How to Convince a "Normie"
The Truth is, you can't "convince" anyone of anything. Change must come from within. All we can do is provide information. What the reader does with the information is up to them, not us.
Sounds like “How to Train your Dragon” doesn’t it?
It seems as if I don’t write a post like this every day, there’s too much information to catch up on and believe me, I’m TRYING to keep these as short as possible while packing as much information into each post to save you time! There’s so much information in this post and the sad part is that most will not even read it or watch the videos.
If I learned one thing in life, I learned, you can’t tell anybody anything. You can’t change anyone. They have to do it on their own. The only thing we can do is keep putting information out there. Some will see it right away, others may never.
[ “Normies” - the masses. Those that take everything at face value. Those that don’t question anything. Those that believe everything they see on the news. Those that “did it” because, well “everybody else did it”. Those are “normies” ]
A psy-ops (phycological operation, usually enacted by military) if done well, the recipient will not even know they are the subject of the psy-ops. Many (most normies) will not have heard of things like “Operation Paperclip” or “MK Ultra”. Even if they have, they will push it off as “science fiction” although these are actual military operations, still used today.
It’s sad that the “normies” those that base their lives on what they see on main stream media, will not even consider that they could be wrong. That their could be another angle. That’s why the most normies won’t even read this. They base their beliefs on information that is not really true! Perhaps just maybe the main stream media LIES! Maybe they newscasters only read what is says on the Teleprompter! Maybe there is no more independent journalism!
Those people, the ones that NEED to read this information and take in the videos, will not even bother reading this preamble. That’s what’s sad.
I’ve talked to intelligent people who already have their opinions formed but know nothing about anything going on AND they DON’T EVEN WISH TO KNOW THE TRUTH! They tell me they don’t want to know the truth and that they’d rather see the world though rose coloured glasses. I hear this all the time. Older people say; “We’ve only got a few years left on this planet and want to live out our last years in peace and happiness, to do things we enjoy”
They don’t realize it’s killing them and their loved ones. They don’t realize that humans are being maimed and culled. I have two neighbours, one can’t walk, the other is struggling to walk with a walker after receiving the injections. One had several strokes. That person’s doctor said “they’ve been a doctor for over 30 years and have never seen blood clotting like this” These are the people that when they say you need your flu shot or your bird flu shot * ] they will be first in line, if they are still alive.
If it’s “too late” for them, what about future generations? What about PAST generations? Our forefathers who fought and many died for the rights we enjoy today. Did they die for nothing? If nothing else, should we not be passing on information?
[ * there’s a good question, what’s the difference between the Bird Flu and the “Common Flu”? One only affects chickens? or does it affect all birds? I thought Fauci said “it can’t pass from animals to humans” yet they also claim it came from bats. Bats which happen to be in WOOHAN CHINA where the BioLabs were that Fauci was studying “gain of function” in. ]
For any normies that might be reading this thinking the writer is crazy, could you not consider that the majority of the USA voted for Trump? Does that alone not tell you something? He not only won but won by a landslide. He won the popular vote and senate as well. Biden ran away to Angola, fell asleep during a meeting there and Harris retreated to Hawaii. Why not. What else would she do with the money she got from her contributors? What this should tell you is that after all the shit we’ve been through, people ARE waking up and it’s because of the millions of people who spend their time sharing information that mainstream media would not allow.
Some say “why do you bother writing all this, reporting for free?” The answer is because knowledge is worth more than money. People obviously read this, watch the videos and maybe, just maybe, they might have a second thought about what that guy on mainstream media said. Maybe newbies to these posts might realize that there is indeed something not right here.
If you are new here and STILL don’t believe the media is manipulated, please check out this post “Controlling the Media” and please pay special attention to Dr. Marc Van Ranst, a doctor put in charge of just that, “Selling the Plandemic” to the media. Telling them how “we must have ONE voice” aka no independent journalism.
It’s not just me obviously. Millions of others are just as shocked and appalled at what’s going on in the world, they too feel they have to not only tell others to get the information out to them but also, to get it off their chests as well.
The main story today is 3/4 of the way down into this post. It’s a 45 minute lecture from a Neurosurgeon about the “virus” the injections, the CIA and more. The video is called Decentralized Medicine | Jack Kruse | Assembly 2023.
