Justin” SYMPATHIZED with the ARSONISTS!
Satanism aims to divide families, divide groups, bankrupt companies. They can’t have anyone being INDEPENDENT. They need people to have to RELY on the system, like Heroin Addicts rely on their PIMPS for their drugs.
Divide the families, they wouldn’t let people get married, wouldn’t let them see their elderly in nursing homes, wouldn’t even let them morn their dead and blamed it on a “virus” that has never been proven to exist! (*3)
Whether you believe in God or the Devil is really not the point. The point is, everything the Satanists want you to do, you NEED TO DO THE OPPOSITE! These are just a FEW examples;
They want you to take experimental drugs, DON’T TAKE THE EXPERIMENTAL DRUGS!
They want you to “Own nothing and be happy” - Means you should own things or someone else (the Satanists) will OWN THEM FOR YOU AND “RENT” THEM BACK TO YOU!
They don’t want you to go to church, you should go to church! or read the bible! This will reinstate good principals and moral direction. The church also gives a sense of community which is another thing they don’t want you to have. So be together with people. Or join Shade Stone for Sunday Night Scripture via zoom. If you already have zoom loaded this is the meeting number 88194918110. Copy and paste that into your “Join a Meeting” window in Zoom, every Sunday night starting at 8pm EST. One caveat; I’m not sure if that number changes from week to week, so you could e-mail Shade, the coordinator. Put “Sunday Scripture” in the subject line and ask to be added to his mailing list.
They want you to eat bugs - guess what? DON’T EAT BUGS!
They don’t want you to travel - SO TRAVEL!
They want you to take part in the NEW WORLD ORDER GLOBAL CURRENCY - guess what? DON’T TAKE PART IN THE NWO GLOBAL CURRENCY! Use CASH and ONLY support businesses that continue to accept it. FUCK the others!
They want you to be Gay Pedophiles, SO DON’T BE A GAY PEDOPHILE!
They don’t want you to have a family or kids — GO FORTH AND PROCREATE! Says so in the bible!
They want you to have a cell phone and use their nice “free apps” THROW THE FUCKING THING IN THE GARBAGE! HOW THE FUCK DID WE MAKE IT 200,000 YEARS that we know humans have been on earth without “cell phones”? they’re only something from the past 30 years! And WHY THE FUCK would a “cell phone” need to be a computer at the same time? All you need is to be able to make a call or send a text! Its a PHONE not a COMPUTER FFS!
They don’t want you to OWN LAND - That means BUY LAND! - Let’s be careful about this one however. We have learned that owning land comes with strings attached called “bylaws”. (See the first video above with Odessa and Lord David) land is great because you can live on it, grow food on it but we must be conscious about our title to the land. This is going to be a big topic and more information will be coming about this. A good thing to know is “your straw-man”. This will help you get started;
They don’t want you knowing the truth. They want you to be saturated with their propaganda bullshit MSM. That means don’t watch the news. Watch our posts here, subscribe to our video channel, join our telegram group.
These were just a few examples off the top of my head. There are lots more.
Also see
NWO takes Vancouver - more about UNDRIP LAND GRAB
(*2) please read;
Above post includes “New World Order” book which is really prerequisite reading before you delve any further.
Also includes the 25 “Commandments” of the Illuminati.
(*3) please read;