Dear reader:
I cannot make you read these posts. I cannot make you click the links and watch the videos but if one seeks the truth, they must do the work. To get the most out of these posts, one has to spend a few moments to read the content and watch the videos. Otherwise it’s like you have a Ferrari but can only drive it in first gear… or maybe don’t even take it out of the garage. Kind of pointless, isn’t it?
Knowledge is to be shared, not hoarded and hidden.
I’m in a unique position where I can do this research. I’m inundated with information from many sources over years and I share that knowledge with you, here.
It is said “If you know something and take it to the grave, it dies with you. But if you know something and share it, that knowledge goes out into the world and never dies.” When I share this information with you, I’m sharing part of my life with you. Most don’t have the time or inclination to do this research and post it here for you.
Another saying “When we know better, we do better” To give one example; If people knew how bad the experimental injections were/are, NOBODY would DARE take them!
ok, let’s get into it…
Canadian Prime Minister (aka QUEEN of Kanada) had a front row seat to the Taylor Swift Concert. Here you can see him dancing around while surrounded by teenage girls.
Meanwhile Montreal was burning. Migrants, Communists, Leftist professional ANTIFA protesters were violently rioting in the streets, shooting flares, smashing windows, looting, burning cars.
However if you compare this to the;
Freedom Trucker Convoy
In Ottawa Canada a few years back, the protesters were peaceful! Entire Families went there, braved the -15C cold (whatever that converts to in English, thanks to “Global Warming”) Children played on Jumpy Castles! All they wanted was an audience with Queen Justin! But Justin ran away, not wanting to talk directly to his peasants. He/she broadcast from a secret undisclosed location, far away from the peasants who drove so far to see him!
What did Justin do in this case? He activated the “Emergency Measures Act” (Formerly known as the WAR Measures Act) This is a legislation that was only supposed to be used in times of war. As in being invaded by another country. It gives Queen Justin full reign over his kingdom. The right to do ANYTHING he wants! Even shoot his own citizens!
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”
~ Thomas Jefferson ~
Jefferson’s assertion was made in 1776 during a time when American colonists were seeking independence from British rule. The context was one of revolution against what they perceived as tyranny. His words reflect Enlightenment ideas about governance and individual rights, which were influential at that time.
Thomas Jefferson served as the third President of the United States. He held office from March 4, 1801, to March 4, 1809. Jefferson was a key figure in American history, known for his role as a Founding Father and for authoring the Declaration of Independence. His presidency followed that of John Adams, who was the second president.
Trudeau had his police force there as well as RCMP, Military AND United Nation Solders! On the side of the cop cars it says “to Serve and Protect”. Ya well the only one they were protecting was Trudeau because they feel he pays them, when in fact all those groups get paid from WE the PEOPLE though our exorbitant tax dollars we throw at this country.
The cops, RCMP, Military and United Nations soldiers in this video, Trudeau says “it’s not appropriate to send military against Canadian Citizens”.
Cops dropped people miles out of town, far from their cars in the sub zero temperatures!
Fuck…. If you only watch one of these videos, watch the above. It’s only 1 minute 28 seconds.
Trudeau’s regime broke windows in cars and trucks so the owners could not stay warm inside! They broke into personal vehicles without a search warrant!
They STOLE diesel and gas used for their heaters!
A GoFundMe campaign was set up to help the truckers and others who spent time there, not working, burning gas etc. The GoFundMe campaign had raised over CAD 10 million (approximately USD 7.5 million at that time).
Trudeau Seized most of that money said he would redistribute to “charities of HIS liking”! Some of the money was returned to those who sent it and worse, Trudeau LOCKED the BANKS ACCOUNTS of people who sent as little as 10.00!
Trudeau, broadcasting from a secret location called the protesters a “Small Fringe Minority” Does this look like a small fringe minority to you?
This is the power of the WAR MEASURES ACT for a PEACEFUL PROTEST which fell on deaf ears.
What did the RIOTERS get in Montreal? NOTHING! Who paid for the damages they did? Who paid the businesses that now have to rebuild? Where were the Cops, Military, RCMP with their horses to trample those mutherfuckers!? Where were the UN soldiers to beat them like they did to the peaceful citizens in Ottawa!?
Where was Trudeau? At the Taylor Swift Concert dancing among teenage girls.
Some say, “well those Ottawa protesters blocked the streets”. Really? And the ANTIFA migrants that terrorized Montreal were not blocking the streets!?
