King Philip of Macedon (ancient Macedonia) advised his son Alexander the Great,
"Trust No one" and "Learn to be alone".
Harsh words from a father to a son. Alexander led the world's greatest fighting force. He conquered more territory than any military in history even by today’s standards and he did it all before the age of 33.
“It’s not the hours you put in, it’s what you put in the hours.”
Click here for a fantastic interactive map with all his battles, tells a little bit about each one. Great resource!
With just 30,000 men, he defeated the Greek army in the battle of Thebes although outnumbered 3:1. The Greeks had 90,000 men but Alexander's strategies proved effective.
[ His army was roughly 30,000 men, yet "learn to be alone". Isn't that ironic? ]
Alexander went on to conquer most of the then known world all the way from Macedonia to Asia.
To this day, the Greeks are still sore about this. Originally, the Greeks would say "there's no such thing as Macedonia". Later they would have to admit it exists but said "it's a province of Greece". No, it is it's own country. Greeks would also say that Alexander was Greek even though Alexander defeated the Greeks in the battle of Thebes as noted above. Ancient Greek generals called King Philip "Philip the Barbarian" because he spoke a Barbaric language. That language was Macedonian. Macedonian is a slavic language which uses the Cyrillic alphabet. It's closest to Russian if anything whereas the Greek language is completely different and has it's own alphabet.
After Alexander's rein, the territories were broken up under his generals. Macedonia itself became very small.
In recent times, to gain any political clout, Macedonia wanted a seat on the UN but Greece voted against them. Moderators stepped in. Macedonia gave up a lot for that seat. First, they had to rename themselves ""Former Republic of Yugoslavia" and change their flag from the original Starburst used by Alexander and his armies to version of that. They also had to give up land. Some land that was oceanfront. Some land was given to Greece and Yugoslavia and Bulgaria leaving Macedonia landlocked.
The plan was to just get the seat on the UN, then worry about resolving their heritage later, which they are still fighting for. Now it is called "Northern Macedonia" which, there is no southern Macedonia. To the south now, is Greece.
Villagers names were changed to make them sound more Greek. Macedonia was poor. The only schools in Macedonia were Greek. My parents had to learn the Greek language. Children were indoctrinated, same as the indoctrination camps in 1980s Canada under Trudeau Sr. My parents were beaten if they even mentioned a word in Macedonian. They were not allowed to sing their song, dance their dances, same as what happened in Ireland. This is why they would dance with their hands down so soldiers couldn't see they were dancing through their windows. This was due to the conflict between the “Orange and the Green” (Protestants and Catholics) How pathetic!
The genocide continued at least through the 80s and 90s. Greek soldiers were mandated to go into unarmed Macedonian villages, rape woman so the offspring would have Greek names. They desecrated graves, either chiseling off the names altogether or changing them to sound Greek. Churches were records were kept were burned. My own mother never knew exactly what year she was born because her records were burned. It was either '26 or '27 but she wasn't 100% sure. Greeks wanted no records of Macedonia because of Alexander the Great.
My father's name was changed by the Greeks under duress. He came to Canada and used a shortened version of the name to make it easier in Canada.
Myself and my kids all used the shortened version of this name throughout their schooling and myself in business however the birth certificates still had the long, Greek given name.
The Canadian government has a fax line (yes, people still use fax) where you can fax in your requests to change your name. I did this over a decade ago and got no answers. Eventually, I had to throw money at it to have all our birth certificates changed to the shorter version. It's only now that my family has ridden themselves of the long Greek given name after generations.
After the fall of communism in Europe, Russia opened it boarders. Prior to that, Russians weren't even allowed to leave! In many European countries, military enlistment was (still is) mandatory*. Most Russians defecting from Russia looking for better life in US and Canada, were ex military. [* in fact in Ukraine now, they are lowering the draft age from 25 down to 18! ]
I met one of them in the late 90s. He was Special Operations Soldiers (Spetznaz, in Russian). Vladimir (they're all named Vladimir) Vlad could not speak English when he first came to Canada but his wife could.
He started a military training club in the basement of his first house, teaching what he had been taught in Special Forces training. When he gained enough interest in the work, he later rented a small industrial unit in Toronto for these training sessions. I was one of his first students. he spoke in broken English with his wife translating. There were no mats on the floor. Just commercial grade carpet which was old, torn, offered no padding from the concrete but did offer some great rug burns.
