A War between Good and Evil
Left vs Right is not so much a political term but rather one of Good vs Evil. Once we realize this, things become clear. Decisions are easier to make and there is no fear, no darkness. Let us attend..
I know there’s a lot to take in here and I know everyone’s got a million things to do but stick with me here for a few moments. If you get though this post I promise you Free Added Bonus Intel at the end.
Let us start this post with a couple of quotes from the Bible about exposing evil
1. Ephesians 5:11-12 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.
2. Psalm 94:16 Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand for me against those who practice iniquity?
Some say there is no “Left vs Right” and that both sides are wings of the same bird.
Well, we know there is good and bad in everyone (left or right). The bible teaches us that we are all sinners. Nobody is perfect. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Clearly there is Good and there is Evil. That’s as plain as black and white. I believe if we follow Jesus, the bible, this is our greatest protection from Evil.
What some are about to see and hear in this post after reading these words and watching these videos may be too much for them to handle. Many will dismiss it as conspiracy or fake or anything that frees their mind from having to accept the truth.
As I’ve noted before the Truth is not for the weak or the faint of heart. To face the truth, takes a warrior.
It’s not the purpose of this post to scare anyone or depress them or make them paranoid. The purpose is to expose the truth and to us strength. Know thy enemy. How can you fight an enemy if you don’t know who the enemy is? How would you even know we are at war?
When we understand something, it becomes easier, not as complicated. When we train, we get stronger. This is training against evil.
British MP Blows Whistle
'My Colleagues Are Elite Pedophiles Who Drink Babies' Blood'
(these first three pics are from the same video so don’t get scared like there are too many videos to watch - click the images to get to the video)
At 1:20 in the video, Russian President Vladimir Putin says Satanic “Elites have been stuffing their belly with human flesh for centuries.” but he goes on to say “They (the satanists) have to understand, the Vampire’s Ball is coming to an end”.
This is one of the many reasons he’s in Ukraine. Please note this has absolutely nothing to do with the Ukrainian people! No more than the people of Canada are a reflection of their outgoing Prime Minister, Queen Justin or the American people are a reflection of the Biden regime.
As far fetched at all this may sound, 1/2 way though, they caught Director of Planned Parenthood Los Angeles Branch “Doctor” Mary Gatter on candid camera negotiating the price of BODY PARTS!! 😳😡🤮 later in the video they expose demonism and say how this has been going on for centuries! THIS IS REAL!
Clip shows Planned Parenthood's Dr Mary Glatter negotiating with undercover actors to sell aborted fetuses for $100 each
She also agrees to asking surgeon to perform 'less crunchy' abortion method which would produce more intact fetuses - a violation of medical law
Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger Slee in 1947. As we know, Satanists love to skew words to hide evil in plain sight!
“Planned Parenthood” is meant to sound like an organization helping young people plan a family and most naive take this at face value! However in reality, it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Planning a Family. It’s all about PREVENTING the family and ABORTION and STERILIZATION and FEARING young people in to NOT having children. Please see Ch 29, page 130 “Attack on the Family” in this book. (Pro Tip: it’s advisable to read the whole book)
She was FUNDED by Bill Gates father who would stay on the board of directors of Planned Parenthood hence —> Bill’s love affair with depopulation. ← He says “depopulation” in several clips here. Here he talks about “Death Panels” people who “decide” who should live and who needs to .. well you know.
It’s the same kind of use of words the Satanic Elite use to hide things in plain sight, like World Economic Forum. The claim to be bringing the world together to help the world to be more sustainable etc but in reality, it’s all about how they can get countries to sign agreements, handing over their sovereign rights to this foreign entity and how they install their own indoctrinated people in key places to rule through them. aka the puppets and the puppet masters.
Another good example is World Health Organization. On the outside, it seems like a nice organization working toward the better health of everyone in the world. however in reality, it’s major funder is Bill Gates. Hello!?