But there’s a lot between here and the end so let’s get to it..
TrueDough doesn't want Kanadians to own RENTAL UNITS! AND MORE!
He also added over 300 new "variants" of guns to the lists of things you CAN’T HAVE IN KANADA! (ya, can’t even call it “Canada” anymore. It’s now Kanada. Nothing more than a sector of the New World Order)
BUT although the guns are no good for Kanadians, they plan to send them to UKRAINE to help the other countries fight Russia.
Trump will likely stop giving money to Ukraine but all the other sissy countries that signed Agenda 21 and 30, they now all bow down to “Klaus & Co.” all fund Ukraine, not to help Ukraine but rather to use all the countries and use Ukraine as their mouthpiece to deplete if not defeat Russia because Russia and Trump are the only things standing in the way of the Satanic leftist Globalists establishing their New World Order.
These ‘men’ are a danger to humanity. We’ve known Macron is a terrible globalist and a disaster to France for many years now, but Keir Starmer has truly shown himself an enemy of The People at record time. Every time you think he reached peak insanity, he outdoes himself again.
The countries that signed on, are all on side with Klaus. They all want the masses to believe Russia arbitrarily "invaded" Ukraine and Putin is Bad.
Definition of “Mark” in Context
Espionage and Intelligence Operations: In the realm of espionage, a “mark” typically refers to an individual who is being surveilled or targeted for recruitment by intelligence operatives. This could involve gathering information about the mark’s activities, affiliations, or vulnerabilities. For example, an intelligence agent might identify a government official as a mark if they believe that person has access to sensitive information that could be beneficial for their agency.
They installed a homosexual who danced in a gay dance video as the head of Ukraine! Doesn't that tell you something!?
I guess you could also call them pawns. In any case, these are people indoctrinated by globalists and placed in positions of power, in government, in large corporations, in health care, in education etc who will carry out tasks given to them by their handlers.
You see the headpiece of all the countries who signed the satanic documents, have to portray the world that the satanic globalists want. This is what they want to portray. They can be nobodies. They are just actors giving an image to the masses as to how they want the masses of the NWO to look and act. They are supposedly “role models”. Just read the teleprompter, do as we say and you will be well rewarded! They are puppets performing for the satanic elite. The Globalists.
In Canada, they already have a gay prime minister but he/she is so low in the polls now, the globalist leaders know that their “mark" cannot possibly win another election, even with all the foreign interference and rigged voting, so they have hedged their bet. They have Pierre Poliver in their pocket. He is a conservative and seems normal on the outside but he has been properly indoctrinated by WEF so he will ultimately do as the globalists say.
He's already said on camera that he will continue to support Ukraine and once again, it's not about supporting Ukraine but rather helping the globalists defeat Putin which is what they need to install NWO.
Let's hope this doesn't happen. I feel a bit better now that Trump has the wheel but he can only stay in power max. of two terms, 8 years. Then what?
The globalists are trying their hardest to crush the middle class, leaving only the few rich at the top of the pyramid and the rest, slaves, addicted to UBI and their drugs. They need them for things like making babies for them to sacrifice to Baal and organ harvesting and other satanic shit.
Globalists want the remaining few left on earth (according to the Georgia Guidestones) drugged, helpless, weak, certainly unarmed, not even knowing if they are boys or girls. They want them all broke and reliant on THEIR system. They will own nothing and if they don't like it, they offer free MAID service.
Canada has finally found something it's amazing at....killing its own citizens. #1 in the world per capita! Nothing to see here, please move along to your next shopping or entertainment experience within your government approved fun zone.
Please note: My personal opinion is that MAID Service has it’s place. Should be reserved for those with incurable disease that there is no possibly hope for recovery from. I personally wouldn’t want to suffer in that case however I also believe that this, like everything else today is a slippery slope.
