A famous psychologist said;
“We don’t get to “fix others” all we can do it be supportive, sit back and watch the show.”
Folks, I can’t make you watch these videos. I can’t make you act in anyway. That’s up to you. The whole substance of our website and this blog is to expose the enemy and offer some defences against them.
If you wash this information with the word “Conspiracy” then there’s no sense following any of this. It’s like sitting in school, learning nothing and not applying anything you learn.
You know in self defence classes, techniques can be taught over and over but its up to the student to apply the knowledge. Saying “you know some techniques” because you saw it on the Internet. This means nothing!
This is the difference between those who can pass a test vs those who can’t pass the test but they can apply the techniques.
The First thing you need to know in self defence is KNOW THY ENEMY!
So many STILL, after 3 years don’t even recognize the threat! Hell, many today don’t even know of they are boys or girls! How on earth would mixed up people like this be able to see a threat if it was staring them in the face!? WHICH IS IT!
So at this point if you don’t feel you are threatened or the lives of your children and grandchildren are under attack, then just close this post. Go home and let what happens happen.
If you agree there is something wrong, then follow me. You have to realize the threat. And no, it’s not just that Google wants to know what you buy so they can sell you more. If that’s all you believe, this course is not for you.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
A year ago, called for the creation of an Anti-Globalist Alliance “under the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Since then what has been done?
3 years in, I think we know what the problems are. Those that don't get it by now, perhaps never will. What we need is a solid organization of our people, a point by point plan to defend against the satanists. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò called for this a year ago. I still don't see any organization on our end. I fear most are too deluded by their own lives. They use words like 'conspiracy' to make it all go away in their own minds. They can't face reality. Then there are those who actually WANT to live under such tyranny because they are used to having nothing. What they don't realize is that their lives will become worst not better. They will become slaves, put in covey camps, experimented on with no law that will ever save them. They will be used to harvest body parts from and drink their adrenachrome. They don't realize this and the satanists will justify this by saying they've got the covey or the chicken pox or the donkeycrom or whatever.
Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen
Once again Bjorn echoes exactly what we’ve been saying on this blog and though our website and telegram group. Many people are Naive. Those that took the shots now are regretting it. It’s hard for them to admit they were wrong. It’s easier to call us “conspiracy theorists”. I guess that makes them feel better. I’ll let Bjorn talk…
Predictions for 2023
You have to watch these videos first
to understand the enemy. To understand what’s happening and what WILL happen.
Some understand what’s going on. Saves me making videos.
At 2:00min, “we need to explain to others what’s going on” people still don’t get it! after 3 years!
Here’s how they will take your house
Why Are All Those People Dying?
Record Excess Deaths In Europe
Here Bjorn echoes what we’ve been saying throughout this blog and out website;
People don’t want to talk about it
They don’t want to think about it.
Most will simply scroll by.
Many will delete this post.
Our forefathers fought and many died for the freedoms we once enjoyed. To ignore this is like pissing on the graves of those brave men and woman, young men and woman, many who paid the ultimate price because they believed in out freedom, the freedoms for future generations.
10 Things People Say to Preppers
SHTF, Preparedness, Positive Mindset
He answers questions from the comments.
I include this one because once again Bjorn echos what we say here;
“Why on Gods Green Earth would anyone “Trust the Government”!? For ANYTHING!? After what they have done to us!
…. I’ll let you listen to Bjorn;
Will you Fight?
This is the hardest fight. You know why? Because its a psychological, spiritual war. People don’t understand the threat! Thats what they want!
Look; If someone comes to you with a knife and they are about to stab you, MOST sane people would realize their lives are at risk IMMEDIATELY because its a different sort of threat. But the Satanists promise a better world, while holding the knife behind their back. This is why many can’t fathom what’s going on.
It’s not the Destination, it’s the Journey
We Will Not Lose
Now for some Self Defence Lessons
Please try this
This is an actual Self Defence lesson you can practice today;
This action will not help others. Ok maybe 1% might take it to heart and actually think about what you asked them but don’t put your confidence in this. This self defence is for YOU not them. It will really emphasis to you, how many are running around daft, ignorant or brainwashed as to what’s going on. Be prepared that most will wave you off saying they’re too busy. They don’t even want to hear your questions. Here’s the exercise;
Stop 100 people right now, TODAY in the shopping centre today (where it’s nice and warm) and ask them if they know who Klaus Schwab is, what he’s about, what his plans for the world are. Ask them who “Yuval Noah Harari” is. No one will know! How do you expect to fight an enemy that you don’t even realize that they are the enemy? MOST STILL don’t even know we are under attack!
MOST WON’T EVEN READ THIS POST! If you have followed this post this far, you are in the 30% who get it. We need to work on the other 70% It’s up to us. YOU and I. Sorry but there’s no Batman gonna save us. Certainly no Politician gonna save us.
These are the people (satanists) who are calling the shots! These are the people who have already indoctrinated at least 179 nations around the world. Its “their people” in those positions, like the Queen of Canada, Queen Justin. These people are NOT ELECTED they are SELECTED
Learn Guerrilla Tactics in Social Media to Counter Big Tech
Rob explains the dangers of Facebook and Google and Youtube. Yes, these are Youtube videos (which Im surprised their still on youtube) Youtube is Google. To use Youtube, you need a “Google account”. On this “substack platform” NO OTHER VIDEOS WILL PLAY ON IT! So I suspect Substack is owned or controlled by Google. The reason we are using it is because the masses are still using it. These are the people we need to reach. Just listen to Rob…
Rob is admittedly above my pay grade. I certainly learn a lot from him.
I tell people today about Bitchute and they look at me like I got two heads. They never heard about it. They make joke like “Bitch Chute?” They don’t get it. Hence why today we are using Youtube videos which will play here on this platform. I guess Bitchute is NWO Self Defence 201 and new practitioners (prospects) need to complete 101 first, as prerequisite to move on to more advanced work.
Prepare for Tribalism
20 Wilderness Survival Tips and Bushcraft Skills
Of course we hope it doesn’t come to this but we also hoped that forced injections around the world would not be real right?