There are lots of stories of the origin of the Hollywood name. You can read a few legends here. The first 4 stories on that page all involve “Holy Wood”, religion and so forth. Now keep in mind that is a page from a hotel in Hollywood. They would not want to shine Hollywood in a bad light but they do confirm that the naming involved Holy and Wood.
The story I heard, and frankly, I’m too freaking tired to look it up. If you can find some evidence of this, please leave it in the comments.
Some of the founding fathers of Hollywood were Druids. Druids are connected to Paganism. They will say they are “of the earth” and very in tune with the earth etc however they do weird things like summon demons and do sacrifices.
The Royal Family, Queen Elizabeth was a Druid, shown here in footage from a “ceremony” (several videos there). She had to be initiated or indoctrinated into this circle. More evidence can be found in this 400 page book on the CIA website about the 13 families that run this planet.
The Druids believed that the Giant Redwood trees in the area possessed magical power. They would use wood from the branches of these trees to make magic wands from which they claimed was “Holy” wood. So they named the area Hollywood.
With this kind of background, it’s easy to see how future generations might carry on these weird satanic practices.
The first movie we’re gonna review is….
Kingsmen: the Secret Service
the “King’s Men”
A spy organization recruits a promising street kid into the agency's training program, while a global threat emerges from a twisted tech genius.
I saw this movie recently. Wow! This movie covered ALL the bases! It was released in 2014 or 2015 (depending what information you rely on) Either way, it preceded the COVEY shit show of 2019-2022.
There were so many innuendos of what’s going on today, like
using SIM cards to control everyone.
Frequencies that cause people to go nuts and kill one another and
they mention "a new world" several times.
the Villain is a “tech giant” (aka Bill Gates but well disguised as a black man)
the villain wants to depopulate the world. He says humans are a virus on earth. If they over populate the planet, we al die, but to depopulate (remove the virus) we also all die. The villain claims we all die either way. But in reality, the satanic elite think they will be the only survivors and they want to usher in a new dominant species on earth, hence Schwab’s book “The 4th Industrial Revolution” talks about “Transhumanism” (turning humans into trannies, part human, part robot but all controlled by the internet, hence all those ugly 5G towers you see all over. They are already set up for this conversion. Those towers must be destroyed.
The villain says humans cause global warming. They are like a virus and therefore must be eradicated.
the villain uses SIM cards to control the masses and / or kill them. (aka why they need the 5G towers every 1m radius)
There is a church massacre scene. Of course its all White Christians who are massacred.
next up we have….
Leave the World Behind
This movie was produced by MICHAEL and Barak Obama…
Obama-Produced Netflix Apocalypse Movie Warns of Dangers of “White People”
I have not seen this one yet, nor do I intend to. It is said that the soundtrack has built in frequencies to fuck up the viewer.
The movie, from the previews I’ve seen, predicts cyber attacks where all the cyber cars like Teslas, speed up and crash into each other. Ships, planes, etc, they all crash due to their reliance on internet.
Remember, in Satanism, they MUST “warn” people of their intentions to avoid karmatic backlash. That’s why all these movies made by satanic elite in Hollywood (Holy Wood)
With Satanic Obamas behind it, of course it’s against white people as well.
Incase you can’t read the above it says “Obama’s daughters are Malia and Natasha.
Spelled backwards [ remember, in satanism everything is backwards, inverted, opposite of biblical teachings ] = AiLam AHsatan
Now remove the word ALAH from the sentence [because Alah means “God” so they remove God] What are we left with? “I AM SATAN”
Interesting that one of the daughters recently dropped the Obama name. The “official story” is that the daughter wants to make a name as a film maker and does now want to be shadowed by the Obama name. She wants to make her own name.
Word on the street is that;
1) the daughter knows about this Satan thing and wants no part of it and
An apocalyptic Netflix movie executive produced by Barack and Michelle Obama features a scene where one of the characters warns about the danger posed by “white people.”
Baal appears in the poster
This is Baal
According to the Bible, Moses softened Pharo’s heart and led the Israelites out of Egypt freeing them from slavery.
Moses left his people to seek the lord on the mountain where he was given the 10 commandments. The first commandment was “don’t worship false idols” however once freed, the Israelites led a life of decadence and debauchery.
The first thing they did was build a statue of a golden Bull (Baal) which would represent “their God”. Baal would be the God of fertility (sex) and bring good crops and control the weather too, like the rain and wind. He was such a good God, the people would sacrifice children to this god to appease it.
next movie please….
Dear Santa Movie
here’s a nice Christmas movie for you called Dear Santa. A young boy writes a letter to Santa but spells it wrong so he sends his wishes to Satan instead. Apparently the movie is “light hearted” making Satan look like a good guy. I have not seen it. Don’t care to see it either but can you see what I’m sayin?
I mean for fuck sake man! With all “Hollywood’s” money, they can’t come up with something NORMAL and positive for CHILDREN!? NO! They want Children to be ok with Satan and Satanism.
Think I’m reaching? It’s all just in fun? Have you read my blogs here? Have you read this book!? Check this video out. It’s only 7 minutes long.
All the movies are fucked now. There’s a fucking CHILDREN’s DISNEY movie where a young girl falls in love with the devil and has his child! The movie is called Pauline. Ya. It’s from the creators of How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast) (2019)
This next video is hard to watch
but VERY important! I listed it here because it talks about satanic influence in the music industry as well as movies.