Now they make is easy to use MAID Service and it will become even more easy to use in future. It’s the same as “Gay is Ok” but now it’s not just “Gay is ok” now they want to add pedophilia to the “OK” list” the Gay Pride parades now allow full public nudity and lewd sex acts in front of children with ZERO recourse! This used to be illegal! Now they teach it in schools! They fly the gay flags, the paint the roads gay colours, they teach children that know no better, that there are more than two genders! They teach Johnny that he can be a girl and Sally that she can be a boy or any of the other infinite number of genders out there! Surely the teachers, those that support this, those that write the curriculum are on drugs! Levine wrote sex ed curriculum for Ontario Canada Schools, is a CONVICTED PEDOPHILE and GOOD FREIND OF JUSTIN TRUDEAU! Kathleen Winn, they’re ALL QUEER PEDOPHILES! I’m not making this shit up but MOST don’t even know about Levine even though it was years ago!
What you need more “Evidence”!? Click here!!!
Drugs were also illegal but now ALL DRUGS are LEGAL in Canada as long as you buy it from a GOVERNMENT DEALER! Not off the street! Yep, you can have fentanyl, crack, coke, heroin, pot, anything in small “personal amounts” on your person without charge! They even have vending machines IN FRONT OF HOSPITALS in BC where you can buy drug paraphernalia! Needles, pipes, anything you need to get you BAKED. That’s the way they want you! BAKED. Then when you get hooked on drugs and depressed, the MAID Service is FREE!
Why would any reasonable person, of sound mind and body take ANY drugs from a “GOVERNMENT” who acts like this!???
World News
Putin Bans Satanic Temple from Russia
All countries should be like Russia! Putin caves to no one.
Putin Bans Satanic Temple from Russia
🇷🇺 Russia outlaws Satanic Temple, deeming it "undesirable" and blasphemous of traditional religious values.
MEANWHILE IN THE USA: Satanic Temple Launches Program at Ohio Elementary School — Calls it ‘Hellions Academy of Independent Learning’
They claim they are not Satan worshippers… ok so why don’t you teach Bible stories instead? They’ve pulled the Lord’s Prayer out of schools yet Muslims get special dedicated Prayer rooms where they can pray 25 times a day and teaching Satanic shit is ok. that’s permissible and in schools and having Drag Queens read pedophilia books to children, that’s perfectly alright as well. Right!? Hopefully Trump will straighten out Biden’s mess he left.
Pope to open the Tomb of Lucifer on Christmas Eve
The Catholic Church has not even broadcast a Christmas message yet this year. Instead they plan to open the "Holy Door" and they're gon’na do it live on the internet with a webcam to divert everyone's attention from the True Meaning of Christmas to something Satanic.
Covid “Vaccine” Victims
I’m not even going to start to list all those killed from the injections. I used to have several websites with pages and pages of these people until my web-host pulled all my websites down. They used many excuses and I fulfilled all their excuses but when they could do nothing more, they decided to just pulled all my websites even though I was paid 3 years in advance. They didn’t refund my money either!
Instead, I will just share a few links for those who still don’t believe the injections have already killed millions;
Here’s a basic search. All of those websites have memorials of all those who have died from the injections. And when you get to the bottom of the search, be sure to click “Load More” because those pages go on forever, even with government censorship!
This page is quite extensive, among others.
Leaked NASA Document
WRITTEN IN 2001 Exposed Military Tech Being Honed By 2025 To "Off" Humans In A Quiet & Clandestine Way
NASA Document:
Eradication of Whites
Couple of articles from Eva Vlaardingerbroek
Stock photos whenever the media run literally any story: mixed race couples, hijabis, gays and any other minority.
Stock photos whenever the media run a story on conscription: exclusively white men.
Got the message yet, white boys?
In Germany,
a 30-year-old Syrian man did not receive a prison sentence for the rape of a 15-year-old girl, only a suspended sentence and a fine of €3,000.
A German man, understandably angry about this overly lenient treatment of a child-rapist, sent an angry email to the responsible judge. In this email, the man wrote, among other things, that the judge was "clearly mentally disturbed".
The judge had, during the trial, praised the Syrian rapist's efforts to integrate and even stated that he was "well on his way to becoming a perfectly normal German citizen".
The (white) man who wrote the angry email was convicted for "damaging statements" — in a private email! — and was fined €5,000, almost twice as much as the rapist.
All across Europe, Europeans are treated as second-class citizens by their respective regimes. They hate white people. It's that simple.
