In this post I try to draw similarities, character traits that may have saved my life from main stream beliefs.
Most people are afraid to follow the truth because they fear being ridiculed by their friends and family more than they trust their own instincts. They would rather just follow the crowds. They don’t want to ruffle any feathers so to speak. Their egos, how they are represented to their friends, is more important than reality. Reminds me of superficial people. Those more interested in how they are perceived by others. This is their highest value.
I named this whole platform I Want the Truth because, personally, I’d rather face the truth than be comforted by lies. The truth is not easy. The truth is not for the weak or faint of heart. It takes a warrior to face truth and deal with it. It’s far easier to dismiss the truth with words like ‘conspiracy’ as if that makes the truth go away.
In an instant of panic, the truth emerges
The Truth is like an Onion with many layers protecting it. These layers must be peeled back before we can uncover the truth.
… In the absence of all the other Bullshit, only the Truth is left!…
A few Sunday mornings ago I was on the 401, our main highway headed west. Not too many cars. Bitter cold but the sky was blue and cloudless. I was doing my regular 130k (80mph). Far ahead I could see a coyote running onto the highway in broad daylight. It was obviously scared, dodging the cars. I slowed to about 30k hoping I could hold off traffic behind me, hoping someone doesn’t smash into me from behind.
Others also slowed, some had to swerve over to another lane to avoid the animal.
At this point, we’re all going pretty slow. Hopefully the cars behind us would see our brake lights. I was cringing thinking someone’s gonna hit him and I’m gonna witness it getting splattered on the road.
By now I was advancing on the animal and now it was right in front of me, dodging back and forth, obviously scared! With my eyes on the animal, I could not watch for other cars. I was hoping someone wasn’t going to try to pass me, smearing the coyote.
The coyote made it to the median barrier, hopped over, now it was in the east bound lanes. That’s where I lost sight of the animal. Now all I could do was focus on my driving.
Later, I was on the way back, then in the east bound lanes. I was expecting to see remnants of a coyote all over the road but I saw nothing. The road was completely clear. Later I called OPP and asked if there were any reports. Nobody reported it either. I hope the coyote made it across the 401 safely.
This, my friends, is NATURAL REACTION! Most (most) Human’s natural reaction would be to do whatever they had to do to avoid hitting the animal, wouldn’t you agree?
The Emergency on the road blocked out everything else people were thinking about at that moment. The ONLY thing left was Basic Human Nature! This is pure human nature, unadulterated by what we are told by main stream media about eating animals, “circle of life” etc. Does that make sense?
In the heat of the moment, most people would try to avoid the animal. There’s not too many, maybe the odd psychopath who would deliberately try to run it over but we’re not talking about the 1% mentally disturbed people. They have their own problems to deal with. I’m talking about most “normal” people. Their first reaction would be to Do No Harm to the animal.
I get it, there are situations where if it meant hitting the animal or driving off a cliff, most would hit the animal to save themselves but the point I’m making is that most would not want to purposely hurt the animal. Agreed? Great…
My First Truth
Technically, I guess my first truth was learning that I was lied to about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. The good news was realizing it didn’t make any difference!
Since then, I never trusted adults. I had a gut instinct as a kid. I guess kids are naturally inquisitive. I questioned pretty much everything.
But my real First Truth was about animals
My grandfather had a "hobby farm" He tended to animals with care like they were his pets but once in a while, he'd slit one's throat, skin it, cook it on a spit and eat it, in front of the other animals. He knew no better. He came to Canada with nothing more than equivalent to our grd 4 education (back in the day when we used to have actual schools, not indoctrination camps). In the "old country" he was a furrier which requires zero empathy but he knew nothing else. That’s how he was brought up. That’s what he was taught. That was his culture. THAT’s what everybody else did back then in his world.
I saw some pretty horrific things on that farm but continued to eat meat until I was 30 because, well, "that's what everyone else did" right!? Everybody eats meat! Even my mamma use to say “it’s the circle of life” but somehow the concept that an animal has to die in order for me to live didn’t sit well with me.
Later on in life, I was sending money to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) while chowing down on burgers then finally I realized how hypocritical this was.
I saw billionaires like Paul McCartney who could have anything he wanted, live anywhere he wanted, eat whatever he wanted but he chose to not eat the dead. In fact Paul’s wife and the rest of the Beatles were also not eating dead animals.