It’s hard but it’s really a must see! This video really explains that it is, what the world is experiencing right now, is a fight between good and evil.
Please pray to stay on the side of God. When you see this video, you will see there’s no other way. You will see how blind most are. Most just love the music and smoke their pot. What a waste.
Below I break down the video. In the Katie Perry video, there are flashes of sick images in MUSIC VIDEOS! These images last maybe a frame or two! 1/23rd of a second but they are enough to get the images into the viewers head. And the lyrics! Katie Perry and Kanye West do a “song” together (if you can even call it a song). Some of the lyrics; “I’mma disrobe you. Then I’mma probe you. See I abducted you so tell you what to do”
That one starts like 1:20:00 into the video. Throughout the video there are these sick violent scenes of pain and suffering of humans and animals. And this is targeted at CHILDREN! Again trying to normalize satanic practices to children and OF children! The kids love the music and love the videos even more! They don’t even know what they’re looking at ebcuase they don’t take the time to break it down like this. They just like the song. Pass the dubbie man! They’re all on drugs too. It’s no wonder that most don’t even know if they are boys or girls!
Song is called ET with some demonic entities sprinkled with flashes of violence pain and suffering of humans and animals. It’s linked below if you want to see it.
The Katie Parry song is just an example. In the main video above, they talk about lots of songs like “losing my religion” by REM, 1:30:00
Alice in Chains - Main in the Box 1:24:00
Taylor Swift song about “Out of the Woods” is broken down at 1:30:00
Britney is on there at 1:42:00 her song “when the world ends”
Justin Timberlank
a Jaguar commercial
There are a bunch of songs in the 2nd half of this video that are broken down for you.
at 1:46:00 - they want to bring down all nations so that they can install their New World Order with a world leader “Satan”
at 1:48:21 - very important! “and we use music as our propaganda. Music is the instrument that young people respond to right now. (young people aka the next generation, those that will be New World Order slaves)
The “song” (if you can call it a song) at 1:48:40, there’s a skeleton leader telling the children to “come together” - Look at the audience! Fucking zombified!
1:48:50 “we’re using music to open the mind to satan”.
Joe Biden Pardoned his son Hunter Biden
of course he did because Trump would have put him in jail!
Trump talked about Hunter Biden’s “business dealings” in UKRAINE BEFORE TRUMP WAS PRESIDENT THE FIRST TIME!
In this next one, Joe Biden brags about getting the prosecutor fired by withholding 1 billion dollar loan to Ukraine. This issues was going back to 2014 (at least that we know of) The prosecutor was going to hit Hunter with a series of felony charges and likely jail but dad steps in, gets the prosecutor fired and instals one of their own - aka no charges.
They put Hunter as head of a Ukrainian Gas company although he had no previous experience, his “company” was getting 1m a year to sit on the board of this company.
Then there was the Bank of China that he was involved with..
There was also the Biden’s were funding bio labs in Ukraine as well. I can’t prove this.
Hunter is a crack head. Lost his teeth to crack. Had them all replaced. Has hookers and coke every night. He’s up on gun charges and pleaded guilty to tax fraud but hey dad, can you let this slide!?
I get that any parent (any good parent) would stand behind their kids. The difference being is that the president has the right to pardon anyone of their crimes while the rest of us have to rely on the “legal system” even if we stand behind our kids.
These are only the what Hunter was charged with. There are many other things, like the bio labs and God knows what we don’t know. There are videos of young woman trying to get away from his hotel room, naked, while he drags them back in so I’m sure rape could be added to the list.
the Hunter Biden Song
Can you see now how this is a fight between good an evil?
Can you see now how everything we’ve been led to believe was a lie?
Can you see how the good are persecuted and the evil are set free?
Christian Pastors are thrown in maximum security prison.
Peaceful Civilians are beaten by their governments.
Peaceful civilians are JAILED for a facebook post
Terrorists are set free and paid millions of dollars
freaks and pedophiles are “teaching” our children in schools, telling them that boys can be girls and girls can be boys
liberal governments are lying telling their people that they “need” the covey shots or they will die and if they don’t take the shots, they can’t travel, can’t visit loved ones, can’t go to restaurants, can’t cross boarders, can’t get on a plane, train, street car etc yet they also say “my body my choice”
laws are made for the peasants. No laws for the elite.
Satan classes being taught in public schools
statures of our founding fathers being torn down while statues of convicted criminals like George Floyd are being erected.
history is being removed from libraries
White people are being put in a bad light
drugs are legal as long as you buy them from the government BUT if you buy them off the street, they are illegal and you can get thrown in jail because you didn’t pay the government!
Huge Win in Canada
Liberals were trying to OUTLAW anything that didn’t come from PHARMACIES!
Conservatives fought back and blocked it!
The whole pharmaceutical / medical industry is satanic as well you know, right? Incase you are new here, or new to the truth, the very word Pharmacy comes from the Greek world Pharmakia which means witchcraft or sorcery.
The internationally recognized symbol for the pharmaceutical / medical industry is this;
Oh look! Two snakes wrapped around a dagger, with wings like an angel! Where have we seen this before?
The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:2-17 NKJV)
1 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments.
3 “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
4 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
5 “Honour your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
6 “Thou shalt not kill.
7 “Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8 “Thou shalt not steal.
9 “Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbour.
10 “Thou shalt not covet your neighbour's house; Thou shalt not covet your neighbour's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbour's.”