No surprise that Hillary Clinton loves Planned Parenthood. It does two things, keeps the population down and offers endless supply of baby body parts for the Satanic Elite
Are you seeing how this all ties together?
Stick with me there’s more!
Eyewitnesses Testify King Charles Killed Child in 'Human Hunting Party' on European Estate
Watch this several times!
Above video is 23 minutes long. At 18 minutes, they talk about the bloodlines, Charles can be traced back to Vlad the Impaler (aka Dracula) Each of the European Elite can be traced back to the Roman Empire, Romans can trace their bloodlines back to the Egyptian Dynasties and the Egyptians can be traced back to the Babylonians who crossed God. All these people wanted to rule the world. They all made sacrifices to false Gods (Satan). So you can see how their MO has been the same for centuries. The Babylonians say they got their rights from supernatural powers (demons).
The video talks about Child trafficking, human hunting parties. In typical Satanic fashion, they have to release movies and notes about what they are doing to prevent karma from coming back at them. This is why you always see movies the seemingly predict future events. It’s not just “Hunger Games” with this theme, as you will see many movies, even the Simpsons puts this idea out there in the world, so as to combat their own karma from boomeranging back at them.
Satanic Karma
At the risk of sounding repetitive; if the satanist sells you a poison apple and you die from it, this karma blows back on the satanist however if the satanist does something, anything to “warn” the victim, then it’s “fair game” no karma. The warning could be in the wording, there could be fine print, there could be a movie about poison apples etc as long as there was something that says “I told you so”. The best example is when they used the 2012 Olympic games in UK to preface what they planned to do to the world. It was a huge attack on the world, so they needed a huge anti karma warning and what bigger stage could they get then the Olympics which would be watched by the entire world.
Remember in the first video how Putin said “this Vampirism has been going on for centuries”, the video above talks about the bloodlines which can go back to biblical times and how all this evil got passed down over centuries.
Told yu man, you have to read this book! It takes us back to Ancient Egypt. You will start to see the beginning of Evil back then. You will be able to see how it infiltrates into today. You’ll know where this is all coming from.
Keep in mind the Internet is only 30 years old! Yes it was used before that throughout world war II but it gained public acceptance only 30 years ago. Now anyone with Internet access can share information worldwide in seconds. This helps to expose things we just weren’t privy to before.
JFK knew about the secret societies that planned to rule the world. He talked about them in his famous speech to the press in ‘61, well before internet. Before internet, we were kept in the dark over many things (still are). This is why many things today seem absurd to most. We just didn’t have access to this sort of information.
Los Angeles 2028
13 Nations Sign Wef Treaty to Destroy and Rebuild Major Cities Before 2030
Lettuce Attend….
Los Angeles is set to host the Olympics in 2028 however it is also set to become the World's Model for a “Smart Cities” across the world. This is why they burned it down so they can start fresh. “Smart City” is like an open jail. This is one of the methods they want use to control everyone.
As the video suggests to “google “Los Angeles 2028” I’ve done it for you however I don’t use google because it’s only provides leftist views. Yandex gives a more neutral view. Have a look.
If you still think the fires were natural “wild fires” please watch these couple of videos;
https://old.bitchute.com/video/4oEBy6HXmhH4/ (5:37) and
https://old.bitchute.com/video/KssgNA9prde6/ (28:24)
Can you start to see now how this is a war between good and evil?
15 years ago it was my dream to move to LA and make movies. I already had a distributor there and in making connections, there was this woman who was a B and C movie actor. She lived there, been in many movies, never a ‘star’ but always working. Won’t say her name but we talked a lot. Back then she used to tell me stories about how I was so wrong about my perception of LA and California. She told me how it was full of satanists, pedophiles and rapists and it’s an evil place. This is way before Epstein and Weinstein were taken out. I’d been there on a few occasions and had nothing but fun. I took her warnings as a grain of salt. I used all those words, crazy, conspiracist, anything that would solidify my image of Hollywood and diminish hers. I mean, she was eccentric. She lived alone, probably with 6 cats and a collections of Barbara Streisand albums. I thought she was mad at the system because she never made it to the top, therefore jealous and jaded. The truth was, she was right! She was an insider. She knew the truth. She never succumbed to the “casting couch” or took any satanic oaths. I wrote more about her here if you are interested in that story.