PETA would send emails saying "try the 30 day challenge", (stop eating meat for 30 days). They had a form you could print and sign. I didn't need to do any of that. I had fasted before, with NOTHING, not even water for 24 hrs and 48 hrs with water. How hard could it be to just eliminate meat for 30 days?
Something clicked in my head and I quit cold turkey! Right on the spot. I remember, I had just made myself a tuna sandwich with mustard and lettuce and tomatoes and black pepper. The bread was toasted and crispy and I was about to bite into it….
My dog was sitting beside me, he was looking at me, I looked at the dog. I looked at the sandwich. The dog looked at the sandwich. The sandwich looked at the dog, then me. It was like the Mexican stand off in the Good the Bad and the Ugly you know? I said to myself, "Self, if I don't start NOW I will NEVER start" so I gave the dog my sandwich. It was gone in a matter of seconds.
The first few hours after making that commitment to myself were hard. I said to myself, "self, now what rabbit!?" Slight panic set in. At first I thought I was going to go nuts, so I ate handful of nuts.
Hence I’ve had a lot of practice with going against the grain and trusting my own instincts. It was a great leap of faith.
The more we do anything the easier it gets. 30 years later I'm still learning new recipes, what taste good together, just like a musician takes their time to learn a new song no matter how long they’ve been playing. A boxer trains to be better than he was before. A race car driver no matter how long they've been at it, still learn new things to shave a 10th of a second of each lap. Even Mr Universe, voted best body in the Universe, still learns new things as he tries to make even further gains for the next competition.
I learned that what we were taught, “you need to eat meat and potatoes to grow big and strong” was complete bullshit.
Here are some Clinical Trials testing plant protein vs animal protein;
I learned that there are many professional athletes out there winning world titles, bodybuilders, power lifters, swimmers, triathletes, boxers, MMA fighters, football players, soccer and many others who are competing at a world class level that don't eat the dead.
As a kid, I looked up to Bill Pearl. He was the top bodybuilder in the 50s and 60s, before Arnold. Bill was a vegetarian. (He ate eggs but no meat). He was also one of the strongest bodybuilders. He had all this figured out well before “internet” He just died couple years ago at age 91. At 87, he was still in the gym training regularly!
99.9 % of us don't do anything anywhere near the levels of physical (or mental) strength it takes to win world class competitions. So if plant fuel is good enough for the top 1%, I’m pretty sure most would be ok with it.
Physically we don’t need it. It’s habitual. That’s the way most were brought up. It’s what we were taught. It’s learned.
Another acid test; (I heard this one from Dr Dean Ornish who scientifically proved heart disease can be reversed though diet) — If you put a bunny rabbit and an apple in the crib with a baby, the baby will instinctually want to play with the bunny and try to eat the apple. If the baby tries to eat the bunny, it’s possessed and needs an exorcist! #rosemary’sbaby.
This is human nature in it’s most pure form, before having any outside influence.
Let’s give it one more test. Did you know there are still tribes living today who are cannibalistic? That’s right. They eat other humans. Still goes on today. Look it up. Why do you think they eat people? Do you think this was their natural default state or do you think this was taught though the tribe? Conversely, why does no one else (generally speaking) eat people? Because we weren’t “taught” taht way. We weren’t brought up like that. 100% if you were brought up from a baby within a cannibalistic tribe, you would eat people and think nothing of it.
Can we agree that we do things mostly because of what we were taught, what “everyone else does”? Great.
Fast Forward to Today
Can you see now why so many rushed out to get the COVEY shots having no idea what’s in them, yet they trust the mainstream media. Fear built on one side, telling everyone theres a killer virus running rampant. They had models of how quickly it would spread though humanity and wipe humans off the face of the earth UNLESS you took their snake oil!
If fear of a virus was not enough to make people roll up their sleeves and have some foreign substance injected into their veins, then they used the fear of losing your job, fear of not being able to travel, fear of not being able to see loved ones, fear of not being able to go to the movies or a restaurant. They held no punches.
Death tolls were broadcast over and over and over again. Yet the only people who were dying were those that took the shots.