The training was not all just fighting and work with weapons, defensive driving and survival skills, it was also about health for the mind and body. 5 pillars were emphasized;
1) fasting 1 day in every 7, no food or water
2) breathing (we did entire seminars on just breath work)
3) cold water dousing, everyday, twice a day, once in early morning, once at night all year round, outside, must be on bare feet for grounding.
4) movement of the body daily, aka exercise, which meant doing anything outside your comfort zone. Too easily we fall into our default state. Both the body and the mind are meant to be challenged.
“Without a well conditioned body, the mind would certainly suffer” ~ Plato
5) being outside in nature, WITH nature, WITHOUT electronics! Away from computer, cell phones and other electromagnetic (as much as we can now with all the 5G towers around us). To be at one with nature, even if it's cold or unpleasant, these are our roots.
These are things that no western schools teach. This is what we should be teaching, or at least incorporating into western school curriculums. Not LGTBQRSTUV, which is banned in Russia!
Vladimir's teacher was his General in the army. The General would come over one a year to train with us. I had the privilege of talking with him though an interpreter one day. Macedonia came up in the conversation. He said he was there in the 80s during the "Balkan wars" on a peace keeping mission and he confirmed to me that the genocide of Macedonians was still going on then, in the 80s.
The fact is, EVERY race of people has been wronged in one way or another throughout history.
The blacks say that their forefathers were slaves. The Jews say Hitler killed them. Ukraine claiming Russia invaded them arbitrarily like Putin had nothing better to do that day. The Muslims hate the Sikhs....
Are we a Race a Religion or are we a Nation?
Canadians claim they are Canadian because they were born in Canada
Americans claim they are American because they were born in America
Russians claim they are Russian because they were born in Russia and so forth BUT
Sikhs, although born in Pakistan claim they are Sikhs!
Muslims although born in Afghanistan, claim they are Muslims!
In fact, even Muslims that were born in other countries like Canada or US, still claim they are Muslims NOT their country of origin HOWEVER...
When asked on the street, "would you fight for your country?" All of a sudden "ooooh, nooo mi goodnis graciousness! Ve R not Canadian! Ve are Indian! ooooh mi goodnis graciously! Ve vill run back to the Punjab!”
This is a 5 minute video. At 3 minutes, a guy asks people “would you fight for this country?” Listen to the reactions;
Meanwhile, in a NYC council meeting, the migrants are complaining about their Free Stuff!
I'd like to see NDP Singh fighting on the front lines for Canada. Ya, Right!
His brightly coloured head dress would give away allied positions! Bombers would use it as a target from 10,000ft!
He defended the mastermind behind the Air India Bombing, the worst terrorist attack on Canadians in history! As a “lawyer” he defended the main Sikh behind the bombing. The perpetrator was not convicted! He was set free but later someone shot him on the street and NDP Singh VOWED to catch the shooter and bring him to “Justice”! Can you believe that!? Singh had to change his name after that! His real name was Jimmy Dhaliwal. He is NOT permitted in India! His own people hate him for standing behind the Air Indian Bomber yet it’s ok that he runs the NDP party of Canada!
But hey man, other countries are run by drug lords and terrorists, why not Canada? For instance, Columbia, Mexico, Argentina, Guatemala, Afghanistan, to mention a few are highly influenced by drug dealers if not completely run by them. Why would Canada be any different? Over 4,000 organized crime gangs are operating freely in Canada yet Canada locks up Christian Pastors and citizens posting something on social media while the terrorists are promoted, paid and housed by Canada.
(above link goes to Telegram post. You need Telegram to watch it)
We always “think” of countries like Mexico being run by drug cartels. In fact if you visit Mexico, it’s quite nice. Canada is more dangerous than Mexico in terms of gun crimes but we don’t think of it that way right?
Have a look at this page. You can compare countries to each other in terms of cost of living, crimes, weather etc This a search for Canada vs Mexico for Crime. If you look under “gun crimes’ you will see there’s more shootings in Canada, in spite of Canada’s “gun control laws”. The most recent stats from this page are 2014. Im sure Canada’s gotten worse since then, By FAR!
Singh supports decriminalizing the purchase, possession and consumption of psychoactive mind altering drugs for personal use! Of course! It’s like someone is contemplating suicide and he’s there to HELP THEM decide to do it! He came from another country and doesn’t give a fuck about “dumb white Canadians” so it’s easy for him to promote them to take drugs! I bet he doesn’t tell that to his kids (if he has any kids) or his extremist friends!
