Max is an Australian. Australia was the first and hardest hit by WEF / NWO with the lockdowns, mandatory injections and on and on because it’s an island. Harder for people to come and go as air and seaports are more easily controlled so Australia was more less the testing ground for the NWO attack on humanity, followed by Canada.
Both countries ticked lots of the NWO boxes;
They both already had low populations about 35 million in each
Both already had strict gun laws, taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens *. The attacked knows to prey on the weak and unarmed, unable to defend themselves.
(* criminals don’t go by the law, so the only ones gun laws hit are those that abide by the law who wouldn’t shoot anyone in the first place, therefore gun laws are useless except that they make the masses feel safe**. They feel the government is doing something to save them, again more government support.
Both countries have passive populations. Peace loving, hardly ever at war
Australia won the “tick box page” because of it’s physical location, being an island, so they got hit first and hardest.
** Wars are won and lost in the minds of men before there is an actual conflict. Most is psychological. Wars of the mind. For instance (so far) nukes have not been used on a mass scale but knowing they exist is a major psychological advantage for those that have them and deterrent against aggression knowing they exist. Psychological warfare is all about intimidation, posturing, nothing more than a child in the schoolyard bulling others but on a much more grand scale.
As with ANY “show” there must be an Antagonist and a Protagonist. If there was only a hero, he would have nothing to fight for. If there was no villain, there would be no opposition, therefore, no show.
This is like the concept of yin and Yang. Without darkness, there can be no light and without light, there could be no darkness. If there was no evil, there would be no good and so forth. So we will always have conflicts. The question is, “who will win?”
Anyway, Max moved to Mexico to escape the tyranny in Aus. I mean hell! Rightfully so man! Australia is already running the world’s largest COVEY CAMP they named “Howard Springs” like it’s some sort of vacation resort! It’s a maximum security prison except there is no judge or jury giving you a sentence! if the “government” deems you a a threat because you didn’t get your injections or maybe you said something derogatory against the government, they put you in these covey camps with no due date! You’d literally be safer in prison where at least you know what your in for and know what your day you are set to get out!
During this video, Max is in Croatia doing TV interviews and speaking engagements.
This video starts off slow but he gets into some good points as always. I’m sure I’ve missed some but here are some points I picked up on that I thought should be highlighted;
(the time stamps are approximate)
Amsterdam is down to near zero cash being used. (wonder if the hookers now take credit cards?)
Mostly electric bikes
not supposed to bring cars into town
White Replacement
70% immigrants in Australia and Netherlands, leaving 30% whites. Canada is going like that too. Australia talking about over 100,000 migrants PER MONTH!
Young lady from Australia explains “We have businesses shutting down, housing crisis yet we can bring in the migrants? Where do they work? Where do they live?”
Max: Australia has 26 million people. If you’re bringing in 100,000 people PER MONTH, won’t take very long to eradicate whites.
Croatia is 99% white and also has the lowest crime rate!
Interesting point Max makes at 20 min:
I had thought, how can the population change if they are just moving people from one area to another? (migration) The answer is because the government under the control of WEF* knows about the age old war tactic “DIVIDE AND CONQUER”….
Let’s make the white people the bad people and all the rest are good. Let’s reward the good with free housing, free food, free money, special rights etc Now those people will absolutely, unequivocally, support their government (they think it’s their government but it’s really WEF controlled, doing precisely what WEF wants)
They’ll fight each other, they’ll bankrupt each other, they’ve believe the government is on their side and will believe anything govt tells them.
This is why we MUST band together!
We MUST show people what’s going on otherwise their “divide and conquer” will have worked.
By support, I mean not only vote for them but do exactly what they are told and believe what they are told without questioning anything. Thats what WEF wants. They will take the injections if there are too many of them. They will live in the 15 minute cities and eat bugs. They will hate Jesus and Christians. They will be slaves to the NWO.
They will be indebted to NWO though loans of fictitious money with no value called CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) It will be given to the slaves, programable so that it cannot be hoarded, or grown into more “credits” or used outside of their 15 minute zones and only used on what WEF says it can be used on. Also these credits will be tied to the slaves social credit score. The more good things they do for the government (WEF) the more they will be rewarded. Things deemed bad by WEF will diminish the credit scores thereby diminishing the slaves rewards.
* and when I say WEF, it’s not only WEF (World Economic Forum) although they provide a platform for all the leftists to hang together and share ideas about how to take over the world but its also the 13 families that run the world. They all have a say in the matter and they all have the same common goal in mind of world domination. They are collectively the New World Order (NWO).
Side note:
I was flicking channels last night after the Leafs lost the hockey game. Saturday Night Live was on (now known as “SNL” - it hasn’t been funny since they changed the name to SNL. Now it’s nothing more than a commie leftist satanic pedophile platform. They got nothing better to do than trash on Trump.
One of the “newscasters” on the “comedy show” made fun of someone who started a “WHITE LIVES MATTER” platform. He made fun saying “ya because my life has been so hard” something to that effect. He was a white guy.
So you can see they make fun of that, like it’s nothing. They trash on Trump like he’s the bad guy while completely ignoring that the puppet known as Biden can’t even string a sentence together, sniffs children, his son Hunter is proud to post pictures of him on coke with under age children.