Pedophiles in Plain Sight
Above; A freak Drag Queen, Tranny, a man dressed as a woman throws fake money at a child who is told to dance “sexy” while other perverted pedophiles look on and cheer. Of course you’ve got your gay flag flying, top left, seen at the beginning of the video. Not sure where this took place.
The liberal moms and dads are all for the LGTBQRSTUV agenda. They like that their children are being taught about faggotry and told that they are more than two genders and that this is all about “acceptance” of everyone.
Ya well, if that’s your position, you can FUCK RIGHT OFF. Some of us value family and Christian teachings. This is satanic as I’ve said throughout this blog. I keep reiterating that the satanists do everything opposite the bible inverted backwards, up is down, down is up. the light is dark and the darkness is the light. This is the satanic agenda.
The bible says a man shall not lay with another man and a man shall not dress like a woman and “go forth and procreate” whereas the satanists love the gay agents because its exact opposite of of the biblical teachings. Gays can’t procreate. Satan hates God’s creations therefore being gay and not procreating is great in the eyes of the satanists.
Holy fuck. This is a very basic clear cut passage in the bible. I was looking for the links and used “GOOGLE” and look what Google first notes!
The first and TOP RESULT from Leftist, communist, satanic GOOGLE is as above. They want people to question the meaning of this clear message from the bible!
ya, it’s “mistranslated” and all boys should go fuck other boys. That what the satanists want cuz they hate the bible and they don’t want more of Gods creations.
Google also goes on to note that homosexuality is natural….
Ya well, as far as I know, humans are not insects, spiders or any of the other things mentioned there. But who knows!? Maybe we are since boys can be girls, girls can be boys and there are infinite number of genders! Right!? Maybe humans are really insects as Google says above!
Now if you ask Yandex, a much more non bias Russian search engine, you get more straight forward answers;
The peaceful protesters in Ottawa were met with MILITARY FORCE! The WAR MEASURES ACT was used by Trudeau! One of the organizers, Pat King was charged with several felonies.
The Montreal protest, cars were burned, businesses vandalized and looted. The rioters had little if any resistance. There were no Military or War measures was enacted. Nobody’s BANK ACCOUNT was seized! Nobody was trampled by RCMP and Trudeau was dancing with teenage girls at the Taylor Swift Concert.
Trudeau PROTECTS TERRORISTS, PAYS THEM MILLIONS while TAX PAYING Canadian citizens are met with Trudeau’s army!
People are being sent to prison for a fucking Facebook post while these rioters and terrorist are being PAID!
In school, when I went to school, if a boy dressed as a girl or if there was a tranny come to the school, they would be ARRESTED! Now they are PAID to come tell Johnny that he is not really a boy! and Suzy is not really a girl!
Can you not see by now that this is all about the fight between good and evil? The satanists do everything 180 degrees backward from biblical teachings. If the bible says “GO FORTH AND PROCREATE” the satanists push the LGTBQRSTUV agenda because they cannot procreate and they make blasphemy of the bible.
You’ve GOT to see this!
Trudeau admits they “settled” out of court, giving Omar, a CONVICTED TERRORIST over 10 million dollars!
In the video you will see how Omar’s father was fundraising for Osama Bin Laden. Also his mother was head of a woman’s group supporting Isis.
US military was hunting for BinLaden. To do this, they look for who funds him, thus they found Omar and his family. There was a firefight. Omar was hit but not killed. He threw a grenade, blinding on US soldier and killing another. Omar was captured and tortured in Guantanamo Bay for information. US wanted to know where Osama was hiding but Trudeau stepped in and said he was born in Canada, therefore a Canadian citizen, therefore he gets out of US jail AND gets 10.5 million dollars and gets to talk on mainstream radio, Universities and the like. He was a convicted and admitted TERRORIST but Trudeau saved him, while he does the above to peaceful citizens.
Do you see a pattern here?
What do you think are the common denominators in all this? Who was persecuted by Trudeau and who was not?
Answer; Please correct me if I’m wrong but Trudeau persecutes WHITE CHRISTIANS while SUPPORTING and SAVING MIGRANTS AND TERRORISTS!
AM I WRONG!? When over 100 Christian Churches burned across Canada, Trudeau SYMPATHIZED WITH THE ARSONISTS! Had they been Mosques or Synagogs, we would have never heard the end of this! Military would have been bought in and there definitely would have been arrests! NOT ONE ARSONIST WAS ARRESTED!