WEF Indoctrinated marks placed in strategic positions
'Lettuce' remind you that "Peter Polivere's" wife was CEO of "Switch Health", the largest manufacturer of the COVEY tests (which were bogus to begin with but that's another story)
2) Lettuce not forget that Peter Polivere's wife was a big advocate of the slogan "STAY THE FUCK AT HOME" keeping people locked in their houses incase they catch a cold.
3) Peter has been indoctrinated by the WEF. Please see;
4) Peter's page on the WEF website has been removed (Queen Justin's and FreeLand's are still up there, proud as ever)
here's Freeland at the WEF
to get her Indoctrinations (they have to keep going for training)
5) Peter has already been selected to take the throne as the next Queen of the country formerly known as Canada. It's already a done deal. With gas prices so expensive now, I wouldn't even waste a nickel on gas to drive to the polling station. These people are SELECTED NOT ELECTED!
Peter* will continue to Support Ukraine
and says Russia “invaded Ukraine illegally”
Here he trashes on Russia like a good little WEF indoctrinate! Good boy! You get a cookie!
Except not from Putin. Maybe the fudge packer from Ukraine will give him a cookie.
( * I call him “Peter” because this is Canada and it’s easier)
It’s like all the kids get a trophy now just for participation! Thanks for showing up for school kids! You get a cookie!
“FreeLand”* Canada’s FINANCE MINISTER doesn't know how much “CARBON TAX” has cost Canadians
* Is that really her real name? It must be a joke. They put her in Canada and call her Free Land named after the free stuff they handout to the migrants.
and True Dough? Really? Like they are making a mockery of Canadian worth. Like Canadian currency is like monopoly money so the WEF makes up a name like True Dough.. They likely laugh about it over cigars and dry martinis saying “but it’s True Though!”
Anyway here, the “Finance Minister of Canada” either refuses to answer a simple question “How much will the carbon tax cost Canadians” OR she simply doesn’t know the answer. Take a look…
Well Ms* FREE LAND, WE have the answer for you;
( * or “Mr” …. Lettuce not be presumptuous now! )
The GST on the carbon tax alone will cost Canadians 500 million for the year! Just the GST on the “Carboni” Tax! No wonder Ray is laughing at Canada … or is he laughing at FREE LAND that she doesn’t know the answer? Or just laughing at the names made up for Canada like Free Land and Just In True Dough - Like “we’re in the money” but Just in True Dough. It’s all laughable.
GST (Now HST) Harmonized Sales Tax (aka it’s on everything now!) is already a TAX and they are charging this TAX ON THE “CARBONI TAX!”
Queen Justin admits
to CSIS that China and India helped him win the election, not the Canadian people, yet he did nothing about it.
A while back we posted about how the fudge packer admitted foreign interference into both his electron wins after being grilled by CSIS yet the slack jawed fairy did nothing about it.
Since that post, it was noted that he cut funding to CSIS and increased funding to his propaganda arm, the CBC. Now CBC gets more money from the Federal Govt. Than our Intelligence agency. Do you really think the queen gives a fuck about what you want to see or hear on CBC? oF course not. She’s only interested in pushing her own agenda and I guess she got her panties in a knot when the CSIS agent pushed the Queens buttons, so the queen cut their funding. Kinda like Pharaoh made Moses double the tally of bricks made by his people (slaves of the Pharaoh) and to do so with 1/2 the hay. Of course Moses’ people were upset with Moses after having such a bad negotiation with Pharaoh.
⭐️ Lest We Forget ⭐️
Never forget how your government duped everyone into believing that there was a killer virus on the loose and that unless everyone took the Bill Gates' Experimental Gene Editing Injections, everyone would surely die. And let us not forget how many stupid people went along with it! (and STILL DO!)
Watch as this devote citizen of earth gets a blessing from His Assholiness, The Masked Bishop of Grocery Aisle II
Deep Deep questions for your ponderization.....
⭐️ Why did the chicken cross the road?
⭐️ How do they get the caramel inside the chocolates?
⭐️ Why didn't the Ebola cross the borders? Was it not as smart as the COVEY? 🤣
More daft people
Calling these people “Sheep” is an insult to sheep!
A random dude "scans people" using nothing more than a fucking LINT BRUSH to prove how gullible people are. They do what he says. Monkey puts his arms up, other monkeys do the same. Monkey see, monkey do.
ooohaa, but tha’s no ORDINARY LINT BRUSH!
Speaking about the daft…
Here the limp wristed fruit cake saying “there’s nothing wrong with waving Palestinian flags in Canada BUT the waving the Canadian Flags at the Trucker Freedom Convoy in Ottawa was “offensive”.
Now do you understand Grasshopper!?
It’s always the sick satanic leftists liberal homo/pedophiles
I’m out!