Merry Christmas to my Orthodox friends! Jan 7 2025
I wrote about Controlling the Media in October of 2022. This post showed how one man in charge of “selling the plan-demic” talked many news media sources to “have one story” they all had to be on the same page. One Voice.
This documentary is FIVE and a HALF HOURS! I’ve only watched the first 30 minutes. In the first 10 minutes we see many newscasts broadcasting the same thing word for word. It’s literally comical. If you do nothing else, just watch the first 10 minutes.
In the next 10 minutes, there are newscasts from the 70s claiming many celebrities took the Swine Flu shot, yet when interviewed, those celebrities say they didn’t take it.
at 18 minutes; In the 70s, there was a ridiculous “corona virus” disease film. Tells people to “drop to the ground if you sense the CV” its just insane! You have to see it!
“If you cough on a car, the car becomes a carrier” lmfao! They call it the car-owner virus! This was a serious film used to persuade the public to take drugs back in the 70s!
at 24 minutes, the swine flu was proved to be a hoax and that the WHO (World Health Organization) colluded with the companies to scare people into taking their. Dr Wolfgang Wodarg pretty much single hardly shut down psy-ops from created by WHO and the Pharmaceutical companies.
It looks like the producer put some time into this. I’m just gonna leave this here.. Have a look!