Brilliant! Some gaps, please visit my Signal page, I have saved up documentation on the WEF since 2019 when I was first sent a copy of Agenda 21.

Schwab & his minions have been positioning politicians & corporations around the World, manipulating Governments & Financial Systems, simulating climate change & food shortages etc. since 1990. Since then all the money leads back to one place, Davos, Switzerland the new O.W.O. HQ.

Since Substack is backed by Venture Capitalists that tie back in convoluted ways to O.W.O. I don’t want to say too much here. Signal is still 100% privately owned & funded. On the TOR network the OWO can’t penetrate (Yet) as content is stored on servers from all over the world. The “Commercial” web content is stored in HUGE server farms where it can be mined for data & the delivery can be tracked & controlled.

Hope to see you & chat safely. The Elites have married their AI to their Quantum computers so what you say & do on the commercial web (Social media) has become even more dangerous.

Be safe.

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May 26·edited May 27Author

thanks Kay. For some reason, I can't "like" comments on here? not clickable.... and how does one find your signal page?

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@BetheLightintheDarkness.01 😊

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