Now that the UK parliament voted in favor of ''state assisted dying'', Britain is officially part of the anti-human death cult that The Netherlands legally started over two decades ago. Let me walk you through the horrors of this ''practice'':
In The Netherlands euthanasia and assisted suicide have been legal for over 20 years. Shockingly, it's even legal for minors from the age of 12 (!) who suffer from ''unbearable suffering with no prospect of improvement'', which includes ''psychological suffering''.
In fact, in 2021, 115 people in The Netherlands received euthanasia because of ''psychological suffering''. Fourteen of them were under the age of thirty and mind you, 40% of all euthanasia cases happen without the patient's consent because the patient is ''no longer competent to give it''.
The fact that this is legal, deeply reveals who our leaders are and what they want. First of all, they negate the reality of God, hope and miracles and rob people of a second chance. A government that negates the sanctity of life like that is a government that at a minimum doesn’t care about you, and in the worst case wants you dead.
You can dress it up all you want, but ultimately it means that the state is happy to offer you a way out. And before you know it, those ''exceptional circumstances'' will include grounds that you had never imagined. Always keep in mind that the power one gives to emperor Augustus can - and will - end up in the hands of someone like Nero. And honestly, at the rate at which Keir Starmer is burning the UK to the ground, we're probably already there.
Now to the MAIN EVENT
Decentralized Medicine | Jack Kruse | Assembly 2023
This is long but wow!
This is unreal. A Neurosurgeon talks about CIA, 5G, Injections, MK Ultra, Operation Paperclip and more. People were assassinated. It plays out like a Tom Clancy novel except it’s REAL!!
How do I know it’s real? The people he’s involved with, the timing, the “scenes” he talks about, all check out and he’s a neurosurgeon! He has a lot to lose! Sadly, these are the kind of people who get “silenced” because of their position, their credibility and what they are saying. He talks about Fauci, Obama and others.
This is the kind of thing that gets pulled down from Youtube. Thank God for Bitchute and other platforms that don’t censor things like this. So if you come across this post and find the video below is “no longer available” you can also search it on Bitchute (and others) Here’s a backup search link where it exists from several uploaders.
At 46 minutes, the vaccine are adulterated. He says they cause cancer and cancer is huge business. They use the “business of cancer” to launder money! I never thought of it from that angle, though I’m sure depopulation is a big part of it as well.
He says in the video what King Philip of Macedon (ancient Macedonia) said to his son, Alexander the Great; “Trust No One” and “Learn to be alone”
and precisely what I’ve been telling my readers, “if it’s coming from Government, RUN don’t walk, RUN the OTHER WAY as FAR and as FAST as you can!
UTube description;
1,140,463 views May 14, 2024
Dr. Jack Kruse is a neurosurgeon and advocate for decentralized medicine. Often at odds with mainstream medical practices, he challenges established norms and promotes a holistic approach to healthcare. In this captivating talk, Dr. Jack Kruse, a neurosurgeon known for his unconventional views, discusses his experiences and thought-provoking topics on medicine and technology. Sharing anecdotes from his career, Dr. Kruse delves into topics like vaccine safety, autism, and the influence of MK Ultra and CIA experiments on modern technology. He emphasizes the importance of decentralized medicine and medical freedom to protect public health and individual liberties.
Here is the link to the Ethical Skeptic that he mentions at 39:35 in the video.
Additional links
AMERICAN NEWS, Dec 7, 2024
America's top trans doc for kids sued by California student ushered into sex change at 12-years-old
At the age of 19, Breen stopped taking the drugs and began the long process of returning to live as a woman.
A Tale of Two Citizens…And How To Stop the Shots
How a small town Australian politician and an independent Canadian scientist are causing a tidal wave of awareness with shocking new evidence of DNA contamination from the Covid injections;
Democrat Muslim councillor for City of Boston arrested by FBI
for public corruption, theft, misappropriation of taxpayer money and more.
Larry King interview Trump in 1987
Trump knew back then US was being ripped off by other countries. Back then he said he wouldn’t want to be president. Why should he? He makes way more money than the presidential salary. It was because of the love of his country that he decided to step up.
