They can’t control you if you don’t use their stuff. Don’t use facebook. Don’t use their drugs. CERTAINLY don’t accept/use their UBI (Universal Basic Income) or CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
Don’t use their googles their Gmails, their Siris, Alexas, Gmail. Youtube (Theirtube not your tube!)
Google encourages people to upload information (of all sorts) to their servers because the more information they have the better for them.
Hence I avoid it wherever possible. Certainly no sensitive data!
Things like Gmail (google) Facebook, Instagram (owned by facebook) Youtube (owned by google) ‘linkedin’ (owned by convicted pedophile) and others are all nothing more than “free” data harvesting programs. They give them to you for free so you will willfully upload all your information. You will send emails with sensitive data, you will upload photos and files etc.
Look at facebook… If somebody came up to you in a van on the street and asked you your name, demanded your phone number, asked you where you work, who your friends are, where you live, asked you to post all your personal pictures, asked you what your likes and dislikes are and so on and so forth, then even had the balls to demand that you double check your sign in procedure so they can verify your phone humber, you’d call the cops or run but when they give it to your for “free”, most willfully just keep posting everything, keep communicating with their friends and family all over the world so taht if someone has to find info on someone, they will know where to look.
Think you can just delete it? WHAT GOES ON THE INTERNET, STAYS ON THE INTERNET! FOREVER! Every server has a backup! How do you think when you type an email, it saves it as a “draft”? Even if your whole computer or phone goes down, the email is still there in drafts, saved on a server!
Then they tell you its private which is BS. I was banned from facebook over 10 years ago for sending a so called private message via “messenger”. It was a link to a website. The message was intercepted. Said “your message cannot be sent because it goes against “our policies” and I was banned for 30 days (since quit fb all together)
Same with “WHATSAP” owned by facebook. They want you to feel secure so you will share your most personal information with them.
USE CASH WHEREVER AND WHENEVER POSSIBLE! It’s still untraceable. Its still (for the time being) LEGAL!
Yuval Harari (Klaus Schwabs's right hand boy) says that information is more valuable than money today.
This comes from the age of knowledge from the days of Sun Tzu (The Art of War) "Know thy enemy". The more you know about the enemy, its like ammunition, helps to delete the enemy.
NWO Satanists look at humans as the enemy therefore they want to know as much about us as possible.
I know Annie downplays this saying "advertisers have been doing this for years". Yes I know but this goes way beyond advertising to the point where they want to know your personal health! With such information, they can predict what you are about to do.
4:42 video - Here's Yuval, Klaus and others talking about controlling humans brains though "technology" - Klaus wrote the book, "the 4th Industrial Revolution" which is about "technocracy" - humans being attached to the "central computer" (AI Artificial Intelligence) Once again COVID19 = Certificate Of Vaccination ID run by AI (1st and 9th letters) This is their ultimate plan.
Crime & Corruption of Justice
In Tom Cruise's movie Minority Report, they were arresting people for crimes that they were thinking about! (Crimes in the vision of the "government" - what the "government" says is a crime - although the government is the biggest criminal organization, "licensing" the "right" for people to sell their drugs to others!
See, if you don't have a "licence" from the “government”, then you're just a drug dealer! BUT if you have a licence, then you're ok. Now do you understand Grasshopper!?
Hunter Biden….
Has been caught on camera many times with underaged children. How are these pedophiles not incarcerated? There is no more justice. They let convicted terrorists go free and pay them millions or dollars and children can be taught sex in schools but you can’t say the lord’s prayer in schools and speaking out against trannies can get you a 25.000.00 fine!
Trudeau has been caught with children, paid off the parents. Caught with bags of coke on his (the taxpayer’s) jets, no convictions, not even stepping down!
I can’t believe people still “trust” the “government”! These are the people who will continually keep going and getting their shots because the “government” told them to, although we hear of healthy young people now dropping dead but they will not allow that connection in their heads because its just too unbelievable for them. Instead they focus on the ones who got the shots and are still alive. (lucky they got the placebo saline shots).
How is it that those who got the shots are still “testing positive” for so called covid!? This proves the shots are neither safe nor effective. Why would anyone still want to go get injected with Bill Gate’s experimental drugs!? It’s bizarre to me.
Trudeau ordered 10x the amount of experimental drugs as their are “Canadians”. Enough to keep drugging Canadians years into the future, several times per year, ultimately ending in less population, sterilized population. (see below video)
13 Year-Old Boy Dies Seconds After
the Second Dose of the Covid-19 Death Jab
The satanic leftist democratic pedophiles cancel culture the TRUTH! Have a look how many have been silenced!