I’m sure since the dawn of man there were always conflicts. Though we are supposedly a tribal species, as soon as there are more than one in the tribe, there are bound to be discrepancies. Such conflicts we're likely resolved by the one with the bigger club. The club evolved into the spear. The spear into the arrow, the arrow into the catapult until gunpowder was invented. Heck, even a “tribe” with just ONE person, still has their own inner conflicts!
Above was written BY AN INDIAN!
The difference is, I personally, would never, in a million years dream of going to another country and demanding “my rights”, changing that countries ways, religions, laws, cultures etc! That’s just fucked up. That’s why we have borders! Without a border, there is no country! Trump said this before he was president the first time!
In the Bible story of Babylon, Moses had led his people out of Egypt, out of the rule and slavery of Pharaoh. His people were so happy, they had wild sex parties, they were singing and dancing, the booze was flowing, they all smoked the hoooka. Then stoned, they decided to form a “One World Government” with ONE leader. They built an idol. A golden statue with the body of a man and head of a Bull. This “deity” would then be called Baal (now bull).
To make Baal happy, they would give it sacrifices of everything! Food from crops, animals, men woman and children were sacrificed to Baal… a fucking statue!
As the story goes in the Bible, this upset God. His first Commandment was;
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” ~ Exodus 20:3
Subsequently, God struck down the tower of Babylon, destroying their statue as well and another interesting thing, he made them all speak different languages so they could not communicate with one another, thus breaking up their “club”. This is where all the different languages came from according to scripture.
To feel the significance of this, one must first understand the back story. Ancient Egypt was totally Satanic! They worshipped Gods they made up themselves, against Biblical teaching. They did horrific things to people. They didn’t believe in God of the Bible. They had snakes and things that were half animal half human. Their punishments to slaves were unspeakable!
The people of Babylon were originally slaves under Pharaoh. Their lives were a living hell. God worked though Moses to lead his people out of Egypt. God did all these things though Moses to scare Pharaoh into letting them go. He turned a staff into a snake, he turned the rivers into blood, fire rained from a clear blue sky, plagues came, Pharaoh wanted to kill Moses first born but the karma backfired on him and his own wishes ended up killing his own son, his first born. (remember from many of my previous posts, Satanists believe in Karma. I guess Pharaoh never did anything to fend off Karma like the satanists do today) Finally Pharaoh let them go but told his solders to kill them all but Moses gets to the Dead Sea, parts the waters, his people pass safely, then when Pharaoh’s soldiers try to chase them, the waters collapse on them drowning them.
You would think after all this, those people, the slaves would have honoured God’s only wishes (the 10 Commandments). You’d think with these acts of God, they would become God fearing people! Instead they made a mockery of the Commandments, which pissed off God, so he fixed them too!
Please see “The Ten Commandments” movie directed by Cecil B. DeMille, staring Charlton Heston as Moses. (The original version was 1950 something) Used to be a Christmas classic. They would broadcast it every Christmas. I haven’t seen it in years. The world has once again turned away from God for the most part.
This is why today, we have many different countries. Each country has their own cultural beliefs and values. In order to protect those beliefs and values, counties require boarders. The same reason people lock their houses and their cars.
If someone doesn’t like the values or beliefs of their country, they should be free to move to a country that they feel is more suitable and live within that countries values and beliefs. But to come to another country to impose their motherland’s values and believes on the new country, that’s called invasion which cases wars!
It’s very simple. Do you come in peace? You’re Welcome! Or do you come with the intent to take over from the inside out (watch this, 33 seconds) like the Trojan Horse?
Playing God
Neil Oliver, The War on Humanity - Perfectly said;
As noted in all my writings;
People take advice from a rich psychopath, hell bent on reducing the world's population. He's openly said there are too many people on the planet and we need to reduce them, while he runs a fleet of private jets, helicopters, yachts and several mansions but he wants you to take his drugs.
Oprah and Karmella both lecture woman on abortions yet have no children of their own.
Biden's wife Jill was on the board of directors of Save the Children which turns out to be the world's largest child trafficking ring, recently raided by CIA
Search: Jill Biden, board of directors of "Save the Children"
Of course Young Biden also likes the children. These people are satanic. They believe they are above the law and above God;