Of course not all the shots were killer shots. They had to include a percentage of placebo shots, nothing more than saline solution. Those people would then become the pandemics greatest sales people. They’d tell their friends and families that they got the shot and they feel fine. Please see
You would think that if everyone was just dropping dead after getting the shots that no one else would get the shots right? But there are videos of people in large auditoriums sitting waiting to see if they have reactions after being injected. One falls off his chair and convulses on the ground before dying! Yet the others still stand in line waiting for their injections! It’s bizarre!
You will lose friends
When I quit eating meat, I lost friends. At the time I was in the gym 5 days a week as well as doing Mixed Martial Arts. All my gym buddies made fun of me saying I’d loose muscle mass and get weak, which didn’t happen. The only thing I did lose, were friends (At least people who I thought were my friends) but I gained a new perspective on life.
Among men, not eating meat is looked at as sissy thing when ironically it takes a lot more strength to go against the gain compared to just following people. Some even use the term “soy boy” without even knowing the truth about soy. In fact 95% of the soy produced on earth is produced to make feed for cattle, pigs and other farm animals. This is done because soy has far more carbs and protein than grass. An acre of land can yield many, many times more calories for the cattle which means they fatten up faster which means less time to slaughter time which means quicker money. [ the things they do to fatten up animals today is a totally separate subject ].
The animals are then force fed this, so those eating meat are getting a far greater concentration of “soy” than anyone could possibly eat if they were eating soy directly. Personally, I hardly ever eat soy.
Yes, there are weak and skinny vegans the same as there are weak and skinny people who eat meat. Yes there are fat vegans the same as there are fat people who eat meat. yes there are vegans that are in good shape and some that are not. Same as those eating meat.
If you read about Bill Pearl above. He was one of the original bodybuilders when they first started having Mr Universe contests. He was professional and competing in the 50s and 60s. Not only was he the worlds top body builder at the time but he was also one of the strongest. He would do feats of strength like tearing licence plates and a deck of cards in half! His bench was 450L, overhead military press 320L and over 600L Squat! And guess what? Bill wasn't eating meat! He was a vegetarian. He did eat eggs and milk but not meat.
So if it didn’t make any difference, why would anyone want to contribute to the horrific fear, depression, pain and suffering inflicted on slaughter animals?
Cells have memory. When we eat those animals we also ingest their pain not to mention their cancers and other ailments the animals had.
Animals get cancer same as humans and no, they don’t have a team of doctors, scientists checking every part of every peace of meat of the 100s of billions of animals slaughtered each year to make sure people aren’t eating the cancerous tumours.
Not eating meat is not going to guarantee you will become a 1% professional elite athlete. There’s no guarantee you will lose weight or gain weight. There’s FAR more to it than that.
But you see my point? It’s a cultural thing. In North America, NOT eating meat is seen as different and not accepted by many. It’s bizarre. Most people in North America wouldn’t consider eating a cat or a dog yet chickens, pigs, cattle seem to be ok. Most people in North America seem to think drinking milk from a cow is acceptable. Why not milk from a dog or a snake? I wonder.
You have to stand by your Truths even if it means standing alone because most people will just follow the crowd. This is why so many stood in line in subzero temperatures to get injections of an experimental drug of which no one really knows what’s in it. They do it because they see everybody else doing it.
News Flash! If you can stand outdoors in subzero temperatures for an hour, YOU’RE NOT SICK!
I credit adopting a plant based diet with the building of a strong constitution, even in the face of adversity. Now I see the bullshit spread by the mainstream media. It’s really one in the same isn’t it? The lies are the same.
Making such change means you have to forget what you’ve been taught. One has to unlearn things they may have been familiar with all their life. Some won’t make the change because of ego. They feel making such change will be like considering maybe their beliefs were wrong before. This is hard for most to do. Most will fight those convictions till their dying day.
“The strong oak cracks in the wind storm while the thin reed bends and survives the storm” - It’s good to have convictions. It’s a good to have a plan but we have to be able to be flexible with both in order to survive.
“Be like water my friend” ~ Bruce Lee
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face” ~ Mike Tyson
It was the same mechanism that got me to change my mind about meat as it was to question the government and stand against the constant barrage of government propaganda, the constant news casts full of BS about how many people were getting the so called COVEY! They put mannequins in hospital beds to make people believe the hospitals were overrun with covey cases.
At one point (not sure if it still works) you could put ANY number then the word “cases” into “google” and it would come up with an article of that many cases somewhere in the world! Didn’t matter what number you used! That’s how much bullshit was programmed into the plan-demic.
