“No amount of evidence, no matter how compelling, will cause anyone to change their mind about something they are not yet ready or willing to accept.” ~ unknown
Weather modification goes back 100 years! I would have believed 50 years, but 100!? Let’s have a look;
The Must Watch Interview With an Expert
Weather Warfare Has A Long History Including a 1978 UN Agreement Among Nations Agreeing Not to Weaponize the Weather
So we know they can modify the weather and have been doing so for many years.
Here are his other websites;
Here we see WHY
Brother Jason makes a great summation of the connection between the hurricanes, the devastation they caused, the "home inspectors" and how it they are tied to Blackrock and other key companies.
Jason also points out how a Canadian company is involved in the inspections and calls Canadians commies. This is how Canada is viewed on the world stage. As Communists. Well, thats the way the government wants it. New World Order is communism on steroids. Not all Canadians agree with this but the younger generations are being railroaded into it. This is why they believe anything the government and their propaganda arm (the Main Stream Media) tells them. Many of those purple haired freaks don’t even know what bitchute or telegram is. They only believe their TVs.
Ok this is UK but its the same all over the world now. In this 5 minute video, there are clips of this “person” I still don’t know it they are claiming to be male or female but they are saying they didn’t know whether they were male or female UNTILL THEY WERE TAUGHT BY OTHER QUEERS! He/she had to be TAUGHT what “IT” was!? Do you have a dick or don’t you!? It’s not rocket science! This is how the future generations will be. They won’t know if they are male or female or what bathroom to use. Today they might be a giraffe while tomorrow they might be a frog. Who knows!?
That’s the way the satanic left wants it. Easy to control. Easy to manipulate.
This is why they use terms like “TOXIC MASCULINITY” as if Masculinity is a bad thing. This is why the killed off James Bond in the last movie. James Bond was the epitome of Masculinity. The satanic left don’t want to promote that. James Bond “got it done” you know? Anything it takes, he got the job done. The satanists don’t like that. They don’t like independent thinkers.
Wow. Surprisingly there are now tons of videos on the communist infiltration of the west on Youtube! I guess they can’t possibly take them all down. Maybe they want to leave them up there to see the reactions, see who watches them?
The left use terms like “TRUMP SUPPORTER” as if it’s a bad thing
They defend homos by saying if you don’t agree with them, you are a “homophobe”
If you say something against Muslims beheading people, whipping woman, stoning people to death, burning them alive, then you’re a “RACIST” - Apparently we should all be accepting of different cultures! It’s “Cultural Diversity” right? Just accept that Allah thinks it ok for a 75 year old man to marry a 10 year old girl and to have multiple child wives! It’s just their culture! If you don’t like it, well then, you’re just a RACIST bastard then aren’t you!
In addition, you have to see how Kamal's husband is involved in the lithium mining! Have a look..
Now are you starting to get it?
Do you see why the government is turning away those trying to HELP, ASSIST and SAVE people!?
Same in Canada where Firefighters were TURNED AWAY from helping!
The Government (under control of the "Satanic Elite") DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO OWN PROPERTY!
They don't want them living in rural areas because they are harder to control out there.
a) Rurals can grow their own food, take their own water from the earth and it’s easier to make their own energy with some space around them.
b) They are not controllable like those corralled into the 15 minute cites.
c) They KNOW that those that live in rural areas are NOT LIBERAL! They are Conservative! They will vote accordingly!
Aside from the lithium mining, it just so happens that 26 of the 28 counties within the Carolinas voted for TRUMP in the 2020 election, so trashing those areas, "kills two birds with one stone"
Only satanists would act like this. Only satanist would want to kill birds at all.
In satanism, there is no good vs evil. Only steps toward "enlightenment". aka they do ANYTHING as long is it gets them closer to the light, the light bearer, who in their minds, is the devil.
Are you starting to get it? Have you read the book yet?
You see? It’s all about control. They can’t control “conservatives” and they can’t control Trump. Trump is an independent. He has his own money. Cannot be bought like the satanic leftist liberal demon-crates. Everyone of them went into power will less money, ended up many times richer! President of Ukraine was nothing more than a homosexual gay dancer. Now he/she’s a billionaire. Trudeau is now worth many 100s of millions of dollars. How did he get there in a few years in office with a “salary” of 400,000/year? Brock and Micheal Obama’s went in millionaires, retired billionaires.
