Best News I've heard in a Long Time!
Trump - There are only TWO Genders
and he will rid the schools of the transvestite freak shows. Finally! Some NORMALCY!
I can’t believe we live in a time where people need to be told this by the President. For years under liberal governments, schools have been TEACHING CHILDREN that there are infinite number of genders and that boys can be girls and girls can be boys or whatever else they want to be. That boys can use girl’s washrooms and change rooms and compete in girls sports and visa versa. This is literally child abuse!
Why don’t we teach them that 2+2 = 19? Why not? They will believe anything adults tell them.
Imagine a couple going to the doctor. The woman is pregnant. The doctor asks “do you want to know the sex of the child?” Do you think the doctor is going to say “It’s a boy but we can’t be sure” or do you think the doctor is going to say “the child is a “body of water”? This is liberal insanity.
When my son was in high school he came home one day telling me that this “girl” no longer identified as a girl but rather “a body of water” and changed her name to “Sky” and the teachers were obligated to address “her” as that! This is how insane it’s become! He said they made a 4x8ft poster in the hall with all the “various genders”!
No male child every went to the teacher asking if they can be girl. This is the insanity of some small percentage of “progressive” adults that want to brainwash children. Children’s minds are like sponges. They rely on adults to tell them the truth.
2nd Great News
Trump tells Canada if they were to become the 51st state, their taxes would be cut by more than 60%, their businesses would immediately double in size, and they would be militarily protected like no other country anywhere in the world.
3rd Great News!
Absolutely agreed! Who would want to be told what to do with their health by an organization controlled by Gates who’s whole family has been about depopulation?
Word from the WHO filters down from the “top of the pyramid” down though the various health organizations throughout the world, down to the local hospitals.
Thus, those falling under this umbrella are getting advice from someone who ultimately wants less people on the planet.
and he said;
he’s a Psychopath. Gates is the largest agricultural land owner in the US now. (Control the food, control the population) He also funded the Savard Seed Depository, which houses the world’s original seeds (control the seeds, control the food)
Canada US Mexico amalgamation
Canada becoming the 51st state, on paper is a good idea. Canadian population is roughly that of the state of California. It makes sense. I have memories of road trips with my parents as a child when crossing the US Canada boarder did not require a passport. As long as US stays conservative, I’m all for this but Trump can only do two terms max (8 years) as president. Then what?
According to “Alexa” Canada, USA and Mexico become one on February 20 2031 under US government, which is great unless it’s just another step closer to NWO where there are no more countries and the entire world is ruled by satanists.
Alexa pulled this information from Ask AI also confirms that there is no more USA after Feb 20 2031.
This means one of two things 1) Alexa is wrong and cannot be trusted or b) if it’s right, somebody knows something we don’t.
If we’re comparing this proposed amalgamation to the rest of the world, this would ensure US strong position within the world but if it’s just another step toward globalism, then there’s a problem.
The left want Globalism. They want one government, one military, one “religion” (satanism) one language, one currency. This is what happened in Babylon according to the bible. They made their own deity, “Baal” which they sacrificed men women, children and animals to. They build the “Tower of Babylon” which was destroyed by God. God then separated the people by making them speak separate languages.
Everything the left do is 180 degrees reversed from Biblical teachings. This is why they mock anything to do with Christianity. I saw this 180 degree turn coming in 2019. Just as you see demons speaking backwards in movies, the inverted cross, dark is light, light is dark, “as above so below” (saying satan is like God).
Everything from the bible is reversed. Satan hates God’s creations, hence wants to “rid the world” of humans and animals. Satanic leftists hate “Family”. This is why they do everything they can to destroy family values.
As I’ve said in many of my posts, you MUST read this book cover to cover! Just start with the table of contents to see what’s in it. This has been going on for decades but now their power is increasing exponentially with the use of the Internet and AI and super computing, quantum computing.
In leftist, liberal run Canada, Mayor of Emo Ontario Canada said “We don’t have a justice system in Canada anymore. We have a woke mafia running the courts.” and was fined 5,000.00 personally for acknowledging gay pride month. He refused to pay the fine so they garnished his bank account! Because he wouldn’t acknowledge Gay Pride! They’re saying it’s not even optional!
Theresa Tam, Canada’s Liberal Health Minister says the bird flu is coming… You can get it even if you’re not a bird reading this! They already had the experimental injections ready and waiting for a so called virus that doesn’t exist. They just need something to scare people into rolling up their sleeves, yet again.