And the non stop threats from the government of the implications of not taking their experimental injections;
You’d loose your job.
You couldn’t see anyone.
You couldn’t walk outside.
You couldn’t go to the theatre.
You couldn’t go to the restaurant.
You had to wear a mask (even in a bank where they also say it’s illegal to wear a disguise in a bank! So they can jail for for wearing the mask and they can jail you for not wearing the mask!
They’d lock you in the COVEY camps even if you didn’t have symptoms!
Now do you understand Grasshopper?
In comparison to many that I know of personally who were killed by taking the experimental injections and others maimed for life, I credit my own inner strength for saving my life.
Can you see the parallels I’m trying to draw here? Does it make sense to you?
Why is it that we can have a discussion about the benefits and drawbacks of flat benchpress vs dumbbell presses but start to talk about not eating meat and people (men mainly) get bent out of shape? I mean some are receptive but why is it so different than talking about various exercises for instance? I dunno. I speculate it’s because most of us were brought up eating meat. That’s what everybody else did. It’s been so engrained in our minds that anything else seems like some kind of bizarre conspiracy theory.
It this exercise, this mindset we need to challenge the mainstream media. I’m saying this now because they are already planning the next pandemic. They already have injections ready for billions of willing volunteers to take the “Birdflu injections” and people will step right up to the plate. Good luck with that!
Does it not say anything that they already have the “fix” stockpiled before there was any such “virus”? I mean, “back in the OLD DAYS” they used to take a bit of the virus to make a “vaccine” with. And even at that, it would take years to develop and get to market. The COVEY shots were totally different. They are M-RNA messenger, like a Trojan Horse into the RNA which are the building blocks of life!
Yet the CDC and FDA admitted there was no COVEY so they used “characteristic stocks” aka, something off the shelf since there was no COVEY! You can read about that here….
Well said brother. I might add that protein is really overrated as well. If carbs are like gas for your car, then protein is like maintenance. Your car needs gas all the time or it will stop. It needs maintenance some of the time. Carbs are #1, protein is 2. Of course you need your minerals, leafy greens and fruits too. Bodybuilders go for their weight, /2 in grams of protein. So a 200L bodybuilder wants 100 grams of protein per day. Thats way more than the average person needs on a daily basis. To break down protein, the body has to create acid. Acid is not cool. Not in great amounts. Too much acid leads to inflammation, acid reflux and many other diseases. They say cancer loves acidic environment. People think of inflammation as joint pain, which is can be but it also manifests in other ways like eyes, ears nose and throat which are all connected. Constant cough, stuffy nose can be from diet where people immediately think "allergies" for instance. So we try to go more to the alkaline side. Leafy greens create alkaline state as they neutralize acid. Another factor to realize is that many bodybuilders take steroids. Steroids break down protein to be metabolized into muscle but there's a price to pay for everything. Obviously steroids make you grow faster. Thats why they shoot up animals with steroids so they can get to "slaughter weight" sooner which means sooner money for the slaughterhouse. Your example proves this is completely unnecessary.
a Story from the 80s
In High school, I used to work the car lot with my father. At 16 I had just got my drivers licence. Dad needed lots of drivers to help jockey the vehicles around. We’d go to auctions on Wednesdays. There was another car dealer there that we knew. He was really successful. He owned some apartment buildings and developed a car dealership where the zoning didn’t even allow for it but because of his persistence, his use of the land as a car dealership was grandfathered in and the zoning was eventually changed. Today there’s a major dealership on that same site because of our friend’s persistence.
This fellow was not your typical “businessman”. He was looked more like Grizzly Adams or a farmer. He had a big beard and always wore rubber boots from the farm. He never followed any laws. Like in his apartments, if the tenant didn’t pay, he go in and throw all their belongings outside and change the locks. There were no “notices” or such.
Ironically this person, who shall remain nameless, was also illiterate! He couldn’t read or write! He had lawyers draft documents for him. He signed with an X.
So one day were in the auction. It was really busy. This fellow had a bunch of cars there which he had to be present for as they “went through the block”. But in spite of how busy he was, he knew me though my father. He took me aside. We had a chat about life and business but the line that stood out in my mind to this day that he told me was this;
“When you see everyone running that way, you walk but when you see everyone walking that way, you RUN LIKE HELL!”
aka Never follow the crowds.
Thanks for reading.