In fact the only one that lost money on his Presidential campaign is Trump. He never accepted the presidential salary of 400k and change. It cost him money. He’s worth LESS now that before he ran. ALL the other commie leftists went UP in value because they listen to their satanic handlers and thus are rewarded.
No different in the music and entertainment industry. Do as the satanists want and you will be well rewarded. This is called “Selling your Soul”.
The Satanic left hates everything the conservative right stands for. Conservatives are all about FAMILY. The satanic left HATES family. They are all about abortion and taking children from the family, making them a product of the state (it’s in the book if you read it - at least read the chapter on “Attack of the Family”. Commies have been doing this for decades!)
Everything done by the satanists is 180 degrees opposite of what normal conservative folk have been living their lives as. See the satanists hate the bible. They hate any biblical teachings. This is why they pulled God out of the schools and installed things like Drag Queen Story Time, After-hours Satan Club. They push the gay agenda onto the children and tell children, who need a parent’s note saying they are permitted to go for walk outside, yet they DON’T need the parents permission to be injected with some experimental drugs pushed by Gates who is neither a doctor, scientist or anything besides a rich satanist.
The Bible says “Go forth and procreate”. The Satanists say there’s too many people on the planet and move to sterilize, maim and kill people by any means. They promote the Gay Agenda because they know the queers cannot procreate and they are easily controlled and manipulated. They are soft and will not stand up for their rights. They will take any injections the government wants them too. They will only believe the MSM. The gay agenda makes for a confused future generation. Confused people need “guidance” and the satanists are just the ones to provide it to them. You can see here (I mentioned before but incase you missed it) this young person claims they did not know whether they were male or female until other queers “Taught” him/her! See how easily manipulated? The suicide rate among children is the highest its ever been in history. Its because of confusion caused in the indoctrinated camps they call “schools”.
I just spent the past hour looking for a video I saw about this young guy that snuck into Communist North Korea (God knows why anyone would want to go there). There are a number of videos of people traveling there but one I couldn’t find, the guy talked about how there were
loud speakers in the streets pushing the communist propaganda
anyone who wanted to broadcast anything in NK needed to be LICENSED. If they did not promote NK in a good light, they could be fined, have their licences revoked, even jailed.
Kim Jong had all the pet dogs rounded up TO BE EATEN!
yet the hypocrite keeps dogs himself and even gave Putin a pair of dogs as pets (not as dinner)
the kommie also fed his uncle (alive) to 120 famished dogs! The process took over an hour. The Kommie and 300 “officials” watched as the dogs ripped the guy apart and eat him alive! This is Communism. The leaders do whatever they want and the peasants are barely fed but the pink haired liberals who believe in communism think “it will spread the wealth” fucking naive, usually young and impressionable.
All throughout there are pictures of KimJong and statures of previous leaders. They must all be kept in high regard
Tourists could not be alone. They must be with their tour guide all the time
nothing military could be photographed, not weapons, buildings, soldiers, nothing
There is no GOD in communism! They are atheists. The only “GOD” is Kim Jung Uno
Children are taught this in schools, indoctrinated like they are being indoctrinated here in the west now too
The only history they are taught is what the commies want them to believe
The question still remains
What can YOU do about it? What can WE do about it?
New World Order will make communism look like a walk in the park. NWO will be communism on steroids. The level of control of each person, especially when they initiate the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and start handing out Universal Basic Income (UBI) to anyone who will take it. If you are reading this, you will already know that the CBDC will be programable and tied to one’s commie social credit score. aka, the better you are, the more things you do and agree with the government on, the less chance you have of them pulling your UBI or lessening it. UBI will be in the form of CBDC and will be programable so that if you buy too much meat for example, your CBDC UBI will not be able to purchase anymore. If you drive too much, buy too much gas, you are cut off. If you try to buy something further than your 15 minute radius (sector) your CBDC won’t work. You won’t be able to save any UBI either because it will have an expiry date on it.