People don't realize, the presidency is not a glamours place. First, it doesn't pay much. Trump and other business people make way more money than the president with less headaches, less things to worry about. Every president that got into power went UP in monetary value. They ALL MADE money there. Not from the salary but from the powerful position. The perks, the bribes, the kickbacks. Obama for instance, went in a millionaire, went out a billionaire. These people are backed and paid by outside sources (those at the "top of the pyramid") They are puppets to the globalist elites. Trump on the other hand is NOT. He had his own money going in. He is not the globalist's bitch. This is why the globalists hate him and use their propaganda to smear him. He can't be bought like the others. He LOST money being president, not gained. He does it because USA is his country. He made a lot of money from USA, loves the country and the people and now feels obligated to run it like a business, as it should be. Trump doesn't even take the "presidential salary".
Trump’s not even officially president yet but he’s in France, already getting things done, trying to stop the war in Ukraine. Zelinksy is worried Trump will stop sending him money, and I hope he will stop sending them money and weapons. Biden and the rest of the nations who signed onto Agenda 21 and 30 relinquished their sovereign rights to the WEF and Co. It’s in their interest to keep the war going to weaken Putin so they can install NWO, One world government etc. Then we’re all fucked. Let’s hope Trump can stop this from happening.
Ya, you thought you were getting off easy right? NO! There’s HOMEWORK in this class!
This season, you will be meeting with many friends and family. I challenge you to ask 100 people if they have ever heard of Klaus Schwab. I can guarantee you, 99% will not have even heard of him let alone what he stands for, the book he wrote, the way his organization indoctrinates and installs marks in key positions around the world to do his bidding for him.
Let me make it easier for you, just ask 10 people. Just ask nonchalantly, “have you heard of guy named Klaus Schwab”?
In fact this test will work better if you don’t. You see, if you know who he is and what he stands for, the inflection in your voice will be different than someone who clearly doesn’t know who this character is. So if you know all about him, ask nonchalantly “do you know who Klaus Schwab is?” I would ask one on one, not with a lot of people around because this puts the subject on the spot you know? It will make them feel ‘less than’ and effect their response so it’s best to just quietly ask one on one.
The purpose of this exercise is to show that people have these preconceived notions, they have their own “beliefs” already built in, programmed into them by “the machine”. The machine is the propaganda on TV, what they show, what they don’t show and the opinions expressed by the mainstream media. For instance, when they report anything on Trump, they automatically put him in a bad light, even if he does something good. The responses from main stream search engines and even AI, are programmed to lean left. For instance, if you ask AI about “vaccines” they will put the vaccines in a good light. Computers are only as good as the one’s who programmed them.
So getting back to the purpose of the exercise, you will see that people have these beliefs and yet they are not willing to do the research. Not willing to learn anything new. Not willing to look at anything with an open mind, yet most claim to be open minded.
The first enlightening I had about this phenomenon was listening to a conversation between two other dudes;
Dude 1 said he’s not religious and doesn’t believe in God.
Dude 2 asked, “have you read the bible?”
Dude 1 “no”
Dude 2, “if you wanted to know about a famous person, would you not read their biography to learn more about them?”
Dude 1, “sure, I guess?”
Dude 2, “The bible is the biography of Jesus and God. How can you form an opinion (either way) about them if you have not read their biography?”
You see? People have these ideas in their heads but they have no idea what their talking about! How could Dude 1 (above) form an opinion of God without even doing the research, without reading the Bible? This is why I ask people about Schwab. Most have no idea who he is or how his organization effects everything going on in the world today. Not just politics but religion, the way children are taught, immigration, the way “Health Care” is run and on and on and he’s not even the the top! Im sure he reports to others above him! Schwab recently stepped down from his position with WEF but as the frontman for the organization, I’m sure he still has lots to say about the direction of the organization, in the same way that Gates still has a say in Microsoft although he is no longer the CEO.
Ask them if they’ve ever heard of “Bohemian Grove”. If you haven’t, I’ll let you do your own research on that.
