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You know, as I write in my about me here, it makes WAY more sense to save resources by restoring old cars and making that viable - look at Cuba for example - not only their car situation, but also their food growing situation.

They had to relearn how to grow food not only organically but also biodynamically - which is organic on steroids! :)

So, Cuba has already gone through the paces of what we are facing on a global level.

In fact consider how many genocidal situations in history have been all about conquer and destroy and then takeover...

And for what? Control of the 'free trade' of the world. Who owns the Sea all the ports in the world? why it's the City of London...

Take a look at some of the revealing history in @CanadianPatriot.org and use the search window on almost any subject on history @larouchepub.com

But my biggest question is around the take over of the lands of Kanat`an - unceded, but through these steps of genocidal tactics, a complete depletion of the spirit of the peoples, a removal of their food sources (buffalo for example), lack of comprehension on the 'declarations of discoveries' not only verbally but also cultural meanings...

How is it that now, the Indigenous have through the international courts been acknowledged in their rightful standing on these lands, but the charade keeps happening?

Honestly, I've been seeing this as a Spiritual World much more!

The Indigenous see Spirit through all dimensions, are a matriarchically run society, discipline wrongdoers by tribunal to reengage them in community in better ways and to remind them how important they are to all peoples (the basis for all wrong doing)...

So with this in mind, which authority would you like to continue a future with?

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