But the young commies will still believe this is spreading the wealth. They will be willing to take any experimental drugs the government comes up with in order to get the “free money”
People need to wake up! They need to realize they are being played and that the so called “Conspiracy Theorists” ARE RIGHT! Conspiracy theorists are FREE THINKERS! They THINK for themselves! They can smell a rat a mile away. They know when something doesn’t sound right. They certainly won’t take the “government’s advise”.
There are very levels of psychosis. Some still believe the term “conspiracy theory”. This is the easiest way out for most. Using this term seems to alleviate any stress in their lives. It seems to exonerate them from doing anything about it. It’s simply conspiracy. That makes it all go away right? Like the big bird that sticks it’s head in the sand.
The next level are those who agree, yes, there is a problem but I can’t do anything about it so I will do nothing. I will try to be my best person. That’s all I can do.
The next level are those who realize what’s going on and do something about it.
There are lots of things we can do. The one thing we have down here at the “bottom of the pyramid” is numbers. There’s a lot more of us than there are of them.
Our goal is then to help people realize what’s really going on
To do this we must eliminate the far left terms like “conspiracy” “Trump Supporter” (as if its a bad thing, homophobe, racist, feminist is another leftist term.
You see, just words on a page are strong alone. Semantics you know?
Conspiracist = Free Thinker
Trump Supporter = Patriot, Freedom lover, Conservative
Racist = one who doesn’t submit to derogatory ideology of another culture. Got Nothing to do with colour or religion.
Toxic Masculinity = a MAN who know’s he’s a MAN. There’s nothing Toxic about being a man! Just like there’s NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING WHITE!
You get the point? So once we get the semantics out of the way, it should be easier for people to see though the fog.
You know, today, they label kids in schools. If they are hyperactive, they are labeled “ADHD” Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder” - no man. IT’S CALLED BEING A KID! KIDS RUN AROUND! THEY PLAY OUTDOORS! (least they used to) Now they DRUG them for BEING KIDS!
You say ADHD, I say Acutely Perceptive, Aware of their surroundings! FULL of Energy! The mind is the world’s best supercomputer. It takes in information that we don’t even know about. It’s constantly running our bodies as well as taking in information but only the TOP information is dealt with.
This is why when the teacher’s talking about something we are not interested in, it’s not retained. However if you are walking across the street and see a car coming, usually you’d run. This is something that immediately has to be dealt with.
We know the wind is blowing, the sun is shining, the dog is barking. We know what the billboard sign says, we can smell the restaurant but the thing that has to be dealt with immediately is the oncoming car.
This is what they now “label” ADHD and they DRUG kids for it! This is NATURAL!
Interestingly, much of the superfluous stuff we take in subconsciously. This is why repetitive advertising works, even if you are not paying attention to it.
What we DO with all the information of course is still up to ourselves. Not just ebcuase what the TV said or the government said. We must learn to think for ourselves, to question EVERYTHING, especially now that they have been caught in so many lies;
the Mannequins in the hospital beds
Japan Warns Bill Gates His "Days Are Numbered" After Abortion Drugs Found in Vaccines
October 9th 2024
This is a VERY IMPORTANT video to watch!
Japan has sent a clear message to Bill Gates - his time is running out. With the government's Covid Task Force swiftly uncovering his crimes, the walls are closing in on the globalist kingpin.
Japanese scientists are now taking a stand, urging international prosecutors to bring a case of crimes against humanity against Gates. Among them, world-renowned experts like Dr. Fukushima are raising the alarm, revealing shocking discoveries that some vaccines contain abortion drugs designed for depopulation.
They warn that there is overwhelming evidence suggesting Gates isn’t finished yet - he has plans to inflict even more harm in the near future. It’s time for the world to unite and bring him to justice!
At 8min, the video shows stuff that came out of deceased vaccine recipients. Self replicating nano particles.
at 9 minutes, they talk about practicing sterilization on Africans. They pose them as “tetanus vaccines” its ALL LIES!
at 11:00, Gates telling people how he plans to reduce population
at 14 min, they talk about young healthy people dropping dead
at 16 minutes Putin says “it’s a Bio Weapon” 00 made in Ukraine which is why he inveded Ukraine. It was not “unprovilked” like the mass media would lead you to beleive.
Trump talked about Hunter Biden’s “busienss dealings” in Ukraine before he was even President!
They literally carved their plans in stone in 1979. This has been their goal for many many years.
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