I predict many will see this post the same way I saw her back then. Crazy. But if you made it this far, watched the videos, congratulations, you are a 1%er! You have an open mind and you are strong enough to realize what’s going on and to see the truth from the lies.
Folks, we have to reach this stage. We have to be able to tell Good from Evil. Once we recognize that, the rest is easy. It becomes easy to make decisions and ironically, as dark as things may look, once we see this big picture, the darkness is no longer scary or even grim.
Its like a fighter. If the untrained was to get into a fight, they would freeze with fear. In this state, they cannot fight back. They become a punching bag. But the more you train, in ANYTHING, the easier it gets. The fight doesn’t look so bad. You are able to predict your opponents next moves and in doing so, save your own ass and the asses of your friends and family.
So no, I don’t write these things, post the the videos to be negative or make people upset or show they what a terrible world we live in, I post them to give us strength and courage to be able to see the opponent and recognize their moves. Like the first bibles quotes on this post about exposing evil. It’s really our duty to do so. You can see the evil when you see main stream media trying to cover the truth, censoring the truth. That’s all evil at work.
We need more on our side. I know there are still millions out there who still take the news as the gospel or “what everybody else does” as right.
As soon as people start to realize, this is a fight between good and evil, it’s like a light switch. Everything is so predictable after that but most are not there yet. This is why I post these things, so that we can learn the truth and act accordingly.
People see Left vs Right as a political thing. I guess it is to some degree because its the left, the liberals who like to be well, liberal. They like to feel they are open to new ways. This means letting go of the bible and being accepting of al these things like boys can be girls and girls can be boys and on and on. It’s a slipperily slope when you start away from God and the bible. One thing leads to another and soon you have drag queens teaching children about pedophilla in public schools.
The right, are conservative. The right are entrenched in conservative, old school ways. Like boys are boys, girls are girls. The conservatives go by the bible. Old school rules. Man and woman, families. It’s not very hard and these concepts have gotten us where we are today.
But you see how it’s much more than political? Communism, spearheaded by Karl Marx, is Evil. It’s a way to control the masses designed by him. Karl Marx was also a satanist. Of course its promoted to be “one for all and all for one” just like Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with planning a family. Communism is about controlling the masses and a few at the top of the pyramid enjoy riches.
The opposite of communism is capitalism. Capitalism give everyone a chance as doing what ever they want. building things, adding value and being rewarded for their efforts. Communism doesn’t reward anyone for anything. Communism you are told what to do and “they” decide what you get (if anything)
People seem to fixate on the politicians themselves. “He said this or he did that” or “I don’t like his hair”. Forget about that! Look at the Big Picture. Look above the politicians and see who is for good, who is evil. Are they doing godly things or things that would serve the dark side?
Left vs Right in my books is the fight between good and evil. Evil to me are things that don’t align with old school conservative views, things that go against God. The right serves God.
Well, you made it this far. Now as promised here is your
Added Free Bonus intel
Meters don't lie... The 1 = the meter is off the scale aka pinned or maxed out. The alarm stays on steady and the numbers are not calculable so it just shows “1” with a constant alarm.☝️I try not to even PARK beside those things!
The truth is our armor
Let us close this session with a reading from the Bible
Ephesians 6:12
King James Bible
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6
The Full Armor of God
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
13 Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness arrayed, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 Pray in the Spirit at all times, with every kind of prayer and petition. To this end, stay alert with all perseverance in your prayers for all the saints. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will boldly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it fearlessly, as I should. 🙏