Ask them if they know what Blackrock is. Ask them if they ever heard of Marina Abramović? Frankly, thank God most have not heard of her but for those who seek the truth, you have to know your enemy. Knowledge of these entities changes it from “conspiracy” to knowing what we are dealing with. How can you fight an enemy you don’t know? Most don’t even know were fighting. This is how the python would have it. The python doesn’t want to fight with it’s prey. It wants the prey to feel comfortable but with each breath the prey takes, the snake tightens just a little bit. Again the prey feels comfortable with less than before. This goes on for some time until the prey can’t get enough oxygen in it’s lungs. It passes out, then dies of asphyxiation and the snake eats it without a fight. That’s what these people want. Those people that most don’t even know about, yet they affect our every day lives with this insanity that’s taking place across the world.
Sadly, most normies are not even interested in learning. It’s not that they are not smart. Most I’ve had conversations with are highly intelligent but intelligence falls into many categories. Some may be very intelligent at what they do. WHY? BCAUSE THEY STUDIED IT! If they didn’t study something, how could they possibly be “intelligent” about something they didn’t study?
I wouldn’t expect anyone to be knowledgeable in an area that they have not thoroughly studied. This certainly doesn’t mean they are not smart. It’s just that they haven’t studied these issues. Most laugh them off as “conspiracy”. Remember they used to say “they can’t force people to take injections. That’s against their own human rights”. Yet they did. They didn’t physically force them but they used blackmail. You’ll lose your job if you don’t take it. You’re kids won’t be able to go to school. You won’t be able to to go to the movies or a restaurant or hope a plane, train or go to the mall. You won’t be able to see your loved ones and on and on…
As of today I’ve written 335 posts like this on the various issues facing the world today. I don’t know how many pages that would equate to.
I had over 7,000 post reads in the past 30 days alone. People are reading this. What they do with the information, I cannot tell.
Before this, I had my own websites, I was writing on before they were all pulled by my woke leftist web-host (thats another story).
Before that, I read lots of books on these topics. Like this one I keep pushing. It’s FREE online but even so, very few will be willing to put in the time to read it. This particular book is the result of 26 years of research. In that time, the author read some 450 other books on the subject as well as had countless interviews with first hand participants in the organizations he talks about. Imagine all that knowledge being compacted down into one book!? It’s like an upside down pyramid or a funnel with all the books, all the research from many people, many sources, all combined down for your easy pickin’s here, but few are even willing to read it! They don’t even have to do the research OR the writing! They just have to take in the information with an open mind but few are willing to do even that.
“Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder but no one is willing to do the hard work” ~ a quote from a bodybuilder friend.
another quote I like from a martial arts friend;
“You can have anything you want in life but you have to be willing to pay the price.”
The price might be in time or money or health or maybe even cost you your family.
So true in anything. Humans naturally gravitate to the easiest way. If that means taking experimental drugs so they can go to the restaurant without making a scene, well, “here’s my arm”. Some things in life are a little bit harder. Sometimes we have to do the heavy lifting. Sometimes we have to stand up for what we feel is right. “My body, My Choice” right? Learning something new takes time and effort.
Before that, I gained experience in human psychology learning first hand how people react to things. My biggest teacher in this was when I stopped eating meat. I saw people’s reactions, opinions, I had no idea how strong they were.
You know, the thing about eating meat is “everybody does it” right? I must have been lucky or perhaps strong enough to buck the trend, not do what everyone else did. I wanted to know myself was it really necessary for some other living breathing being to die, in order for me to live? This was the notion I was brought up with. This is what my parents taught me and what society taught me. “Circle of life” right? “Everyone was doing it” so it must be right. Right?
I can tell you from first hand experience over the past 30 some years, it’s absolutely NOT necessary for humans to be eating the flesh of the dead. I can absolutely tell you that it’s nothing more than habits formed, passed down. Engrained within us by TV, billboards, the golden arches that so many have become so familiar with, radio and other media. I can tell you I lost friends. Gym buddies used to say I’d get skinny and weak not eating meat. Maybe those people weren’t really “friends” in the first place.
But aside from getting into that, it taught me how people think. How they react. How they can become defensive (some more than others). Others we’re genuinely interested. Mostly it taught me, as was confirmed by many psychologists, “We can’t change anyone.” Even if you held a gun to their head, change would only be fleeting, to save their lives. As soon as the threat was removed, they would go back to their default position, in fact with their heels dug in even deeper than before because of the threat. All we can do is live by example and hope others see that their just might be another way.