“Asymptomatic” another term dreamed up by the left meaning “you’ve got it!, you’re sick, but you don’t even know you’ve got it!” Well that could be anything right? You don’t have any symptoms but you’ve got ABC right? This is great for hypochondriacs! Sounds like children playing in the school yard “oooh don’t touch Sally! She’s got the kooties!” and all the kids run away from her. PS incase you didn’t know, she was born a MAN and was indoctrinated by the World Health Organization (WHO) which is funded by Gates and co.
Same as US “Health secretary Rachel Levine” appointed by Biden, he/she was pushing to put children on “hormone blockers” because “at that age, they don’t know if they are boys or girls yet” because the FREAK doesn’t know if it’s male of female at age 67!
here’s the Belgium Health minister;
Are you starting to see a pattern?
Trump has been left a huge mess to clean up. I don’t know if he can do this in max. two terms (8 years) permitted for a US president.
Trump was indicted with 37 offences. I don’t even know what all 37 were for. Stormy Daniels who blackmailed Trump, trying to extort him for money, remember her? Ya well, her lawyer is now in JAIL for, ya, you guessed it! Extortion and Fraud!
Meanwhile, Bill Clinton paid off Paula Jones and had sex with Monica Lewinsky while he was president, IN the Oval Office. No Charges.
Hillary deleted some 35,000 emails from her own private server and had a “house fire” destroying other evidence, amongst other things - No Charges.
Let’s have a look at the Biden Crime Syndicate;
Here’s Joe Biden
Here’s son Hunter many charges
Here’s wife Jill on the board of directors of “Save the Children” which was recently raided by FBI for CHILD TRAFFICKING!
Joe’s last stab at helping the satanic left, he’s Pardoning Everyone! (except Trump of course.)
Joe has issued 40 Presidential Pardons and 1500 Clemencies and Commutations!
On 12/12/2024, Joe Biden issued 1500 Commutations, the most ever issued by a US President in history! He did this in one day!
This meant the release of Spies, Drug dealers, Terrorists, Murderers, Rapists and Pedophiles to name a few. Not to mention the time and costs involved in capturing, convicting and incarcerating each one! All of that for nothing!
The families of those who lost loved ones to these convicts can’t believe it and now live in fear.
The second largest single-day act of clemency was by fellow Democrat President Barack Obama, with 330, shortly before leaving office in 2017.
The president had previously issued 122 commutations and 21 other pardons.
Joe Biden also released 100s of Terrorists and sent them back to Afghanistan to “run their country” after Trump took years to clean up the Taliban mess there. Biden took US military out of the country and leaving the Taliban with Billions of dollars in cash, armaments, vehicles even jets! Just left it all there.
This is similar to Trudeau supporting the Terrorists
Of course he pardoned his son, which he previously said he wouldn’t do.
One of the most disturbing “Pardons” Joe handed out before Trump takes office was to this man, a JUDGE who was putting kids in JAIL in exchange for CASH!
In one instance, a young boy, all star wrestler was put in JAIL for a minor drug offence where he KILLED HIMSELF. The mother is on this video yelling at the judge for taking her son’s life! BIDEN gave this asshole a Presidential Pardon.
The same “Judge” also embezzled 54 million;
He jailed more than 2,300 children and accepted over 2.8 million in bribes to put them away but HE gets a PRESIDENTIAL PARDON from the Satanic Leftist Puppet “Biden” before he checks out.
more on the CASH FOR KIDS scandal here…
Are we seeing a pattern here yet?
Here’s the president (puppet) of Ukraine
Marcon of France dancing in a gay club with devil horns.
this one has both President of Ukraine and Prime Minister of France, Macron;
Stormy Daniels Lawyer is now in prison for Fraud and Extortion
Biden Pardons Pedophiles, Mass Murderers
& Green Lights Bombings Over the World! Full Show 12/23/24
Merry Christmas! Everybody gets a Presidential Pardon!
(except Trump)
Kim Kardashian’s “Christmas” video
They made a mockery of the last supper in the France Olympics. Now Kardashian makes a mockery of Christmas with this Satanic, zero talent video. Watch near the end they have a "nun" saying "God isn't perfect" or something to that effect. They just bastardize everything Christian. What's the purpose of this video besides bastardizing Christmas? It's like they're all on drugs in the video, passed out on the floor. They make fun of money like it means nothing to them while people are starving on the streets. I hope people will start to see these idiots for what they really are. Her "fans" ROASTED her over this! Good..
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11