It's always the leftist demon-rats satanic pedophiies canceling what they don't want others to hear!
Instagram is hard left, owned by facebook or metabook or faggotbook or whatever they’re calling themselves now. Nothing more than data harvesting programs!
Avoid them at all costs! Below we list alternative platforms.
The “Government” doesn’t get arrested!
below is a picture of “Hunter Biden” raping an underage child.
Normalizing Pedophilia!
Agendas 21 and 30
195 countries have given up their sovereignty to foreign entities who are not elected under the guise of “Climate Change” (formerly known as “Global Warming”). These countries all signed onto “Agenda 21 and “Agenda 30” documents that allow the foreigners to take the reins of these countries. In return they offer them a position in the NWO. They loyalty to them (the satanists) guarantees them fame and fortune. Foreign interference (“We Penetrate ze Cabinets” - Klaus Schwab) would normally be met with military defence! Instead, the military and special services like RCMP, CSIS etc are all on the side of the foreign entities (aka satanists!) They “Embrace” the satanists!
They claim the documents will end world hunger and save the planet from “Climate change” but this is all bullshit 100%! First of all the climate have been changing just fine on its own long before any humans were discovered! It was said that the north and south poles were once lush green forests yet they changed to barren, cold ice lands all on their own. Deserts were said to be lakes and oceans long before they became “oceans of sand”. No “humans” did this!
As for world hunger, if the satanists gave a fuck about world hunger, the wealth of one man, Bill Gates for example, could eradicate world hunger immediately! Why doesn’t he? And there are many such billionaires, some we have never even heard of.
Why do they spend so much time trying to control the world when they could put that time and effort into growing food and distributing it to the hungry IF that’s really what they wanted to do!?
They claim that in order to “fight” this fictitious threat, they need the cooperation of these countries. Cooperation meaning ONE world Government, ONE currency, ONE world army, ONE “religion” (satanism). Countries in agreement must hand over total control to the satanists….
In fact their only goal has been to rule the planet earth for many centuries.
read the book!
Certificate Of Vaccination ID
19 represents the 1st and 9th letters AI (Artificial Intelligence), the means by which they plan to control those left on the planet once the majority is injected.
Michigan “Doctor” tells people they have cancer, benefits financially from the treatments!
He got money for the 'treatments". THIS one got CAUGHT! How many others told patients whatever they want to tell them because of their own financial gain? OR Just their own sick demented minds that makes them feel strong telling others that they're sick!?
A "Doctor" telling someone they are sick, is worse than the patient actually having the disease because they believe the so called doctors!
Stop Secretly Putting Deadly CV19 mRNA in Everything – Karen Kingston
By Greg Hunter On November 21, 2023
Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has warned from the very beginning the dangers of the so-called CV19 “vaccines.” Kingston repeatedly showed the dangers of the nanotechnology called mRNA. Big Pharma patents say it is, in fact, an electromagnetic device that now is secretly slated to be in all vaccines. mRNA “synthetic biology” is also already showing up in our food, water and many medicines. read more….
Private Phones & Apps
STOP giving the Satanists what they want! Which is taxes above all but but its also information! Avoid censorship and spy apps, data collection apps with these “alternatives”
“SIRI and ALEXIS” are ALWAYS ON! They have to be to hear you say “hey Alexa” etc. So don’t you think they have to always be listening? Of course they do! They just don’t REACT until you say }hay SiRI” but they are always on! ALWAYS Listening!
Here are some alternative phones and apps. These apps and devices avoid data harvesting servers like google facebook and the like.
Signal is a free app for phones and computers. It offers encrypted messaging, videos etc
make sure you download the right version for your device.
how to DeGoogle your phone (search)
Sessions is another great encrypted app that doesn’t send your metadata.
Platforms uncensored media grassroots action with chapters across Canada
gab, MeWe, and video platforms like Bitchute, Rumble and others are mentioned here…
There are many more, just know to look for uncensored. hint, anything large and well known is going to be censored.
Search engines
Don’t use google or Bing or Yahoo or even duckduckgo. They recently sold out to google. Although DDG might not track you like google does, they still return the same results since they sold us out. Yandex is much better. Search unbiased search engines but don’t use google to do this. Here are some others.. You get the idea.
I’ve had enough of this writing and reporting for today. I’m out.