As the great gurus say, “Change must come from within”
How about the other great psychologists, our parents who said; “They’ll learn”.
I hope that perhaps, even with the oncoming censorship, these words may be archived in depths of the internet somewhere so that maybe future generations can see what our generation was up against. I hope they might be able to see how things were, how we lived and that maybe they will stand up and fight for their rights.
Imagine future generations not even knowing what it was like to be “free”? Accepting that the government was God and provided for them? It’s like some sort of sick science fiction movie.
Knowledge is immortal
but only if you share it!
If you know something and you tell no one of it and you die, your knowledge dies with you but if you know something and share it with even one person, that knowledge carries on infinity throughout the universe. It lives on touching all that encounter any tidbit of information you might share. It’s like you’re immortal. I think it would be a sin to take knowledge with you to the grave without sharing it. What’s the sense of knowing anything, right or wrong, if you tell no one about it? It’s like getting a hole in one on the golf course but there’s no one there to witness it.
For those of you who have kids, you will understand this concept first hand and even if you don’t have kids, your knowledge can be passed on and it doesn’t even matter what it is! Information hits everyone differently. Each person processes information differently. Even if your information is flawed, it is useful. Don’t we find ourselves looking back saying “dad would have done this or mom would have said this”? This is what passed down knowledge looks like.
Today, Einstein’s theories that have stood for 100 years, are now being tested. The envelopes are being pushed. This is how we learn how we grow. Without communication of information we’d all still be writing on cave walls, eating wild boar and living to the rip old age of 15.
Most remember the famous line from Jack Nicholson in “A few good men”, Tom Cruise says “I WANT THE TRUTH!” and Nicholson says “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!”
Is it a dark place? I guess it can be. It depends how you look at it. Why when it comes to things like this, people say, “I prefer not to know. I prefer to wear the rose coloured glasses” yet when faced with a hospital diagnosis, they say “they want the truth”?
To me it’s darker being in the dark. Not knowing the truth and trusting blindly.
“In GOD we TRUST, All others PAY CASH”
I guess the truth can be hard but I’d rather face the truth than live a lie. Sheep trust the farmer until it’s too late. Maybe with some knowledge, the sheep could devise a plan to escape.
We don’t have to live in paranoia either. I’m sure the first time cavemen saw fire, they were probably amazed at how it danced around and threw off heat but when they tried to touch it, they got burned so their belief was that fire was bad. However with more knowledge of fire, we now know that it can be controlled and used for good, used for heat, used to fight off predators, mosquitoes, to signal others or to light the way. The same fire the cavemen feared could have likely saved many ancient lives, had they only known more about it. The only way we could have tamed the fire is with knowledge of the fire. One could only imagine that the first cavemen to tame fire must have been very brave. They would have had to face their fears to learn the truth.
A military strategist would be foolish to not study the enemy. Does this study make the Generals paranoid or does it put them in a stronger position?
We don’t get fooled again! “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me Twice, shame on ME!”
Sports teams, fighters, boxers etc, they all study the moves of their opponents before stepping into the ring. The better prepared, the better off we will be.
Has anyone ever been the victim of a crime? Anyone know of anyone that has been intentionally ripped off? How’d that make you feel? Would have being more prepared better enable you to defend against such crimes? Is being better prepared being paranoid? Of course not.
Not everyone out there has our best interest at hand, even if they say they do. There are good doctors as well as bad doctors. Good lawyers as well as bad lawyers, good politicians as well as bad ones. Just because they hold a high position, doesn’t mean they are all good or all bad.
We can’t afford to be naive in today’s world. We can’t just put our credit card on any website we see just because it “looks legit”. Trust is a rare commodity today and one to be valued more than money. Question everything! Especially if you see it on TV or it’s coming from the government!
“When we KNOW better, we DO better.”
I hope somebody out there reading this is getting something out of it. Sure the world has much beauty in it and we have to enjoy the sun and the wind in our faces but we also have to be prepared with knowledge. Enjoy the warmth and light from the fire but let’s not get burned by it.
Stay on the side of God. Everything else is a distraction.
Now please go back to the start, watch the videos, check the links to get the most from this post.
Thank you for reading.