This is one of the same, Im sure you’ve seen it, Stephen Colbert. Makes me sick. He thinks its a joke to mimic sacrificing babies to Baal and pedophilia. Take a look if you haven’t seen it.
this is supposed to be funny!?
Satanic commie faggot leftist pedophile Colbert loves the Drugs and makes fun of anyone who would rather not allow someone to inject their bodies with unknown experimental injections…
Colbert said everyone on his set had to have the injections
(except probably not him) and likely killed his assistant who died 4/4/24 at 53 years.
He shames people into taking drugs… so much for “My body my choice”.
the faggot has lots of videos like this,
Anyway, let’s get back to Max’s video;
7min, he talks about the stabbing video of the priest, the left wants the video taken down but since Elon Musk owns twitter (now “X”) the video is still there. The left wants it down because it was a MUSLIM who stabbed a Christian priest! So the left wants it expunged.
See the contrast to when the white person shot up the mosque in New Zealand? We never heard the end of it.
Remember Jacinda Adern? She was president of Australia but quit all of a sudden and everyone was happy, well she quit because now she’s working for the WEF (World Economic Forum) - just the name makes me sick. The name alone is a lie. What sickens me even more is that the majority of people just fall for it.
“oh look Martha! Those nice people who meet in Switzerland every year are doing something to help the world! Thank God there is someone who cares!”
11 min
lots of top athletes still dropping dead from the jabs. Video shows soccer players dropping dead on the field. These are young men, supposedly top of their game, top physical shape. Also see this post….
12 min
German government admits there was never any covid.
Astra Zenica admits that “side effects” could kill you. Except this is not a “side effect” the shots are doing exactly what they were meant to do. Kill people, reduce the population.
digital anything is bad. radioactive etc that means “SMART” Anything!
17 min
Croatia is 99% white and also has the lowest crime rate!
20 min
closing all the farms (get control of the food)
US killed 1.5 million chickens in Texas
fires all over so others can’t grow food
Ukraine threatening people on the streets, “if you don’t go to the front lines, we’ll bury you alive!” They send them without weapons! Just to go get killed! Lessen populations!
Gay comedian actor who WEF put as President of Ukraine is accepting billions of dollars from all over the world (Mainly US) which he/she in turn uses to buy more weapons from US, thereby laundering the money as a “war effort” while keeping US munitions manufactures in the rich while the politicians get the bribes and kickbacks as to who will get the manufacturing gigs, all the expense of human lives which they want less population. Gates himself admitted that wars are good to help keep the population down. (less people are easier to control)
But ya man, let’s all just rah rah Ukraine and hate Russia and Trump.
John Kerry - “we’ve got to cut down on farming or people will starve”
24 min
They’re sucking all the money out of US pouring it into Ukraine while you don’t know who’s dead or alive lying on US streets. This is “Kensington Neighbourhood in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania US
25 min
there’s a huge crowd of germans protesting about their farms being taken over by NWO “government” and there was ONE guy with a sign saying “MORE WEAPONS FOR UKRAINE” and the main stream media puts their focus on that ONE sign. Probably telling the public that all these people were protesting in favour of Ukraine and how bad Russia is. In reality, they were all there protesting how the government it taking their farms! You’ve seen Netherlands farmers protesting, driving their tractors though policy barricades right? MSM is a joke and most people fall for it!
30 min
Biden saying “CLIMATE EMERGENCY” which would give Biden all the power, WAR MEASURE like powers. COVID like powers to lock people in their houses, make them take their injections etc
At 32 minute
At 32 minutes, newer electronic shit cars can limit where you can drive, how long, how far, they can shut your car off, they can LOCK you in your car! Autonomous cars can drive you straight to the COVEY CAMPS FUCK this new shit.
40 min
They’re introducing large wolves in Croatia. They will eat their livestock and scare people out of the lands and into the cities where they are easier to control
42 min
Nurse talks about the worst deaths. They were euthanizing patients because they couldn’t watch them die horrific deaths, seizures, multiple organ failures, insane blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, people in their 20s! - LISTEN to her!
Spinal gang green which she’s never seen before.
Guys, I’m only up to 45 minutes. (the whole video is 1:45:00) As mentioned, I watch longer videos while doing other things, multitask to save time so Im not going to reference teh rest of teh video but so far there’s tons of good information here. Max does a great job splicing clips together. I just hope you will watch the whole thing, even if you have to watch it in segments like I do.
Oh I can’t go without mentioning this…
At about 50 minutes, Elon Must wants to drill a hole in your head and insert his “Nerolink”(tm) into your brain so they can control you better. You won’t need a cell phone (or a prison) since they will be able to control your every thought and move. But hey man, Elon is on our side right?
Right now they can track us pretty well though cell phones but soon they will be able to track AND CONTROL every man woman and child on earth though the worldwide so called “5G towers”. And people believe they are for cell phones. They believe the satanic NWO will spend billions on THEM so that the masses can have better phons service? Are you fucking kidding me? Ive had calls drop while being close to these towers. Its a joke and people still believe them!
We have lots of posts including 5G info. Just search our site.
I’m sure there’s lots more in this video but for now…..
I’m out.